Minutes - 06/15/2020 - Plan Commission2. 3 C! VILLAGE OF MINUTES OF THE JUNE 15, 2020 OAK BR REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLAN COMMISSION OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 CALL TO ORDER: CALL TO ORDER The Meeting of the Plan Commission was called to order by Chairwoman Tropinski via Zoom teleconferencing at 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL- ROLLCALL Gail Polanek called the roll with the following persons through Zoom teleconferencing: PRESENT: Chairwoman Marcia Tropinski, Members Richard DiBernardo, Thomas Doyle, Jeff Finlay, Raju Iyer, Raj Lal (had technical issues connected during the meeting) ABSENT: Kenneth Wilczak IN ATTENDANCE: Trustee Edward Tiesenga, Planner Rebecca Von Drasek and Planning Technician Gail Polanek, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MINUTES REGULAR PLAN COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 18, 2020 MAY 18,2020 Motion by Member Iyer, seconded by Member Doyle to waive the reading of the minutes and to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2020 Regular Plan Commission meeting as amended. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 — Members DiBernardo, Doyle, Finlay, Iyer, Lal, and Chairwoman Tropinski Nays: 0 — Absent 1 — Member Wilczak. Motion Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. Chairwoman Tropinski explained that consistent with the Governor's April 1, 2020 Executive Order declaring a state of emergency related to the emergence of COVID- 19 and in guidance with the Centers for Disease Control and the Illinois Department of Public Health, in person meetings and hearings would not be conducted by the Village in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room at the Butler Government Center. The VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Plan Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 June 15, 2020 entirety of the meeting would be conducted virtually via online web conferencing system. 5. NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. 3824 YORK ROAD — WINTRUST FINANCIAL CORPORATION (for OAK 3824 YORK RD - WINTRUST — OAK BROOK BANK AND TRUST) AND ROCCA — CERTIFICATE OF BROOK BANK - APPROPRIATENESS — AMEND ORDINACES S-1529, S-1392 and S-914 TO ROCCA - AMEND CERTIFICATE of CHANGE THE EXISTING SIGNAGE APPROPRIATNESS Chairwoman Tropinski explained the legal authority to conduct the virtual public meeting, the required process for public participation, and noted that no written comments were received from the public and that no one had pre -registered in order to provide comments telephonically during the meeting. She reviewed the rules and procedures for discussion, deliberation and voting. She asked for an overview of the request. Planner Von Drasek said that the request for the Certificate of Appropriateness was to replace the monument sign panel and wall sign on the building for the new tenant. The wall sign would be one foot larger than the existing sign. Chairwoman Tropinski asked if the petitioner/applicant had confirmed and accepted to proceed with the virtual public meeting and had provided a written waiver and consent for this virtual meeting. The applicant Laura Slivka for Wintrust Financial and representative Robby Whitehead for Olympik Signs confirmed that they consented to proceed with the virtual public meeting and that the written waiver and consent for the virtual meeting had been provided. Chairwoman Tropinski noted that the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness is conducted as an official public hearing. All witnesses testifying were sworn in. Robby Whitehead, Olympik Signs, testified and provided a PowerPoint presentation showing the sign renderings and reviewed the request for the applicant. Oak Brook Bank and Trust the new tenant at 3824 York was seeking new signage for the monument sign and wall sign on the building. It will be a 27 square foot sign with illuminated channel letters installed on a raceway exactly as the existing sign. The wall sign will be approximately 27 square feet, which is 1 foot larger than the current sign. The request is to accommodate the company logo and allow for visibility from the street. It will meet Oak Brook sign allowance of 5 percent of the wall measurement. The Village approved the use of the raceway for both the Countryside Bank and MB Bank due to the stone building structure. They are reverse halo lit letters with the light shining from the back. The only change to the monument sign will be swap out of the panels using the same size panel and the signage will use the Wintrust blue logo color. Only the white lettering will be lit, the blue will look opaque. All other provisions of VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Plan Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 June 15, 2020 Ordinance 5-1529 will remain in full force and effect. The signs will be harmonious with the Graue Mill Gateway Area. Member Doyle visited the site and noted that there was a sign. Mr. Whitehead noted that they had received a permit for a temporary sign. Member Finlay questioned whether the illumination is the same as the past. Mr. Whitehead responded that it would be the same illumination as the existing Countryside Bank. Member Iyer questioned whether the monument sign must have the blue background. Mr. Whitehead responded that blue is the corporate color used by Wintrust Financial, the parent company. Member Doyle commented that, MB Bank sign was fire engine red, which was the previous sign before the Countryside Bank sign. Member Finlay noted there is an existing red McDonald's sign in the Graue Mill Area located across the street in Hinsdale and at the time of development, they had attempted to change it. Chairwoman Tropinski noted that there were no public comments Chairwoman Tropinski asked the petitioners if they had encountered any technical difficulties that negatively impacted their ability to have an adequate opportunity in order to present their desired evidence. The applicant responded that they did not encounter any technical difficulty. Motion by Member Doyle, seconded by Member Iyer to recommend approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 3824 York Road as presented, subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed signs shall be in substantial conformance with the plans as submitted. 2. The proposed signs shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the Oak Brook sign code regulations including sign illumination; and 3. All other conditions of Ordinances 5-1529, 5-1392 and 5-914 shall remain in full force and effect. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 — Members DiBernardo, Doyle, Finlay, Iyer, Lal and Chairwoman Tropinski Nays: 0 — Absent 1 — Member Wilczak. Motion Carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Plan Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 June 15, 2020 6. OTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS 7. Member Doyle discussed the DuPage River Salt Creek Work Group and concerns regarding the Graue Mill Dam with the Commissioners There was no other business discussed. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Member Iyer, seconded by Member Finlay to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 — Members DiBemardo, Doyle, Finlay, Iyer, Lal and Chairwoman Tropinski Nays: 0 — Absent 1 — Member Wilczak. Motion Carried. ATTEST: /s/ Tony Budzikowski Tony Budzikowski Development Services Director Secretary VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Regular Plan Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 June 15, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT