Minutes - 09/10/2020 - Sports Core Advisory Committee
Call to Order
September 10, 2020 Sports Core Advisory Meeting called to order by Chairman, John Anos at
PRESENT: John Anos, James DePhillips, Kathy Miller, Melissa Martin, Frank Scarpiniti, by
phone: Mike Jerich and Mike Stevens
ABSENT: Lara Barber
IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager, Rick Ginex, Executive Assistant, Connie Reid, Trustee
John Baar, Village President, Gopal Lalmalani, Golf Superintendent, Sean Creed, by phone:
Head Golf Pro, Jeff Kawucha, Polo Director Dan O’Leary, Polo, Bob McMurtry and Trustee
Michael Manzo (at 8:10)
Approval of Minutes
Frank Scarpiniti motioned to approve the minutes from the February 10, 2020 meeting, seconded
by Melissa Martin.
Public Comments
No Public Comments
President Lalmalani thanks John Anos and Frank Scarpiniti for stepping into the Chairman and
Vice Chairman positions. He thanks Angie Lopez for her dedication leadership. Gopal asks that
any future meetings not be held on Thursday evenings because Trustee Saiyed cannot attend. He
goes on to say that Trustee Saiyed is very, very, very concerned about the partnership we have
with the Park District and that it has not turned out how he anticipated. And that Trustee Saiyed
apologizes for pushing the agreement through because now he believes that it may not have been
the best decision. Gopal goes on to say that the committee and Rick have a lot of work ahead of
them in order to undo the agreement, and come up with some other new creative ideas to make
thing happen again. On behalf of Moin Saiyed, Gopal, shares the concern about the clients we
have for the soccer fields being taken away by the Park District and several other issues. Gopal
states that it is even more important moving forward that this committee continues, and he seeks
the committee’s help and guidance and ideas.
Rick Ginex shares that he spoke with Laure Kosey of the Park District and if there is a different
direction that the Village is going in, the Park District needs to be notified by October 1, 2020
per the agreement. He goes on to say that the Village couldn’t get the construction on the pool
finished and because of COVID-19 the soccer programs were not as usual and that this whole
year was not as we thought it would be. Gopal takes a phone call from Trustee Manzo. Rick goes
on to explain that the Park District was planning to move forward since this season was
nonexistent. Rick was unaware that there were any issues. Trustee Baar states that this is the first
he has heard of any issues and that if there is a problem we need to investigate it and have a
conversation with the Park District. He goes on to say that the Park District was reluctant to take
on the Sports Core because they were concerned about interference from the Village Board.
Trustee Baar is worried that if the Village breaks the agreement the Park District will not be
interested in managing the pool or supply guards at all and the Village does not have the
resources to manage it in house. He stresses that this needs to be thought about in depth. Frank
Scarpiniti voices that the Village Board needs to make the decision regarding the agreement and
that the Committee isn’t recommending or suggesting anything. The Committee will follow the
Board decision. Committee members ask what the issues are with the Park District. Rick was not
informed of any issues and can’t understand how there could be any since there was really no
activity because of COVID. Rick goes on to explain that the pool could not be fixed because the
department of health wouldn’t issue a permit for construction. He also states that Tennis and
Soccer were extremely limited. Gopal says that Moin said that he was not happy with the Tennis
program and that that the Park District is stealing the Village’s soccer clientele. Frank asks Gopal
if this topic is something that the committee needs to decide or whether the Village Board needs
to discuss and decide. Gopal said that it will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Unfinished Business
B&T Clubhouse Roof Replacement: Rick Ginex explains that the Board has approved a partial
replacement/repair of the roof. Frank asks whether he is just giving an update to the committee.
He is concerned that months down the road the Board is going to say that the Committee
recommended the repairs, when in fact the decision was already made by the Board. Frank asks
what the cost is, John Baar states that the cost is $150,000. It is clarified that this topic was
strictly informational and it’s nothing the committee is involved in.
Golf Course Update
Golf Operations: Sean Creed gives a summary of the Golf season. Due to COVID-19 the course
lost March, April and ¼ of May. He goes on to say that the course has been crazy busy. They are
doing very well. Food & Beverage is only about $6,000 away from where they were for the
whole season last year. The Patio is doing well. The newly renovated Bar and Lounge area
turned out extremely. They are getting as much use as they can under the pandemic guidelines.
