OAK BROOK POLICE DEPARTMENT The two offenders were each charged with felony Retail Theft, and the clothing amounts.s after stealing clothing items amounting to felony ’were arrested
at or outside MacyIn the other case, two adult female offenders Identity Theft were approved for all of them.Charges of felony ed, as they were leaving the Center; and the stolen
property was recovered.The three adult female offenders were stopped in a vehicle and arrest- s, but the transactions were de-’In that case, items were purchased from the Nordstrom
cards.fenders first went to Nordstrom and then to Neiman Marcus and presented the stolen credit let was stolen from a purse at the Table Restaurant at Crate & Barrel, after which the
three of-In one case, a wal- Officers of a total of five adult offenders and felony charges for all of them.During the week, two separate incidents related to retail theft resulted
in the arrests by the SRT ing and security, there.Chief Mee attended a meeting with the Oak Brook Center management staff, related to Polic- Chief Mee attended a Regular Village Board
Meeting. replacement of five leased squad cars in 2023.Chief Mee and Cmdr. King attended a meeting with Village staff and vendors, regarding the dural and other Department orders and
procedures. Chief Mee and staff members attended an Accreditation Meeting to review and update proce- Chief Mee and Cmdr. Kadolph attended a Taste of Oakbrook planning session meeting.
dents which involved groups of disorderly patrons.up actions taken; inci--view issues related to two recent disturbance incidents and the followChief Mee and Cmdr. King attended a meeting
with Fogo De Chou management staff to re- with other Village staff.program Zoom meeting along Chief Mee and selected staff members participated in a Placer.ai Chief Mee and Department
supervisory staff attended a Department Meeting. During the Week Extra Patrol calls.Last week, there were 65 calls for service at the Oakbrook Center mall, of which 25 were for
While Using an Electronic Communication Device.Driving While License Suspended/Revoked, 1 No Valid License and 2 Operating a Vehicle Officers conducted 64 traffic stops last week and
issued 68 tickets and warnings, including 3 393 Total 178 Other 25 Alarms 83 Citizen Assists 31 Accident Reports 12 Theft Reports 64
Traffic Stops Total Calls for Service Patrol May 8 through May 14, 2022 WEEKLY SUMMARY