Minutes - 05/23/2019 - Planned Development CommissionVILLAGE O F MINUTES OF THE MAY 235 2019 OAK BR , K , REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE 1. CALL TO ORDER: 0 3. 5. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON OCTOBER 24, 2019 The Regular Meeting of the Planned Development Commission was called to order by Chairwoman Marcia Tropinski in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler Government Center at 7:00 p.m. R OLL CA LL - Cathy Chiarelli called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: Chairwoman Marcia Tropinski, Vice Chairman Wayne Ziemer, Members Jeffrey Bulin, Natalie Cappetta and Thomas Doyle ABSENT: Members Raju Iyer and Alfred Savino IN ATTENDANCE: Development Services Director Tony Budzikowski, Public Works Director Doug Patchin, Deputy Police Chief Jason Cates, Battalion Chief Jeff Marciniak, Village Consultant Engineer James Patterson, Village Planner Rebecca Von Drasek, and Planning Technician Assistant Cathy Chiarelli APPROVAL OF MINUTES CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APRIL 25,2019 OF APRIL 25, 2019 Motion by Vice Chairman Ziemer, seconded by Member Bulin to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2019 Regular Planned Development Commission meeting as written. VOICE VOTE: Motion Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. NEW BUSINESS VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 1 of 13 -10000 May 23, 2019 UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 5. A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT — CASE NUMBER 2019-03-ZO-PUD — COMMERCE 20o i - COMMERCE PLAZA PROPERTY, LLC, c/o ZELLER DEVELOPMENT PLAZA- SPRING CORPORATION, PROPERTY OWNER — 2001-2015-2021 SPRING ROAD— ROAD - PROPOSED PROPOSED RESTAURANT DEVELOPMENT RESTAURANT Member Bulin disclosed to the Commission that he had worked on the subject property with a previous owner. He assured the members it would not affect his judgment in reviewing the requested petition for the proposed planned development. Chairwoman Tropinski announced the commencement of the public hearing for the proposed planned development and all witnesses that testified were sworn in. Bridget O'Keefe, Daspin & Aument, 300 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2200, Chicago, Illinois, attorney for the applicant reviewed the request for a planned development to add a restaurant pad on the Commerce Plaza property. A specific restaurant operator has not yet been identified, but they were seeking approval of several zoning variations. She gave a PowerPoint presentation of the plans and relief requested. The property is zoned ORA -2 which allows a restaurant as a permitted use. The variations being sought were as follows: 1. Section 13-10B-3: Reduce the front yard setback from 100 feet to 56 feet. 2. Section 13-11- l OC -5: To allow a third monument sign to help identify the location of the proposed restaurant. 3. Section 13-1 OB -2: To allow an outdoor seating area adjacent to the proposed restaurant. Jan Goldsmith, President of Zeller Development and representative of Commerce Plaza Property, LLC reviewed a portion of the PowerPoint and described the property in detail. They believe the addition of a restaurant use to the site was necessary in order to maintain the property as a Class A office building campus. As part of the redevelopment of the property and with anticipation of a new restaurant, Phase I of the redevelopment has added over $300k in landscaping upgrades. They also added 150 parking spaces, which brings the total number of spaces to over 1,700. Zeller Development is a long-term holder of the property and the proposed restaurant would be added as another element of Commerce Plaza. They do not intend to sell the restaurant site, but will be leased by an operator. They are very particular about what type of restaurant, size, etc. would be acceptable to not diminish the value of the property. They are seeking planned development approvals in order to attract the right restaurant user. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 2 of 13 May 23, 2019 START The proposed restaurant will be one to two stories in height and a maximum of 14,000 square -feet. It will be a "white table cloth" style without any banquet facility. Appearance from all facades is very important, so roof top screening will be provided as well as sensitive signage. The offices within Commerce Plaza will look down on the restaurant and therefore, the rooftop must be a high quality design as well. In addition to the proposed restaurant, Phase II of the redevelopment includes extensive landscaping upgrades. Additional landscape configurations will be provided once the restaurant is designed. Access to the restaurant will be from Spring Road for both valet parking and self - park. Self -parking will be available in the northwest parking lot of Commerce Plaza. There is an access road from the circular drive that goes directly to the northwest parking lot, which would help with traffic on Spring Road. A service entrance will be provided within the circular drive, and deliveries would take place before or after office hours. They are determined to ensure that the restaurant will not diminish the property in any way and plan to enclose rubbish and HVAC units as required. There will be a plan in place to remove all standing vehicles immediately in the event of an emergency of any kind. An illustration of the potential restaurant was presented. The rendering was completed by a premier restaurant architect. Several elevations of the restaurant, circular drive and signage were reviewed. Wendell Hollan, First Vice President CBRE, 700 Commerce Drive, Suite 550, Oak Brook, stated his firm was approached by the owners of Commerce Plaza to secure a restaurant for the site. He has been involved commercial real estate for more than 40 years and has an expertise in the food service sector and has brokered an excess of over 600 restaurants as well owning and operating a few. There are potential tenants in mind that were excited about the opportunity for a large, free-standing restaurant in Oak Brook. However, they would like a "level playing field" since the redevelopment of the McDonald's parcel will include several free-standing restaurants and have full motion curb -cuts and signalized intersections. He believed not having left outbound access to Spring Road limits the marketability of the restaurant. The fine -dining establishments being targeted for this property VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 3 of 13 May 23, 2019 have very discriminating site selection criteria. Unrestricted access is key to any of the potential tenants. They have been in negotiations with two premier restaurants that have provisions within their agreement which require full motion curb -cut along Spring Road. Without full access they are at a competitive disadvantage and may not be able to secure a fine -dining restaurant for the site. Shane Leathers, Founder/President FC Valet, 219 55th Street Suite 305, Clarendon Hills has been in the valet business for 26 years. They currently have the contract for valet services to all restaurants in Oak Brook and Oakbrook Center, as well as several hospitals and medical facilities. The Commerce Plaza property owners were proactive in having a valet company review their proposed restaurant prior to any construction. It gave FC Valet the opportunity to help design the valet plan. The design includes several holding spaces to facilitate any valet overflow. There is also an access road directly to the northwest parking lot which will be used and there would be ample on-site valet parking available. FC Valet is accustomed to dealing with emergency situations and have processes in place to deal with such emergencies. Due to the large staff within the immediate area, they are able to deploy personnel to help in the event of an emergency. They recently developed an App that allows customers to request their vehicle without having to leave the restaurant. The App also tracks car counts for walk-ins, reservations, events, etc. The App allows FC to properly staff according the day of the week, etc. Bill Grieve, Senior Transportation Engineer, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., 625 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, IL was confident that traffic can be accommodated on Spring Road and the access drive according to the restaurant plan. The site is situated between two traffic lights on Spring Road. They have 510 -feet of road space from Harger Road compared to 490 -feet of road space from Harger Road that Hilton Double -Tree Hotel has. The hotel has a four-way drive/full access intersection. There were 3 accidents near that intersection from 2012-2017 and he believed there was more accident potential near the hotel than there would be near the restaurant site. There were 6 accidents from 2012-2016, between Harger Road and Commerce Plaza, which calculates to 1.2 per year. Four of the 6 were rear -end accidents and did not involve turning movements. The plan proposes full access to Spring Road with two exiting lanes to separate right and left turns. This would allow a quicker flow for right turns. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 4 of 13 May 23, 2019 Peak hour traffic was reviewed based on adjacent streets peak weekday evenings and FC Valet's App data. Street peak hour between 4:30-5:30 p.m. showed 875 cars on Spring Road. Actual peak hour date (real-time from FC's App) 6:30-7:30 p.m. showed 440 cars on Spring Road, which is about 50% less than the traffic between 4:30-5:30. The GHA ITE Analysis for a restaurant at this location, the 4:30-5:30 time showed approximately 109 trips. The 6:30-7:30 time showed approximately 116 trips. They believe that up to 25% of the restaurant trips could be from employees of Commerce Plaza. However, that discount was not applied to the analysis. The FC Valet data that was gathered from other fine dining restaurants in the area showed approximately 37 valet trips between 4:30-5:30 and 49 valet trips between 6:30-7:30. The Double Tree Hotel has approximately 14 cars making left hand turns onto Spring Road between 12:00-1:00 p.m. and approximately 27 left hand turns between 4:30- 5:30 p.m. The proposed restaurant is projected to have approximately 6 left hand turns between 12:00-1:00 p.m. and 19 left hand turns between 4:30-5:30 p.m. He explained that the proposed restaurant will operate at what traffic engineers consider a "design level of service" which is not assumed to cause delays. Their study concluded that there would only be one car at time waiting to make a left turn out of the restaurant onto Spring Road. The design provides for up to 6 cars to stack at a time. There would be less than a one second delay impact at the signals to the north and south of the proposed restaurant. He was confident that full access to the restaurant would not cause any safety or delay issues. Ms. O'Keefe explained that the primary reason the petition was deferred for one month was to further study and consider any issues with traffic for a full access restaurant at the location. Safety is a concern for all and especially the long-term property owners. Steve Cross, Cross Engineering and Associates, Inc., 1955 Raymond Drive, Suite 119, Northbrook, IL discussed the stormwater management on the property. Currently, about 83% of the property's stormwater flows from west to east into a restrictor manhole. During low -flow events where the runoff does not exceed the restrictor capacity, the stormwater is discharged directly into Salt Creek. When the stormwater exceeds the restrictor capacity the excess runoff is diverted into a detention basin below the parking structure to be pumped once the runoff flow has subsided. During Phase I of the Commerce Plaza re -development, a water quality structure was added to the northwest parking lot area. This structure was added with anticipation of the proposed restaurant. In addition, they plan to provide a A -acre concrete VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 5 of 13 May 23, 2019 I,b storage vault under the restaurant drive aisle. It will attenuate the flows and detain the required storage volume, releasing the stormwater into an existing water quality structure as it works its way to Salt Creek. They plan to comply with all codes. Ms. O'Keefe asked that the complete written standards contained in the case file be approved as part of the formal record. She reviewed several standards that were most relevant to the project. • The proposed restaurant is consistent with the Commercial Areas Revitalization Plan which identifies the property as an excellent restaurant site. • The proposed 2 -story restaurant will be setback from the existing office buildings and not have an impact on light or air to adjacent properties. • The proposed restaurant is a permitted use in the ORA -2 district and will not alter the character of the area. It will be owned by the same owners of the office buildings in Commerce Plaza. It is in their best interest to ensure no adverse issues come to their properties. • Adequate utilities, road access, drainage and other necessary facilities will be provided to serve the development. Additional stormwater detention shall be provided as well. • The traffic study concluded that the existing road network can handle any traffic generated by the restaurant, and there is more than adequate parking available on site. • Adequate landscape buffering will be added where needed. • Signage will be designed to comply with code. • The applicant currently owns and operates three existing buildings in Commerce Plaza that have 24-hour on-site security. They intend to work with the restaurant tenant to develop security protocols. • Architectural standards will ensure that the restaurant is complementary to the design of the existing office buildings. Open space will continue to exist for use by tenants. • The site was designed to minimize views of storage areas, trash containment, mechanical equipment, loading areas, etc. A view from above will provide an attractive building with a green roof and an outdoor seating area. • A green roof, environmentally sensitive stormwater design, permeable pavers and LED lighting will be incorporated for an energy efficient design. • All existing access points from Spring Road, Commerce Drive and Harger Road will remain unchanged, as will the existing bike path on Harger Road. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 6 of 13 May 23, 2019 _(b The variation request for the 56 -foot setback is due to the location of the foundation of the restaurant. The restaurant was positioned in order to ensure that it was not directly above the existing underground parking. The variation request for a third monument sign is needed to identify the location of the restaurant. The entire site is over 800 -feet long. The last variation request is for an outdoor dining area adjacent to the restaurant. It will be compliant with all zoning codes. Member Doyle asked for clarification of the "green roof' term. Ms. Goldsmith described it as sustainability green identification and would like to see a substantial portion of the roof to be green, with a small portion needed for mechanical equipment. Due to the fact that the office buildings look down onto the restaurant, the rooftop appearance is very important. Ms. O'Keefe mentioned that once an operator is identified, they will come back with elevations and complete landscape plans. Vice Chairman Ziemer asked to see a plan that shows where the underground parking and the restaurant building overlap, which was the reason for the setback variation request. Ms. O'Keefe presented a slide detailing the plan. Member Doyle asked if the restaurant would use the underground parking. Ms. Goldsmith replied that they would not use the underground parking, but that it will be evaluated again at a later time. The plan is for the valet to use the northwest parking lot. Member Cappetta commented that the northwest parking lot currently has one-hour parking signs. She asked if those signs would be changed. Ms. Goldsmith replied that they were evaluating the lunch time parking needs, but believed there was enough parking available at the northwest lot. Member Cappetta asked Director Budzikowski how many spaces were required for a 14,000 square -foot restaurant. Director Budzikowski stated they needed 10 per 1,000 square -feet - 140 spaces. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 7 of 13 May 23, 2019 Ms. Goldsmith noted that the northwest lot is intended for lunchtime. There would be ample parking for the dinner rush since the office parking lot would become available. Director Budzikowski stated that with the proposal, 1754 parking spaces would be provided onsite. According to code, that leaves a surplus of 120 parking spaces. Member Cappetta was concerned about the access to the restaurant from the office parking lot. She wanted to know if a restaurant patron would be able to pass through the office corridor in order to access the restaurant. She asked if they would consider providing access through the corridor via double glass doors to secure the office building. Ms. Goldsmith responded that was not the intention due to security. Employees would be the only people who would be able to pass through using a security card - key. However, they would be willing to evaluate the double glass door suggestion. Ms. O'Keefe believed up to 70% of restaurant patrons would be using valet parking. Member Cappetta asked if the valet company would use both surface and underground parking. Ms. O'Keefe replied that they would primarily be using the surface parking and that decisions had not been made about the underground parking. Member Cappetta was concerned that the valet would take up the entire northwest lot and anyone who wanted to self -park wouldn't be able to use that lot. She wanted to know how many spaces would be designated for self -park in the northwest lot. Ms. Goldsmith responded that they may designate around 25 spaces for the lunch crowd. Ms. O'Keefe anticipated that approximately 70% of the restaurant traffic would arrive after 6:30 p.m. when the office parking lot is empty. Ms. Goldsmith stated that they cannot hurt their office tenants and will work to balance the uses. Member Cappetta questioned the number of handicap parking spaces needed. Planner Von Drasek replied that the requirement is based on the number of spaces in the lot and not the size of the use. The handicap parking spaces would need to be VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 8 of 13 May 23, 2019 --- b spread throughout the site to ensure they are provided at or near points of entry. New spaces were provided in the northwest lot during Phase I and several new spaces are shown on the restaurant site plan. Director Budzikowski added that there were 5 handicap spaces provided in front of the restaurant, which should cover the requirement. Member Cappetta asked Battalion Chief Marciniak if the circular drive and canopy structure allow enough space for emergency vehicles to maneuver as needed. He replied that the minimum height for the canopy must be 14 -feet high. Some of the turns are too tight for a ladder -truck and need to be smoothed out. Further information regarding the fire hydrant location needs to be clarified since it should be within 100 -feet of the sprinkler connection. These are items Chief Liss wanted to have addressed. Mr. Cross reviewed the slide showing the plan with the fire truck turning analysis and noted that after the last staff meeting, changes were made to the plan to accommodate the turning radius for the ladder -truck. Engineer Patterson commented that the analysis should take into consideration that the fire truck is traveling at a consistent speed and not slowing for turns. Mr. Cross replied that he usually sets the speed at approximately 5 miles per hour. Member Cappetta asked if this new building would in any way prohibit the fire department's access to the three office buildings in Commerce Plaza. Battalion Chief Marciniak stated the new driveway to the restaurant would actually provide better access. Ms. O'Keefe stated that they have also agreed to adjust the height of the canopy. Member Doyle suggested that the design of the building be consistent with the other buildings on the property. Director Budzikowski commented that the staff report provided a condition that the building elevations, including color palettes, building materials, architectural features, etc. shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Board. Member Doyle was not comfortable with providing full access for the left turn onto Spring Road. He felt there was very little break in the traffic during peak times. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 9 of 13 May 23, 2019 Mr. Grieve noted that the traffic lights at Harger Road and Commerce Drive create automatic gaps in traffic. He assumed the lights are approximately two minutes long. They projected at worst case scenario that 19 cars would make a left turn out of the restaurant drive during peak hours. That equates to about one car every three minutes. The traffic model that was used also included the new Oak Brook Commons projected traffic. The study concluded that the restaurant driveway would still operate at the design level of service and they were very comfortable with a full access drive. Vice Chairman Ziemer believed that there wouldn't be many patrons trying to make a left turn to leave the restaurant at 4:30 p.m. He wanted to clarify that no one from the office would be making a left turn out the restaurant driveway. Mr. Grieve responded that employees would be existing from other parking lots on the property and not from the circular drive. Member Cappetta said that she works in the area of the proposed restaurant and drives on Spring Road often. By 5:30 p.m. her office building is empty and there are large breaks in traffic on Spring Road after that time. She was not concerned about a full access drive. She did however want to ensure that the new signage would not block any traffic views. Mr. Grieve presented a slide showing the plan to provide a striped car holding area in the median to allow exiting left turns to stage while awaiting a gap in southbound through traffic on Spring Road. Member Doyle asked who would pay to alter the median and if there was a trend in removing medians and painting the surfaces. Director Budzikowski responded that if full access was approved, any improvements would be at the applicant's expense. Public Works Director Patchin added that Oak Brook is not in the practice of removing medians. Member Cappetta wanted to ensure that restaurant employees would not use the northwest parking lot. Ms. O'Keefe was willing to commit that restaurant employees would not park in the northwest lot. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 10 of 13 May 23, 2019 Member Cappetta questioned how many cars would be able to stack in the circular drive while waiting to exit onto Spring Road. Mr. Grieve replied that up to four cars are able to stack, but realistically there should only be one car at a time. Member Cappetta asked if there were any bike racks and where the location was for service deliveries and trash disposal. Ms. O'Keefe responded there were existing bike racks on the property and the bike paths on Harger would not be effected. Ms. Goldsmith also responded that they would add bike parking where needed. She noted that garbage would be held internally and picked up once a day. All service deliveries would happen before or after hours. Member Doyle questioned what type of gate would be used for the access road to the northwest lot. Ms. Goldsmith replied that the gate would be a simple wood, electronically operated gate. It would serve as a barrier to prevent underground garage parkers from entering the circular drive. The gate would likely remain open once the underground parking garage was emptied at the end of the day. Member Cappetta asked if the underground parking would be available to restaurant patrons. Ms. Goldsmith said that if the underground parking was ever used for the restaurant, it would be limited to valet parking only. Ms. O'Keefe and the team thanked staff for all of their help. They agreed with all of staff s conditions with the exception of number 3, which prevents exiting the circular drive via a left turn onto Spring Road. They would like to have full access granted. Director Budzikowski asked the members to consider giving staff and a consultant the ability to annually monitor the full access permission. Member Bulin agreed and also stated there were several evolving pieces that may need to be reviewed annually. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 11 of 13 May 23, 2019 Motioned by Member Bulin, seconded by Vice Chairman Ziemer to recommend approval of the proposed development with full access as requested in condition number 3, subject to the following conditions: 1. Final approval of building elevations for the restaurant building shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Board. Design and/or architectural guidelines may be provided for incorporation into the PD agreement that identify color palettes, building materials and other architectural features for a high- quality commercial restaurant project. 2. In the event that the development parcel is sold or subdivided at a future date, cross -access and shared parking easements shall be provided within the development's surface parking lots and parking structures/decks in consideration of the mixed-use commercial nature of the development. The cross access and shared parking easements must be in a form approved by the Village Attorney prior to recordation. 3. The curb cut for Spring Road shall be engineered and constructed to grant full access at the applicant's expense. Staff and a consultant have the ability to monitor the full access permission annually. 4. Final engineering approval shall be required prior to the issuance of the building permit for the Development. 5. Final landscape plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of the building permit for the Development. 6. The outdoor dining area location shall be approved in accordance with the approved site plan and shall not require a separate special use permit approval. Final review and approval of the outdoor seating area shall be provided with a building permit and reviewed/ approved by the Development Services Department. 7. Trash enclosures and other service areas shall be provided within the individual building unless otherwise noted on the approved site plan. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 12 of 13 May 23, 2019 8. All sign proposals shall comply with applicable sign code regulations of the Oak Brook zoning ordinance. 9. Compliance with Plans: The development, maintenance, and operation of the Property will be in substantial compliance with the plans and documents as submitted, except for minor changes approved by the Development Services Director and Village Manager in accordance with Section 13-15-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 — Members Bulin, Cappetta, Doyle, Vice Chairman Ziemer and Chairwoman Tropinski Nays: 0 — Absent: 2 — Members Iyer and Savino. Motion Passed. The public hearing was concluded. 6. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to discuss. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Vice Chairman Ziemer, seconded by Member Bulin to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried ATTEST: /s/ Tony Budzikowski Tony Budzikowski Development Services Director Secretary VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Planned Development Commission Minutes Page 13 of 13 May 23, 2019 OTHER BUSINESS PUBLIC COMMENT ADJOURNMENT