OAK BROOK POLICE DEPARTMENT confronted them and took items including a hand bag with contents, a second watch, and a cell counter from a distance away and started back toward that area,
at which time the offenders The female victims observed the en- some jewelry items, and a clothing accessory were taken.Subsequently, items including a bag, a watch, ’.it was a robbery‘firearm
and indicated that their vehicle next to him, and one of the occupants extended his arm out of the window with a After the male victim left the auto, the offenders pulled storing
some personal items inside.toward the store entrance, the male victim (husband and father) left his parked vehicle after ter the two female victim occupants (a woman and her daughter)
left the vehicle and walked Af- Range Rover, which had just entered and parked in the lot.’ tered the lot) near the victimsparked/standing in the lot a short distance away about five
minutes before the victim auto en-stolen Infinity, in which one of the occupants was armed, positioned their auto (which had been The preliminary investigation identified that four
offenders in a mined to be an armed robbery.Mall area of the parking lot outside the Neiman Marcus store for a report of what was deter-On Sunday, 04/24/22, just after 3:00 p.m.,
Officers were dispatched to the Oak Brook Center Chief Mee met with the Sergeants as a group. Chief Mee attended the Village Board Meeting. Chief Mee met with the VM for the monthly
meeting. Sergeant Foltyniewicz attended the ILACP Annual Conference. Officer Yager conducted DARE class at the Brook Forest Elementary School. virtual webinar. ”EnforcementIssues Facing
Law AFOI“epartment members participated in a DSergeant Foltyniewicz and Officer Yager conducted DARE class at the Butler Junior High School. Commander Kadolph participated in a DOJ
COPS virtual webinar. fficers received Family Shelter Service Police Training/Updates.OAt roll Family Shelter Service Police Training/Updates During the Week Extra Patrol calls.Last
week, there were 60 calls for service at the Oakbrook Center mall, of which 28 were for While Using an Electronic Communication Device.Driving While License Suspended/Revoked, 2 No
Valid License and 2 Operating a Vehicle Officers conducted 61 traffic stops last week and issued 57 tickets and warnings, including 2 347 Total 201 Other 25 Alarms
62 Citizen Assists 10 Accident Reports 16 Theft Reports 61 Traffic Stops 1 Armed Robbery Total Calls for Service Patrol April 23 through
April 30, 2022 WEEKLY SUMMARY
OAK BROOK POLICE DEPARTMENT Aggravated Battery charge.female driver of the van was charged with warrant issued with the same offenses other than the The identified At his bond hearing,
this morning, the Judge set a $75,000 bond. County Jail.Theft, and one count of Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer; and transferred to the DuPage fender in our case was subsequently
charged with three counts of Burglary, one count of I.D. The male of- She was not located or identified. had attempted to use the stolen credit cards.ple were involved in the initial
wallet theft, and that there was a second female in the Mall, who up investigation indicated that those two peo-- St. nd area of Rt. 83 and 22The offender was eventually located and
arrested in the one of the Officers and fled on foot.After the Officers had the male occupant come out of the vehicle, he subsequently pushed ger.traffic stop of the van suspected
in the crimes and encountered a female driver and male passen-The reporting Officer was provided with that information. Officers subsequently made a ed.Apple Store in the Mall in
an attempt to make a large purchase; a purchase that was reject-with the victim, the victim was alerted that one of her stolen credit cards was being used at the Upon meeting St.
for a report of a wallet theft with credit cards and other items. nd store on 22On Tuesday, 04/26/22, just after 7:00 p.m., Officers were dispatched to the Nordstrom Rack the time
of the report in the morning.The burglary occurred sometime between about 5:00 p.m. the day before and before laser level.tered the area, and then entered two construction trailers
and took a generator, compressor, and and fenced trailer and equipment area had been cut off, after which an offender or offenders en-s Home Store lot after workers discovered that
a lock on a gated ’reported at the former MacyOn Tuesday morning, 04/26/22, during the early morning hours, a construction site burglary was Our Investigators continue the investigation.
not, as yet, been recovered.The offending vehicle was tracked to an area of Chicago and has scene at a high rate of speed.The offenders then got back in their car and left the
tunately, there were no injuries reported.The encounter was witnessed by other shoppers in the lot and reported via 911, and, for- phone.