S-1631 - 10/12/2021 - LIBRARY - Ordinances ITEM 6.131.3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING VILLAGE OF SAMUEL E. DEAN BOARD ROOM OA K. B R , K BUTLER GOVERNMENT CENTER 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 630-368-5000 AGENDA ITEM Board of Trustees of October 12, 2021 SUBJECT: Amendments to Meeting Room & Study Rooms Policy for the Oak Brook Public Library FROM: Jacob Post, Head Librarian and the Library Commission BUDGET SOURCE/BUDGET IMPACT: None RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that the Village Board approve and pass Ordinance 2021-LY-EXl-S-1631,An Ordinance Adopting an Amendment to the Meeting Room and Quiet Study Rooms Policy for the Oak Brook Public Library. Background/History: The Library Commission voted unanimously on July 20,2021, to recommend the following changes to the Village Board of Trustees: • Instead of single occupancy, allow 2 people to use the small study room and 4 people to use the large study room. • Instead of first come, first served only, Oak Brook library card holders can reserve the study room in advance. These two changes will allow the Library to better serve the residents of Oak Brook who have been asking for more meeting spaces that can be reserved ahead of time. The Library Meeting Room and Study Rooms Policy was most recently revised on June 16, 2016. State law and Illinois Library System membership standards recommend that public library policies be reviewed periodically. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Village Board approve Ordinance 2021-LY-EXI-S-1631. BOT AGENDA Page 1 THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COOK AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE 2021-LY-EX1-S-1631 An Ordinance Adopting an Amendment to the Meeting Room and Quiet Study Rooms Policy for the Oak Brook Public Library GOPAL G. LALMALANI, Village President CHARLOTTE K. PRUSS, Village Clerk LAURENCE HERMAN MICHAEL MANZO JAMES NAGLE A. SURESH REDDY EDWARD TIESENGA ASIF YUSUF Village Board Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook on this the 12th day of October, 2021 ORDINANCE 2021-LY-EXI-S-1631 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE MEETING ROOM AND QUIET STUDY ROOMS POLICY FOR THE OAK BROOK PUBLIC LIBRARY WHEREAS, on March 26, 2002, the Village Board passed Ordinance 2002-LY-EX1-S-1010 entitled, "An Ordinance Adopting the Library Meeting Room Policy" and said Policy was last amended in 2016 pursuant to Ordinance 2016-LY-EX-S-1464; and WHEREAS, the Library Commission and Head Librarian have again reviewed the Library Meeting Room and Quiet Study Rooms Policy and recommend that the Village Board approve the amended Policy, as written in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, and ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into, and made a part of, this Ordinance as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook. Section 2: Adoption of Amended Policy. The Village Board shall, and does hereby, adopt the Library Meeting Room and Quiet Study Rooms Policy, in the amended form attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A. Section 3: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force upon passage and approval in the manner provided by law. APPROVED THIS 12th day of October, 2021. Gopal G. Lalmalani Village President PASSED THIS 12th day of October, 2021. Ayes: Trustees Herman, Manzo, Nagle, Reddy,Tiesenga,Yusuf Nays: None Absent: None 6k OF 04A, ATTEST: Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk G A a Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-8-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 3 of 8 EXHIBIT A 3 Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-S-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 4 of 8 Oak Brook Public Library Meeting Room & Study Rooms Policy PURPOSE The purpose of the Meeting Room and Study Rooms Policy is to provide criteria for and information on public use of the Meeting Room and Study Rooms. These facilities are made available to enhance the information and services provided to the community. Meeting Room I. Permissible Meetings, listed in priority order 1. Library sponsored programs and meetings 2. Library related programs and meetings 3. Meetings of Oak Brook governmental bodies and intergovernmental organizations in which the Village of Oak Brook is a member 4. Residents and corporate residents may reserve space for informational or educational purposes only. II. Endorsement Use of the meeting room by outside agencies does not constitute the Library's endorsement of viewpoints expressed by participants in programs. No advertisement or announcement implying such endorsement will be permitted. III. Hours Meetings must begin and end during normal Library hours. Meetings must terminate 15 minutes before closing time, or at the request of the staff Person-in-charge. W, Requests for Usage 1. All requests for meeting room use must be made by an Oak Brook Public Library cardholder age 18 or older. Applicant must be present at all meetings. 2. Oak Brook-based businesses must submit an online application with the name, address and phone of the responsible employee who will be present at the meeting. Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-S-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 5 of 8 3. Reservations for meeting facilities may be accepted for a period of up to three (3) months in advance. The Library reserves the right to limit the number of reservations by any organization. 4. Any one (1)group/organization may use the meeting room a maximum of twelve(12) times in a calendar year, unless otherwise specified by the Head Librarian. 5. Requests for the Meeting Room are made to the Administrative Office. 6. A group or organization that has been denied permission to use the meeting room by the Head Librarian may appeal to the Library Commission at the Commission's next scheduled meeting. Written notice of said appeal and all written documentation supporting the appeal are to be delivered to the Head Librarian at least five (5) business days before such Commission meeting. If the Commission is not scheduled to meet within 45 days after the appeal is filed, a special meeting will be called. V. Fees Grand piano fee must be submitted at least one week before reservation date if use of the piano is requested. Grand piano fee(non-refundable) $75.00 1. Extraordinary maintenance and/or cleaning expenses,as determined by the Head Librarian, will be billed to the primary liaison and any future reservations suspended until paid. 2. The grand piano is tuned twice a year. If additional tuning is requested, Library staff will schedule the tuning. The cost will be at the requestor's expense and paid for in advance. VI. Regulations and Restrictions 1. All meetings must be free and open to the public except for closed sessions convened by governmental bodies in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Attendance is limited to posted occupancy limits. 2. Activities in the meeting rooms must not be closed to any person due to age, gender, race, religion, national origin, disabling condition, or any other legally protected category. 5 Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-S-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 6 of 8 3. Activities held in the Library are subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). Organizations must comply with applicable ADA requirements when using Library meeting rooms, and are responsible for providing, and if necessary paying for, qualified interpreters or auxiliary aids requested in order to accommodate any person(s)in accordance with such requirements. 4. The Library retains the right to cancel the reservation of any meeting or series of meetings. A credit or refund will be given of any fee paid. 5. The group is responsible for the setup of the meeting room and, at the end, the room must be returned to the posted arrangement. 6. Only Library staff will operate the Meeting Room audio/visual equipment. Library staff will work with groups to connect their personal devices to the Library's system; however,technical expertise on outside equipment is limited. 7. Failure to return the room furnishings to their posted arrangement, clean the kitchen or complete a meeting room clean-up by the scheduled time will result in a denial of future usage. The Primary Liaison will be billed for any excessive cleaning charges. 8. Kitchen facilities are available in the meeting room. Cooking is not allowed. 9. Patrons not having arranged for the use of the piano must not uncover or play the piano. Prior approval is needed to move the piano. 10. Solicitation of names and addresses of attendees for business purposes is prohibited. Private counseling,tutoring and other individual sessions are permissible only if offered to clients free of charge. Exceptions are allowed for Library sponsored events. 11. Private social functions are not allowed. 12. Programs which are not suitable for the Library's physical facilities, or which would interfere with the Library's normal operation are not allowed. Determination will be made by the Head Librarian. 13. Programs or gatherings which present a clear and present danger to the welfare of the participants, attendees, Library staff and patrons, and/or the community are not allowed. Determination will be made by the Head Librarian. 14. Smoking is not permitted in the Library or the Library Garden areas as per the Smoke Free Illinois Act (SFIA). Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-S-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 7 of 8 15. Alcoholic beverages are permitted for Library programs only and in conformance with Illinois Compiled Statutes and Village Policies and Ordinances on the serving of liquor. 16. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, equipment or doors of the meeting room. 17. No signs or posters pertaining to non-Library sponsored meetings may be posted on Library property,with the exception of the Community Board. 18. The Library must be given 24 hour notice for any meeting cancelations. Approval to use the Meeting Room in the future will be revoked if notice is not given. Definitions • Corporate Resident- Any business with a physical place of business within the corporate limits of the Village of Oak Brook. Post office boxes,virtual offices or other electronic presences within the Village without a permanent physical presence do not constitute a physical place of business. • Library Related—A meeting or program of an organization in which the Oak Brook Public Library or Library personnel are members. • Library Sponsored—A meeting or program that is planned and executed by Library personnel either as direct leaders or led by persons authorized to lead a meeting or program by Library program planners. • Resident—Any person permanently residing within the corporate limits of the village and all full-time employees of the village, as defined in article III of the Village of Oak Brook Personnel Manual. Study Rooms The two study rooms are located in the Adult Reference area. Users should be aware that the rooms are not sound proof and voices or noises may be heard outside the room. Patrons are expected to behave in an orderly manner while using the study rooms. I. The Study Rooms are available for anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. Oak Brook Public Library cardholders can reserve a two hour time block once every seven days and up to 14 days in advance. 2. The maximum capacity for the small Study Room is two (2) and for the large Study Room four (4) at any given time. 3. Food is not permitted; only covered drinks are allowed. 7 Ordinance 2021-LY-EX-S-1631 Library Meeting Room&Study Rooms Policy Page 8 of 8 4. There is a two (2)hour time limit. This time may be extended if no one is waiting for a study room. 5. Patrons must be 14 years of age or older to use the Study Rooms. Children under the age of 14 must have adult supervision. 6. Patrons are responsible for any damage incurred while using the Study Rooms. 7. Patrons are expected to keep their volume low when talking in person, on cell phones or participating in web-based meetings.Noise carries easily and these rooms are intended for quiet study purposes. Review The Oak Brook Public Library Commission will review the Meeting Room & Study Rooms Policy and its regulations periodically and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The changes are subject to approval and adoption by the Village Board of Trustees.