He states that the revenue from rounds of golf is only short about $20,000 from all of 2019.
There are many new faces. The golf range has already surpassed 2019. The only downturn has
been in cart rentals, due to the COVID restrictions, two people golfing had each take separate
carts. John Baar congratulates the golf team, he is keeping track of the Food & Beverage gross
sales and states that year to date they are over $100,000 up from last season. He goes on to say
that week after week sales are up over the same period last year.
Other Business
Polo: Bob McMurtry gives an update on Oak Brook Polo, explaining that Dan O’Leary went to
great lengths to get state approval to hold matches with spectators amid the pandemic. He states
that every Sunday event this year has been sold out, polo has been growing. Dan O’Leary goes
through the process of getting approval for polo and that they have had a tremendous year. He
then talks about their intention to transition from field 1 to field 2 (Butler Driving Range). He
talks about the reasons. Safety is the number one issue, field 1 floods and becomes unsafe. Bob
states that they have received from the USPA over $100,000 over the last two years in grants. He
lobbies for the move to field 2 in order to continue to grow polo. He talks about safety and
players playing more cautiously on field 1 because of poor conditions. He goes on to say that
they will be receiving money to help promote the international tournament. Frank congratulates
them on doing so well and goes on to ask if this means that they will not be needing financial
assistance from the Sports Core anymore stating that not only is this a financial strain but also
effects business on the range. Dan O’Leary says that polo does not make money. Frank asks if
they would share their financials, since Bob just shared figures on all the money they are
receiving. Dan says that the monies mentioned are going to all of the Chicagoland polo clubs and
that Oak Brook polo actually gets a very small amount. Dan states that they would be open to
sharing a summary financial statement with the Village providing that they have an NDA in
place. He says that he gave a draft NDA to the Village attorneys for edit and have not received it
back yet. Dan states that they would be willing to put some money into field 2. Bob said that
they are looking to the committee for support. Rick Ginex explains that if Butler National has to
give up days of use on the field that they rent from the Village they will expect to pay much less
in rent. They Village is not interested in losing any revenue. Melissa Martin responds that the
committee can’t give their support either way without getting all of the figures on what is being
paid and what will be lost. John Baar talks about the advantage of having polo in Oak Brook, the
branding, the revenue brought to Oak Brook establishments, value added to desirability Oak
Brook. It isn’t just about money.
Trustee Manzo joins the meeting at 8:10 he circles back to golf course operations saying that
he’d like to see some actual numbers. He would like to see how much revenue has actually gone
up. He continues with stating that Village revenues going into the next quarter will be dismal and
going into the next year will still be down. There is a strong probability that the Village will have
to tap into its reserves. Gopal asks Mike to update the committee on Trustee Saiyed’s concerns.
Trustee Manzo states that the main concern are the expenses moving forward. Trustee Manzo
would like to find a way to fund the Sports Core with Hotel/Motel Tax money. He says that there
is a concern that the Park District is putting in new soccer fields that will compete with the
Sports Core ones. Mike says that he only voted for the Park District deal because everyone else
did. He said that he doesn’t think the agreement is working out, he was concerned with the
soccer revenue from the beginning. Mike believes that Moin shares those concerns. Melissa
Martin states that the Park District would be competing with the Sports Core no matter what, it
has nothing to do with the agreement. John Baar explains that the Village was subsidizing the
Pool operations $250,000 per year to run. For the Park District to take over the Village allowed
them take over Soccer to offset the loss of running the pool, if they move the soccer to their
fields they will no longer have the Sports Core soccer revenue to offset the pool loss.
Conversation goes back and forth regarding expenses and revenues. Frank again says that this is
not a committee topic. Melissa Martin stated that she thinks that the Sports Core could be run in
house and the Park District is not needed.
A conversation continues regarding the fact that the “numbers” are available to everyone. They
are in the manager’s memo, Frank has gotten them from Jason Paprocki.
Motion to adjourn made by Frank Scarpiniti seconded by Melissa Martin meeting to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
_____________________________ __________________________
Connie Reid Date
Executive Assistant
Village of Oak Brook