Minutes - 04/27/2021 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 1 of 5 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 MINUTES OF THE APRIL 27, 2021 REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON MAY 11, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Gopal Lalmalani in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. 2. ROLL CALL Village Clerk Charlotte Pruss called the roll with the following persons: PRESENT: President Gopal Lalmalani, Information Technology Director Jim Fox PRESENT VIA TELECONFERENCE/ZOOM: Trustees John Baar, Philip Cuevas, Michael Manzo, Moin Saiyed, Edward Tiesenga, Trustee Yusuf ABSENT: None IN ATTENDANCE VIA TELECONFERENCE/ZOOM: Village Manager Rick Ginex, Development Services Director Tony Budzikowski, Police Chief James Kruger, Fire Chief Barry Liss, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Public Works Director Doug Patchin, HR Director/Deputy Clerk Kathy Vonachen and Village Attorney Michael Castaldo Jr. 3. PRESIDENT’S OPENING COMMENTS President Lalmalani extracted Agenda item 9.A.2, stating that the item will be deferred to the second meeting in May. Next, he greeted everyone, shared updates regarding COVID-19, and announced that the flags will be flying full staff while thanking a resident for bringing the matter up to his attention. After that, President Lalmalani reminded everyone that the Park District is taking Bath & Tennis Club membership applications with early bird discounts available until May 1, 2021. Announced the opening of Lucca Osteria,& Bar, thanked Trustee Saiyed for joining the opening ceremony of lifetime fitness and all of their amenities. President Lalmalani also announced the farewell and swearing-in ceremony at the next Board meeting on May 11, 2021, at the Bath & Tennis Club. Lastly, he asked Village Manager Ginex about the current capacity guidelines and asked Mr. Jerry Christopherson to speak about the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the Healing Field in Oak Brook. He also requested Police Chief Kruger to speak after the presentation. Village Manager Ginex explained the current capacity guidelines in accordance with the Governor’s mandates. Mr. Jerry Christopherson presented the slideshow of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 Healing Field remembrance ceremony, announced participants, partners, and organizations taking part in the ceremony. He also announced the dates of the event. Police Chief Kruger shared his thoughts, opinions, and excitement for the ability to participate in such a memorable event. He also thanked the organization, True Patriots Care, and Karen Drury for organizing the event. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 2 of 5 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 4. RESIDENT/VISITOR COMMENTS President Lalmalani announced that there would be two opportunities for public comments beginning at the second meeting in May. One will be for Agenda related items and another for non-agenda-related items at the end of the meeting. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2021 Motion by Trustee Cuevas, seconded by Trustee Manzo to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of April 13, 2021. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES B. REGULAR EXECUTIVE MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2021 Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Manzo to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of February 23, 2021. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES C. REGULAR EXECUTIVE MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 23, 2021 Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Manzo to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of March 23, 2021. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 6. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda. A. Accounts Payable for Period Ending: April 22, 2021 - $3,049,554.73 Significant Items included in Above: 1. LEGAL SERVICES: a) Clark, Baird, Smith, LLP. – March 2021 – $18,657.00 (FY20 YTD - $51,199.50) b) Ottosen, Dinolfo Hasenbalg & Castaldo – March 2021 - $10,665.55 c) Ottosen, Dinolfo Hasenbalg & Castaldo – March 2021 - $45.00 (FY20 YTD - $31,804.59) d) Rathje Woodward, LLC. – March 2021 - $228.00 (FY20 YTD - $1,197.89) TOTAL LEGAL BUDGET FOR 2021 IS $245,000.00 TOTAL LEGAL BILLS PAID FOR 2021 - YTD - $103,497.47 2. Burke, LLC. – Brook Forest Water Main Improvements – Phase 3 – Pay Request #1 - $1,030,155.12 3. Burke, LLC. – Windsor Drive Widening and Streetscape Enhancements – Pay Request #2 - $174,110.64 4. Burke, LLC. – Sports Core Water Main Improvements – Pay Request #3 - $196,248.53 5. Trotter & Associates, Inc. – Water System SCADA & Operations Rehabilitation – Payment #3 - $149,319.00 6. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) – Harger Road - Inv.#12376 - $1,180,059.26 B. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending: April 17, 2021 - $783,227.44 C. Ordinances & Resolutions 1. RESOLUTION 2021-PW-SALT-PG-R-1949, A Resolution Approving the Purchase of Deicer Salt from Compass Mineral International, Inc. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 3 of 5 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 2. ORDINANCE 2021-BU-AMEND-ND-S-1621, An Ordinance Authorizing Amendments and Transfers Among Budget Line Items the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois D. Village of Oak Brook – Monthly Financial Reports March - 2021 Motion by Trustee Baar, seconded by Trustee Manzo to approve the Consent Agenda, with the exception of Item 6.C.2, and authorize the expenditures as presented. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 – Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga, and Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion carried 7. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.C.2 - ORDINANCE 2021-BU-AMEND-ND-S-1621, An Ordinance Authorizing Amendments and Transfers Among Budget Line Items the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois Resident Don Adler spoke regarding the emails he sent to the Board, conversations he held with Village Attorney Castaldo, and Finance Director Paprocki regarding his concerns with the requested transfer of funds. President Lalmalani asked Village Attorney Castaldo to confirm that the Village is abiding by all state laws pertaining to the subject matter. Village Attorney Castaldo affirmed that the Village is in compliance and shared his thoughts regarding the conversation with Mr. Adler. He also provided options that the Village Board has when deciding on the next course of action. Furthermore, Village Attorney Castaldo clarified the pathway of funds transfer and suggestions made by Resident Adler. Trustee Manzo spoke in support of approval of the current motion. He also suggested further discussion in the future to address any supplemental needs. Trustee Yusuf reiterated statements made by previous speakers for clarification purposes. Finance Director Paprocki clarified the plan of action for the subject item as related to the approved Budget Transfer item at the January 2021 Agenda meeting. Motion by Trustee Manzo, Seconded by Trustee Tiesenga that the Village Board discusses, and approves Ordinance 2021-BU-AMEND-ND-S-1621, An Ordinance Authorizing Amendments and Transfers Among Budget Line Items the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 – Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga and Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion carried 8. BOARD & COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS A. 1415 22nd Street – Sign Variations to Permit a 1st Floor Wall Sign VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 4 of 5 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 Trustee Yusuf spoke in support of the recommendation, shared his opinions, and presented the item. Charley Shalliol from Site Enhancement Services thanked the Board for their support of the item. Motion by Trustee Yusuf, Seconded by Trustee Saiyed that the Village Board concurs ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 – Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga and Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion carried 9. ACTIVE BUSINESS A. Ordinances & Resolutions 1. RESOLUTION 2021-PL-IS-R-1948, A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Purchase of Insurance Benefits for Employees Village Manager Ginex shared a short introduction of the item and introduced Vista National Representative Kahlil Hogan. He also reiterated HR Director/Deputy Clerk Vonachen’s statements and further addressed the Hartford plan for retirees. Moreover, Village Manager Ginex explained the timing of the received plans and rates. Vista National Representative Kahlil Hogan shared an insurance benefits presentation, explained the rate increases, and addressed all the Board questions presented to him. Discussion ensued. Trustee Manzo spoke in support of the item and further shared his opinions regarding in-depth discussions next year with the newly elected Board members. He later made a motion to defer the item. HR Director/Deputy Clerk Vonachen clarified previously mentioned concerns, timeline issues, potential savings, and all the options considered prior to presenting the item to the Board. She also explained to Trustee Yusuf the Harford Plan covering retirees and HIPPA laws associated with the matter. Trustee Baar clarified his understanding of the presented plan and shared an example from the school district in a similar situation, their course of action, and results. Trustee Tiesenga spoke in agreement with the deferral and further discussion, resulting in a better understanding of the individual sections. Trustee Saiyed spoke in agreement with Trustee Tiesenga’s comments. Resident Don Adler explained his understanding and opinions associated with the financial responsibilities to the Village. He also urged the Board to further analyze and take time to comprehend all aspects of the insurance policy. Trustee Yusuf asked for clarification of the Hartford Plan that covers retirees and the Stop Loss Coverage. Trustee Cuevas expressed his opinion regarding the retiree, other municipal employees, and elected official's coverage. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 5 of 5 REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 Motion by Trustee Manzo, Seconded by Trustee Tiesenga that the Village Board discusses and defers RESOLUTION 2021-PL-IS-R-1948, A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Purchase of Insurance Benefits for Employees ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 – Trustees Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga and Yusuf Nays: 1 – Trustee Baar Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion carried ACTIVE BUSINESS A. Ordinances & Resolutions 2. RESOLUTION 2021-AG-SETT-PL-EX-R-1945, A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement By and Between the Village of Oak Brook and Sean Kelly President Lalmalani extracted and deferred the Agenda Item in the beginning of the meeting to the Board Meeting on May 27, 2021. B. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Local Technical Assistance (LTA) Program – Butterfield Road/22nd Street Corridor Study Motion presented by Trustee Manzo. Trustee Tiesenga asked for an explanation related to the non-participation of the City of Oak Brook Terrace in the presented program. He also expressed his concerns with the “Housing Choice” aspect of the submitted documents related to current Village Ordinances. Lastly, he thanked Development Services Director Budzikowski for addressing his concerns adequately. Plan Development Director Budzikowski explained why the City of Oak Brook Terrace decided to opt-out of the program. He also added that DuPage County would participate in the study and explained the modifications associated with the finances. Thereafter, Plan Development Director Budzikowski explained that the process of approval by going through the appropriate Boards within the Village would not change and that specific zoning protocols have been put in place. Motion by Trustee Manzo, Seconded by Trustee Cuevas that the Village Board authorizes staff to proceed with the CMAP LTP Program for the Butterfield Road/22nd Street Corridor Study. VOTE: Ayes: 6 – Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga and Yusuf Nays: 0 – None Abstain: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion carried 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Cuevas, seconded, by Trustee Manzo to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 8:13 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. ATTEST: Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk