PW Uniform Rental Services VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK
This AGREEMENT is dated as of the day of 2022 ("Agreement'), and is by and between the VILLAGE OF
OAK BROOK, 1200 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook, linois 60523 an Illinois municipal corporation ("Village's, and ALSCO
UNIFORMS,2641 S.Leavitt Street,Chicago,Illinois 60608 ("Consultant').
IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the Agreement, and pursuant to the
Village's statutory powers,the parties agree as follows:
retains the Consultant to perform, and the Consultant agrees to CONSULTANT. The Consultant represents and certifies that
perform, all necessary services to perform the work in the Services shall be performed in accordance with the
connection with the project identified below ("Services"), standards of professional practice, care, and diligence
which Services the Consultant shall provide pursuant to the practiced by recognized consultants in performing services of
terms and conditions of this Agreement: a similar nature in existence at the Time of Performance. The
representations and certifications expressed shall be in
Public Works Uniform Rental Services from August 2022 — addition to any other representations and certifications
August 2025,as specified in Exhibit A,attached hereto. expressed in this Agreement, or expressed or implied by law,
which are hereby reserved unto the Village.
TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Consultant shall perform
and complete the Services as mutually agreed upon between The Consultant further represents that it is financially solvent,
Village and Consultant("Time of Performance'). has the necessary financial resources, and is sufficiently
experienced and competent to perform and complete the
SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. Services in a manner consistent with the standards of
professional practice by recognized consultants providing
A. Agreement Amount. The total amount services of a similar nature. The Consultant shall provide all
billed by the Consultant for the Services under this Agreement personnel necessary to complete the Services.
shall be in the not-to-exceed amount of$6,600.00 per year,
for a total cost of $19,800.00, including reimbursable SECTION 4. INDEMNIFICATION, INSURANCE:
expenses, without the prior express written authorization of LIABILITY.
the Village Manager.
A. Indemnification. The Consultant proposes
B. Agreement Term. The term of this and agrees that the Consultant shall indemnify and save
agreement is August 2022 through August 2025 (three-year harmless the Village against all damages, liability, claims,
period). losses, and expenses (including attorneys' fee) that may arise,
or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with the
C. Taxes, Benefits, and Royalties. Each Consultant's performance of, or failure to perform, the
payment by the Village to the Consultant includes all Services or any part thereof, or any failure to meet the
applicable federal, state, and Village taxes of every kind and representations and certifications set forth in Section 4 of this
nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, Agreement.
contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old
age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar B. Insurance. The Consultant acknowledges
benefits and all costs, royalties, and fees arising from the use and agrees that the Consultant shall, and has a duty to
of, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or maintain adequate insurance, in an amount, and in a form and
copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, from companies, acceptable to the Village. The Consultant's
devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim maintenance of adequate insurance shall not be construed in
additional compensation because of the payment of any such any way as a limitation on the Consultant's liability for losses
tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby or damages under this Agreement.
waived and released by Consultant.
C. No Personal Liability. No elected or
D. Payment of Agreement Amount. appointed official or employee of the Village shall be
Payments shall be made pursuant to the terms of the Local personally liable,in law or in contract,to the Consultant as the
Government Prompt Payment At,50 ILCS 505/3 et.seq. result of the execution of this Agreement.
SECTION 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS. notice provided herein, Customer may terminate this
A. Relationship of the Parties. The
Consultant shall act as an independent contractor in providing It is understood by the parties that all goods supplied under
and performing the Services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant this Agreement are, and shall remain, the property of
to, this Agreement shall be construed to: (1) create the Supplier, and shall be returned to Supplier at such time as an
relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, employee of Customer using said goods terminates
partners, or joint venturers between the Village and employment with Customer or at such time as this
Consultant; or (2) to create any relationship between the Agreement might expire or otherwise be terminated.
Village and any subcontractor of the Contractor. Customer shall be responsible for all goods which are lost,
destroyed, stolen or not returned as required herein, and with
B. Conflicts of Interest. The Consultant respect to such lost, destroyed, stolen or non-returned goods
represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (1) Customer shall promptly pay to Supplier the Replacement
no Village employee or agent is interested in the business of Cost (as specified in the attached Schedule(s) or amended
the Consultant or this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Schedule(s)) of such goods, including applicable sales and
Agreement, neither the Consultant nor any person employed use taxes.
or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would
conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the Upon termination of this Agreement in its entirety or at a
obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither the specific Customer location, with or without cause, Customer
Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the agrees to return to Supplier all goods supplied pursuant to
Consultant shall at any time during the term of this Agreement this Agreement. Customer agrees to pay Supplier's current
obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any replacement charge for any goods not returned or goods
manner or degree with the performance of the obligations returned in a condition beyond normal wear and tear.
under this Agreement.
E. Compliance with Laws and Grants.
C. No Collusion. The Consultant represents Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all
and certifies that the Consultant is not barred from contracting other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Services
with a unit of state or local government as a result of(1) a are provided,performed,and completed in accordance with all
delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the required governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals
Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is and authorizations that may be required in connection with
contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with
the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations,
amount of the tax, as set forth in Section 11-42.1-1 et seq. of including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any
the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1-1 et seq.; or statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes
(2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative
Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 action based on,race, creed, color,national origin,age, sex, or
et seq. If at any time it shall be found that the Consultant other prohibited classification, including, without limitation,
has, in procuring this Agreement, colluded with any other the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§
person,firm,or corporation,then the Consultant shall be liable 12101 et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS
to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may 5/1-101 et seq. Consultant shall also comply with all
suffer, and this Agreement shall, at the Village's option, be conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the
null and void. Village or Consultant with respect to this Contract or the
Services. Consultant shall be solely liable for any fines or
D. Termination. Supplier agrees to provide civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quasi-
goods and services under this Agreement in accordance with governmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to
accepted standards in the textile leasing/rental industry.In the have arisen, out of or in connection with Consultant's, or its
event Customer believes that there are deficiencies in the subcontractors, performance of, or failure to perform, the
quality of the service and/or goods furnished by Supplier Services or any part thereof. Every provision of law required
hereunder, Customer shall give written notice via electronic by law to be inserted into this Contract shall be deemed to be
mail, specifying the precise nature of such deficiencies, and inserted herein.
Supplier shall have 30 days after its receipt of such written
notice to correct such claimed deficiencies. In the event F. Prevailing Wage. If applicable, Pursuant to
Customer is, in good faith, not satisfied with Supplier's Section 4 of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS
correction of the claimed deficiencies, Customer shall give 130/4, Contractor agrees and acknowledges that not less than
written notice to Supplier by electronic mail, return receipt the applicable rate of prevailing of wages, as found or
requested, specifying the precise nature of the inadequate ascertained by the Department of Labor and made available on
correction. Failure to give such notice of inadequate the Department's Official website, or determined by the court
correction shall create a conclusive presumption that Supplier on review, shall be paid for each craft or type of worker
has corrected the deficiencies. If Supplier fails to correct the needed to execute this contract or to perform such work, and it
deficiencies within 30 days after its receipt of the second shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract
is awarded and upon any subcontractor under him, to pay not business day after deposit with an overnight courier as
less than the specified rates to all laborers, workers and evidenced by a receipt of deposit; or (c) three business days
mechanics employed by them in the execution of this contract. following deposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a return
receipt. Notices and communications to the Village shall be
G. Certified Payroll. If applicable, Contractor addressed to,and delivered at,the following address:
shall, in accordance with Section 5 of the Illinois Prevailing
Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/5, submit to the Village, and upon Village of Oak Brook
activation of the database provided by 820 ILCS 130/5.1 to the 1200 Oak Brook Road
Department of Labor, on a monthly basis, a certified payroll. Oak Brook,Illinois 60523
The certified payroll shall consist of a complete copy of those Attention: Rick Valent
records required to be made and kept by the Prevailing Wage Public Works Director
Act. The certified payroll shall be accompanied by a
statement signed by the Contractor or subcontractor which Notices and communications to the Consultant shall be
certifies that: (1) such records are true and accurate; (2) the addressed to,and delivered at,the following address:
hourly rate paid is not less than the general prevailing rate of
hourly wages required by the Prevailing Wage Act; and (3) Alsco Uniforms
Contractor or subcontractor is aware that filing a certified 2641 South Leavitt Street
payroll that he or she knows to be false is a Class A Chicago,Illinois 60608
misdemeanor. A general contractor may rely upon the Attention: Dominick Castaldo
certification of a lower tier subcontractor, provided that the Sales Consultant
general contractor does not knowingly rely upon a
subcontractor's false certification. Upon seven business days'
notice,Contractor and each subcontractor shall make available K. Waiver. Neither the Village nor the
for inspection and copying at a location within this State Consultant shall be under any obligation to exercise any of the
during reasonable hours, the records required to be made and rights granted to them in this Agreement except as it shall
kept by the Act to: (i) the Village, its officers and agents; (ii) determine to be in its best interest from time to time. The
the Director of Labor and his deputies and agents; and (iii) to failure of the Village or the Consultant to exercise at any time
federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies and any such rights shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver
prosecutors. of that right,nor shall the failure void or affect the Village's or
the Consultant's right to enforce such rights or any other
H. Default. If it should appear at any time that rights.
the Consultant has failed or refused to prosecute, or has
delayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a L. Third Party Beneficiary. No claim as a
rate that assures completion of the Services in full compliance third party beneficiary under this Agreement by any person,
with the requirements of this Agreement, or has otherwise firm, or corporation shall be made or be valid against the
failed,refused,or delayed to perform or satisfy the Services or Village.
any other requirement of this Agreement ("Event of
Default'), and fails to cure any such Event of Default within M. Governing Laws. This Agreement and the
ten business days after the Consultant's receipt of written rights of Owner and Consultant under this Agreement shall be
notice of such Event of Default from the Village, then the interpreted according to the internal laws, but not the conflict
Village shall have the right, without prejudice to any other of laws rules, of the State of Illinois; the venue for any legal
remedies provided by law or equity, to (1) terminate this action arising in connection with this Agreement shall be in
Agreement without liability for further payment; or (2) the Circuit Court of DuPage County,Illinois.
withhold from any payment or recover from the Consultant,
any and all costs, including attorneys' fees and administrative N. Conflicts; Exhibits. If any term or provision
expenses, incurred by the Village as the result of any Event of in this Agreement conflicts with any term or provision of an
Default by the Consultant or as a result of actions taken by the attachment or exhibit to this Agreement, the terms and
Village in response to any Event of Default by the Consultant. provisions of this Agreement shall control.
I Assignment. This Agreement may not be
assigned by the Village or by the Consultant without the prior O. No Disclosure of Confidential
written consent of the other party. Information by the Consultant. Confidential information
means all material, non-public, business-related information,
J. Notice. All notices required or permitted to written or oral, whether or not it is marked that is disclosed or
be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be made available to the Consultant, directly or indirectly,
delivered: (1)personally; (2) by a reputable overnight courier; through any means of communication or observation. The
or by (3) by certified mail, return receipt requested, and Consultant acknowledges that it shall, in performing the
deposited in the U.S. Mail,postage prepaid. Unless otherwise Services for the Village under this Agreement,have access, or
expressly provided in this Agreement, notices shall be deemed be directly or indirectly exposed, to Confidential Information.
received upon the earlier of. (a) actual receipt; (b) one The Consultant shall hold confidential all Confidential
Information and shall not disclose or use such Confidential without limitation, requiring employees and subcontractors of
Information without the express prior written consent of the the Consultant to execute a non-disclosure agreement before
Village. The Consultant shall use reasonable measures at least obtaining access to Confidential Information.
as strict as those the Consultant uses to protect its own
confidential information. Such measures shall include,
By: By:
Charlotte Pruss,Village Clerk Greg Summers,Village Manager
,ALSCO Location No.
The parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Scope orAgreement.During the term of this Agreement,Alsco(hereinafter called'Supplier)shall be the exclusive supplier to Customer of the services and goods listed on the Schedule attached hereto,as such Schedule maybe
amended from time to time.All goods supplied hereunder shall be regularly cleaned and maintained by the Supplier.Any goods which require replacement during the term of this Agreement because of normal wear and tear shall be
replaced by Supplier at Suppliers sole cost and expense. 34 -DAC- 7�r4f LZ
2 Term.This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 60 months,commencing on the date of installation of the goods,and shall be automatically renewed for consecutive 60 month periods thereafter unless
either party shall give to the other party written notice oficnnination by registered mail at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the term then in effect.
3. Charges.In consideration for the services and goods provided hereunder,Customer agrees to pay the charges set forth on the Schedule attached hereto and other charges which may become applicable.The description of the
charges shown on the Schedule and other charges that maybe applicable is located on the reverse side of this Agreement and any updates to that list at invwAlsco.conr.All charges arc based on 52 weeks per year whether or not service
is actually used.The Service Charge will be used to help AIsco pay various fluctuating costs relating to the environment,energy,service and delivery.Revenue from all charges on our invoices is used to offset costs and to provide
general revenue to Alsco.
4. Price Adjustments.On the first anniversary date and annually thereafter,Customer agrees that Supplier may increase prices by the greater of 5%or the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index("CPi")fur the preceding
twelve months.Supplier shall notify Customer of the new prices in the form of an adjusted invoice or statement.In addition to the foregoing,if Supplier increases prices more frequently than annually or by more than 590 of the CPI as
provided above("Additional Price Increases"),Supplier shall notify Customer of the Additional Price Increase as provided above.Customer shall have the right to reject any Additional Price Increase by giving written notice to
Supplier within ten(10)days of the Additional Price Increase.In such event,Supplier shall have the option of terminating this Agreement and Customer shall be obligated to comply with Section 9.
5. Payment and Credit.All charges shall be payable upon delivery,unless Customer applies for and Supplier provides a credit account.A Customer who has a credit account shall pay all charges for merchandise by the 10th day of
the month following the month in which delivery is made(the due date).A FINANCE CHARGE of 1-1/2%per month or I80%per year will be imposed on all outstanding credit account balances 30 days or more past due until paid in
full.If full payment on a credit account balance is not made within 30 days of the due date.Supplier may elect to revoke credit privileges and continue to supply merchandise under this Agreement on a cash-on-delivery basis only.
6. Representation and indemnity.Customer acknowledges that goods supplied pursuant to this Agreement arc designed only for general purpose use in working with non-hazardous materials,and that the goods are not flame
retardant or treated to resist acids or other caustic or hazardous materials.Customer represents that the goods shall not he used in areas of flammability,risk or where contact with caustic or otherwise hazardous materials or ignition
sources is possible.Customer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold Supplier harmless from any claim,liability orjudgment,including court costs and attorney's fees,arising from or relating to the use of any goods supplied
hereunder in violation of the foregoing representation.
7. Title to Goods and Replacing Lost or Damaged Goods.It is understood by the parties that all goods supplied under this Agreement arc,and shall remain,the property of Supplier,and shall be returned to Supplier at such time
as an employee of Customer using said goods terminates employment with Customer or at such time as this Agreement might expire or otherwise be terminated.Customer shall be responsible for all goods which are lost,destroyed,
stolen or not reamed as required herein,and with respect to such lost,destroyed,stolen or non•relumed goods Customer shall promptly pay to Supplier the Replacement Charge(as specified in Schedule A or amended Schedules)of
such goods,including applicable sales and use taxes.Supplier has the right to enter upon Customers premises to remove or take inventory of its goods at any time during Customer's regular business hours.
8. Liquidated Damages.Customer acknowledges that since Supplier owns the goods covered hereby and that such goods maybe unique to Customer's requirements and that the value of such goods is depreciating with time,the
damages which Supplier may sustain as a result of Customer's breach or premature termination of this Agreement would be difficult,if not impossible,to determine.The parties therefore agree that in the event of Customer's failure to
timely pay the fees and charges provided for herein,or in the event of any other breach or premature termination of this Agreement by Customer,Customer shall pay to Supplier as liquidated damages,and not as a penalty,a sum equal
to the number of unexpired weeks remaining in the term then in effect multiplied by fifty percent(50019)of the average weekly charge for goods and services during the 10 weeks immediately preceding such failure to pay,breach or
premature termination.The parties further agree that this formula is reasonable.
9. Payment of Goods Upon Termination.Upon termination of this Agreement,with or without cause.Customer agrees to return to Supplier all goods supplied pursuant to this Agreement.Customer agrees to pay Supplier's
Replacement Charge for any goods not returned or goods returned in a condition beyond normal wear and tear.The price to be paid upon such purchase of goods shall be in addition to any liquidated damages Customer maybe required
to pay pursuant to Section 8.
10. Change of Customer's Location.Customer shall give Supplier 30 days written notice prior to any change in the location to which goods and services are provided under this Agreement.So long as Customer's new location is
within Supplier's route delivery area,this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect despite a change in Customer's location.In the event Customer's new location is outside Supplier's route delivery arca,this Agreement shall be
deemed terminated and the provisions of Scction 9 dealing with purchase of goods shall apply,but the provisions of Scction 8 relating to liquidated damages shall not apply.
11. Undertaking and Quality.Supplier agrees to provide goods and services under this Agreement in accordance with accepted standards in the textile Ieasing/rental industry.In the event Customer believes that there arc
deficiencies in the quality of the service and/or goods furnished by Supplier hereunder,Customer shall give written notice to Supplier by certified mail,specifying the precise nature of such deficiencies,and Supplier shall have 60 days
after its receipt of such written notice to correct such claimed deficiencies.In the event Customer is,in good faith,not satisfied with Supplier's correction of the claimed deficiencies.Customer shall give written notice to Supplier by
certified mail,return receipt requested,specifying the precise nature ofthe inadequate correction.Failure to give such notice of inadequate correction shall create a conclusive presumption that Supplier has corrected the deficiencies.If
Supplier fails to correct the deficiencies within 30 days after its receipt of the second notice provided herein,Customer may terminate this Agreement.The provisions of Scction 8 relating to liquidated damages shall not apply to a
termination pursuant to this Section,but all other sections shall apply.
12. Other Contracts.Customer certifies that Supplier is in no way infringing upon any existing contract between Customer and another supplier and that Supplier has made no attempt to induce Customer to wrongfully terminate an
existing contract with another supplier of services or goods covered by this Agreement.
13. (Sinding Effect.This Agreement shall be binding upon the representatives,successors and assigns of the parties.In the event Customer sells or transfers its business or principal assets,Customer shall cause any purchaser of such
business or assets to assume in writing this Agreement and the obligations of Customer hereunder.
14. Severability.If any provision ofthis Agreement is determined to be invalid,the remaining terms and conditions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
15. Enforcement o[Agreement.In the event Supplier is required to enforce,defend and/or protect its rights under this Agreement,Customer agrees that in addition to all other amounts which it might be required to pay,it will pay
Supplier's costs of enforcing,defending and/or protecting its rights under this Agreement,including reasonable collection fees,attorneys'fees and costs.The parties agree that the only venue for any suit with respect to this Agreement
shall be the county in which Supplier's plant is located.
CUSTOMER NAME: ylah(se GT OAxa2o �/�''�
3003 rTo rL&� n I v (
CiTY,STATE,ZIP: 04469oyK, -� "0-03 DATE: 4, DATE:
Scanned with GarnScanner
Rania Serences, CPPB
From: Timothy O'Malley, BBA
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 7:43 AM
To: Rania Serences, CPPB
Subject: FW:Alsco: Oak Brook Public Works
Good morning Rania,
Attached is the vendor's response to the annual quote ($6600)for uniforms. There is a possibility that we will need 2XL
sizing for one or more of the employees, so maybe we should increase it to a portion of his recommendation (+$100).
