Minutes - 08/20/2021 - Finance Committee
Finance Committee
August 20, 2021
The Finance Committee meeting of August 20, 2021 called to order by Trustee Michael Manzo at 3:01pm
in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center.
PRESENT: Trustees Mike Manzo, Larry Herman and Asif Yusuf, Anne Huber, Jim DePhillips, Al Koren, Jim
Tomaselli and Moin Saiyed
ABSENT: Don Adler
ALSO IN ATTENANCE: Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Village President Gopal Lalmalani, Oak Brook
Chamber of Commerce President and CEO David Carlin, Brookfield Properties Manager Tim Gieges
Procedures for Obtaining Village Information
Trustee Manzo begins by asking that any requests for information go through him. He will be the liaison
between committee members and Village staff so that the flow of information is orderly.
2022 Budget
Trustee Manzo starts the budget discussion by addressing those committee members who also served on the
LTSPC, he compliments their work and says that it is still being used today. He continues by saying that the
budget needs to be an ongoing process and cannot be looked at only at the end of the year. He states his desire
to have Don Adler and Moin Saiyed spearhead the budget process. Trustee Manzo acknowledges that the
biggest problem with the budget is the pensions and continues by saying that there isn’t much that can be done
on a municipal level, it needs to come from Springfield, but there are a few things that can be looked at. The
conversation shifts to Capital Expenditures and Jim DePhillips shares his displeasure with the practice of
putting every capital project on the budget without any prioritization. Trustee Herman shares that he has been
researching the process at other local municipalities. The procedure at these other organizations also takes into
consideration the long term expenses of maintenance and upkeep on the capital project in addition to the
viability of the project actually happening. He goes on to say that he has spoken to Jim Fox who says that he has
the ability to integrate the capital projects into GIS so that they can be easily viewed. Conversation continues
about the time and effort it would take to get a system of this magnitude in place but the end result would be
beneficial for years to come.
Sports Core
Trustee Manzo starts by saying that Sports Core decisions are time sensitive, if the Village is going to make a
change from the current Park District model next season they would need to act quickly. He asks Larry Herman
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
and Anne Huber to take the lead on the B&T. The goal is to make the Sports Core budget neutral. Conversation
continues regarding the meaning of neutrality, whether it’s on an operating basis or including capital projects.
Anne Huber asks that whatever decision is made it needs to be transparent and open with the public. She would
like to see status reports provided at the Board meetings. The Sports Core being an asset to the community is
talked about. The committee discusses Salt Creek swim club fees structure and whether that model would work
for the B&T. Conversation shifts to the Park District, clear financial statements, restructuring and building
Fire Department
Trustee Manzo begins the Fire Department discussion by asking Al Koren about his previous meetings with the
Westmont Fire Chief. The task at hand for the Committee will be trying to run the department more efficiently
but at the same quality of service. Trustee Herman offers the observation that the department will have to be
more open minded about collaboration with surrounding municipalities and understanding what the demands
are. He believes there is a more effective way to work with the local fire districts to increase response time
while still cutting costs. Talk shifts to population and call data and the need for accurate information and the
need for day time population numbers. Trustee Manzo speaks of the need to be transparent with the residents
every step of the way so that they have truthful information.
Business Registry
Trustee Manzo begins by giving some of the reasons for needing a business registry, one reason being the
need to know the day time population. Trustee Manzo introduces David Carlin. Mr. Carlin addresses the
committee by saying that the Chamber is opposed to any sort of business registry or license. He refers to the
position paper that the Chamber prepared in 2017. He states that it is not business friendly and it will not
improve the business climate. The information that the Village is looking for is readily available through the
Secretary of State or the Illinois Department of Revenue. He encourages the Village to not add another level
of bureaucracy and additional administrative responsibilities for an already lean workforce. Mr. Carlin then
questions the transparency of the Village and why a meeting would be held on a Friday afternoon with little
advance notice for an issue that is very important to the business community. He then volunteers his services
to assist the Village with any business related requests such as making sure the Village is getting the correct
sales tax percentage from each business and adds that the tools are already available to monitor that. And he
requests that the Village not penalize the businesses that are already in Oak Brook or the ones thinking about
coming to Oak Brook. Trustee Herman addresses some of Dave Carlin’s concerns. He recounts the efforts to
ensure the compliance of RH’s sale tax and states that the resources are not easily available to enforce the
sales tax requirements. Conversation ensues regarding sales tax compliance. Trustee Herman states that a
business registry will give the Village connectivity with the business community besides being a better way to
monitor sales tax compliance and also allows the Village to be more responsive to businesses. He goes on to
say that it is not easy for residents or business owners to make requests of the Village, even though there is a
portal on the website, the technology and tracking behind it are not adequate. He is hopeful that creating new
technology will give better connectivity for businesses and residents and that is all part of the business
registry. Dave Carlin comments that one of the committee’s concerns was not tracking the actual cost of
capital projects, he asks if anyone has researched the actual cost of creating a business registry to the Village
and to the businesses and how it’s going to be enforces, will they be blocking entrance to businesses who
don’t comply. The potential for abuse by Village officials is brought up and the possibility of the registry
deterring new business development. It is then stated that this is just the beginning of the process, there are
many more discussions and research that needs to be done. Trustee Herman believes that if the Village
collects the correct sales tax from every business it would eliminate the need for a food and beverage tax.
Trustee Manzo goes around the table asks everyone’s opinion. The confidentiality of the sales tax information
that Finance Director Jason Paprocki receives is spoken about and it is brought up that the DuPage County
Department of Transportation has data of all cell phones in Oak Brook on a daily basis, this would help with
day time population questions.
Next Meeting Date
It is decided to have meetings on Wednesdays at 4:00 or 5:00
A motion to adjourn the Finance Committee meeting of August 20, 2021 made by Jim Tomaselli, seconded by
Anne Huber. Meeting adjourned at 4:15pm
________________________ _____________________
Connie Reid Date
Executive Assistant
Village of Oak Brook