Thank You
Tim O'Malley
Timothy O'Malley
Public Works Superintendent
Village of Oak Brook
3003 Jorie Blvd. Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-368-5276
Fax: 630-368-5277
Email: tomalley@oak-brook.ora
Web: Follow us: at l xT9x
This electronic message and any attached files contain information intended for the exclusive use of the individual(s)or entity to whom it is addressed
and may contain information that is proprietary, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including protected health information
(PHI). If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent, you are hereby notified that any viewing, copying, disclosure or distribution of the
information may be subject to legal restriction or sanction and is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the
sender by return electronic message or telephone, and destroy the original message without making any copies. Unless otherwise stated, any opinions
expressed in this electronic message are those of the author and are not endorsed by the Village.
Electronic messages sent to and from the Village of Oak Brook may be subject to discovery under the IL Freedom of Information Act.
Think Green! Please consider our environment before printing this electronic message.
From: Dominick Castaldo<>
Sent:Tuesday,August 2,2022 5:10 PM
To:Timothy O'Malley, BBA<>
Subject: RE:Alsco: Oak Brook Public Works
11,1 Jill
Tim, The pricing listed is what I quoted you. If nothing changes, like quantities or you add
other items that should be the weekly cost. I would use the $6600.00 or possibly add maybe
$200.00 more to cover any additional items or if some guys are 2XL or bigger. The cost of their
garments goes up about $.05 per garment. We have no problem signing your agreement. We
would need to look it over as we send it to our legal department too. If there is anything else
you need please let me know.
Dominick Castaldo
Sales Consultant
ALSCO Linen & Uniform Services
2641 S. Leavitt Street
Chicago, IL. 60608
Visit us on our Social Media Sites
alscoinc alscoinc ®alsco n
From:Timothy O'Malley, BBA<>
Sent: Monday,August 1, 2022 9:39 AM
To: Dominick Castaldo<>
Subject:Alsco: Oak Brook Public Works
Good morning Dom,
Please look over the attached quote spreadsheet for Oak Brook and the referenced email below. I need to confirm the
annual service contract total and the information needed below.
Please ask that they send us referenced schedule that list the goods and services as stated in the below email from our
attorney. Also, let Alsco know that I will be sending them a contract in our format for them to sign. Let me know the
not to exceed yearly cost that we should add to the agreement. Was it$6,300? You can let me know what is in the
budget and I will add that. Lastly, send me your contact's email address. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank You
Rania Serences, CPPB
Rania Serences
Senior Purchasing Assistant
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Rd. Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630.368.5164
Fax: 630.368.5165
Email: rserences@oak-brook.or4
Web: htto://www.oak-Follow F-1 F] foak-
brook.or us: [][twitter.coml[youtube.coml
This electronic message and any attached files contain information intended for the exclusive use of the individual(s)or entity to whom it is addressed
and may contain information that is proprietary, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including protected health information
(PHI). If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent, you are hereby notified that any viewing,copying, disclosure or distribution of the
information may be subject to legal restriction or sanction and is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the
sender by return electronic message or telephone, and destroy the original message without making any copies. Unless otherwise stated, any opinions
expressed in this electronic message are those of the author and are not endorsed by the Village.
Electronic messages sent to and from the Village of Oak Brook may be subject to discovery under the IL Freedom of Information Act.
Think Green! Please consider our environment before printing this electronic message.
From: Michael Castaldo III <>
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 12:55 AM
To: Rania Serences, CPPB<>
Subject: RE:Agreement for PW Uniforms
Attach this to our standard agreement—also please request the referenced schedule that lists the "goods and services"
that this company will be the exclusive provider to the Village for. Since this is an exclusivity contract,the schedule(s)
should be as specific as possible.