Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Prog. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK
Full Name of Contractor: M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. ("Contractor")
Principal Office Address: 3406 Enterprise Avenue, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383
Contact Person: Randy Lusk, Regional Manager Telephone Number: 800-255-1521
TO: Village of Oak Brook("Village")
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, Illinois
Attention: Rick Valent, Public Works Director
Contractor warrants and represents that Contractor has
carefully examined the Work Site described below and
has reviewed and understood all documents included,
referred to, or mentioned in this bound set of documents.
1. Work
A. Contract and Work. Contractor acknowledges,
and agrees, that Contractor shall, at its sole cost and 5. Miscellaneous. Do all other things required
expense, provide, perform, and complete, in the manner of Contractor by this Contract; and
specified and described, and upon the terms and
conditions set forth, in this Contract, all of the following, 6. Quality. Provide, perform, and complete all
all of which is herein referred to as the"Work": of the foregoing in a proper and workmanlike
manner, consistent with the standards of
1. Labor, Equipment, Materials, and Supplies. recognized professional firms in performing
Provide, perform, and complete, in the Work of a similar nature, in full compliance
manner specified and described in this with, and as required by or pursuant, to this
Contract, all necessary work, labor, services, Contract, and with the greatest economy,
transportation, equipment, materials, efficiency, and expedition consistent
supplies, information, data, and other means therewith, with only new, undamaged, and
and items necessary for the Fire Hydrant first quality equipment, materials, and
Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program, supplies.
as specified in Exhibit A, attached hereto, in
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523("Work Site"); B. Performance Standards. Contractor
acknowledges and agrees that all Work shall be fully
2. Permits. The Village will furnish all provided, performed, and completed in accordance with
permits, licenses, and other governmental the Proposal dated October 1, 2022, attached hereto as
approvals and authorizations necessary in Exhibit A.
connection therewith;
C. Responsibility for Damaee or Loss. Contractor
3. Bonds and Insurance. Procure and furnish proposes, and agrees, that Contractor shall be
all bonds and all insurance certificates and responsible and liable for, and shall promptly and
policies of insurance specified in this without charge to Village repair or replace, any damage
Contract; done to, and any loss or injury suffered by, the Village,
the Work, the Work Site, or other property or persons as
4. Taxes. Pay all applicable federal, state, and a result of the Work.
local taxes;
D. Inspection/Testing/Resection. Village shall have All payments may be subject to deduction or set
the right to inspect all or any part of the Work and to off by reason of any failure of Contractor to
reject all or any part of the Work that is, in Village's perform under this Contract. Each payment
judgment, defective or damaged or that in any way fails shall include Contractor's certification of the
to conform strictly to the requirements of this Contract value of, and partial or final waivers of lien
and the Village, without limiting its other rights or covering, all Work for which payment is then
remedies, may require correction or replacement at requested and Contractor's certification that all
Contractor's cost, perform or have performed all Work prior payments have been properly applied to
necessary to complete or correct all or any part of the the payment or reimbursement of the costs with
Work that is defective, damaged, or nonconforming and respect to which they were paid.
charge Contractor with any excess cost incurred thereby,
or cancel all or any part of any order or this Contract. 3. Contract Time
Work so rejected may be returned or held at Contractor's
expense and risk. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that Contractor
shall commence the Work within 15 days (weather
2. Contract Price permitting) following the Village's acceptance of this
Contract provided Contractor shall have furnished to the
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that Contractor Village all bonds and all insurance certificates specified
shall take in full payment for all Work and other matters in this Contract ("Commencement Date"). Contractor
set forth under Section 1 above, including overhead and further acknowledges and agrees that Contractor shall
profit; taxes, contributions, and premiums; and perform the Work diligently and continuously and shall
compensation to all subcontractors and suppliers, the complete the Work not later than December 31, 2022
compensation set forth below. ("Time of Performance"). The Village may modify the
Time of Performance at any time upon 15 days prior
A. SCHEDULE OF PRICES written notice to the Contractor. Delays caused by the
Village shall extend the Time of Performance; provided,
For providing, performing, and completing all however, that Contractor shall be responsible for
Work, the total Contract Price of$18,468.00 completion of all Work within the Time of Performance,
notwithstanding any strike or other work stoppage by
TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE (in writing): employees of either Contractor or of the Village.
Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred and 4. Financial Assurance
Sixty-Eight Dollars Only
A. Bonds. If the total contract cost is $20,000.00 or
B. BASIS FOR DETERMINING PRICES more, the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that
Contractor shall provide a Performance Bond, on forms
It is expressly understood and agreed that: provided by, or otherwise acceptable to, the Village, from
a surety company acceptable to the Village, each in the
1. All prices stated in the Schedule of Prices penal sum of the Contract Price, within 10 days following
are firm and shall not be subject to the Village's acceptance of this Contract.
escalation or change;
B. Insurance. Contractor acknowledges and agrees
2. The Village is not subject to state or local that Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance
sales, use, and excise taxes, that no such evidencing the minimum insurance coverages and limits
taxes are included in the Schedule of Prices, set forth in Exhibit B within 10 days following the
and that all claim or right to claim any Village's acceptance of this Contract. Such policies shall
additional compensation by reason of the be in form, and from companies, acceptable to the
payment of any such tax is hereby waived Village. The insurance coverages and limits set forth
and released; Exhibit B shall be deemed to be minimum coverages and
limits and shall not be construed in any way as a
3. All other applicable federal, state, and local limitation on Contractor's duty to carry adequate
taxes of every kind and nature applicable to insurance or on Contractor's liability for losses or
the Work are included in the Schedule of damages under this Contract. The minimum insurance
Prices. coverages and limits that shall be maintained at all
times while providing, performing, or completing the
C. TIME OF PAYMENT Work are as set forth in Exhibit B.
It is expressly understood and agreed that the C. Indemnification. Contractor acknowledges and
Village shall make final payment upon agrees that Contractor shall indemnify and save
completion of the work and final approval. harmless the Village its officers, officials, employees and
volunteers, against all damages, liability, claims, losses,
and expenses (including attorneys' fee) that may arise, or
be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with Section 33E-4 of Article 33 of the Criminal Code of 1961,
Contractor's performance of, or failure to perform, the 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et sem.
Work or any part thereof, or any failure to meet the
representations and warranties set forth in Section 6 of D. Qualified. Contractor has the requisite
this Contract. experience, ability, capital, facilities, plant, organization,
and staff to enable Contractor to perform the Work
C. Penalties. Contractor acknowledges and agrees successfully and promptly and to commence and
that Contractor shall be solely liable for any fines or civil complete the Work within the Contract Price and
penalties that are imposed by any governmental or Contract Time set forth above.
quasi-governmental agency or body that may arise, or be
alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with 7. Acknowledgements
Contractor's performance of, or failure to perform, the
Work or any part thereof. In submitting this Contract, Contractor
acknowledges and agrees that:
5. Firm Proposal
A. Reliance. The Village is relying on all
All prices and other terms stated in this Contract are warranties, representations, and statements made by
firm and shall not be subject to withdrawal, escalation, Contractor in this Contract.
or change.
B. Acceptance. If this Contract is accepted,
6. Contractor's Representations and Warranties Contractor shall be bound by each and every term,
condition, or provision contained in this Contract.
In order to induce the Village to accept this Contract,
Contractor hereby represents and warrants as follows: C. Remedies. Each of the rights and remedies
reserved to the Village in this Contract shall be
A. The Work. The Work, and all of its components, cumulative and additional to any other or further
shall strictly conform to the requirements of this remedies provided in law or equity or in this Contract.
Contract, including, without limitation, the performance
standards set forth in Subsection 1B of this Contract; D. Time. Time is of the essence in the performance
and shall be fit, sufficient, and suitable for the purposes of all terms and provisions of this Contract and, except
expressed in, or reasonably inferred from, this Contract where stated otherwise references in this Contract to
and the warranties expressed herein shall be in addition days shall be construed to refer to calendar days and
to any other warranties expressed or implied by law, time.
which are hereby reserved unto the Village.
E. No Waiver. No examination, inspection,
B. Compliance with Laws. The Work, and all of its investigation, test, measurement, review, determination,
components, shall be provided, performed, and completed decision, certificate, or approval by the Village, whether
in compliance with, and Contractor agrees to be bound before or after the Village's acceptance of this Contract;
by, all applicable federal, state, and local laws, orders, nor any information or data supplied by the Village,
rules, and regulations, as they may be modified or whether before or after the Village's acceptance of this
amended from time to time, including without limitation, Contract; nor any order by the Village for the payment of
if applicable, the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS money; nor any payment for, or use, possession, or
130/0.01 et seg.; any other prevailing wage laws; any acceptance of, the whole or any part of the Work by the
statutes requiring preference to laborers of specified Village; nor any extension of time granted by the Village;
classes; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because nor any delay by the Village in exercising any right
of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, under this Contract; nor any other act or omission of the
color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited Village shall constitute or be deemed to be an acceptance
classification; and any statutes regarding safety or the of any defective, damaged, or nonconforming Work, nor
performance of the Work. Further, Contractor shall operate to waive or otherwise diminish the effect of any
have a written sexual harassment policy in compliance representation or warranty made by Contractor; or of
with Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act any requirement or provision of this Contract; or of any
during the course of the work. remedy,power, or right of the Village.
C. Not Barred. Contractor is not barred by law F. Severability. It is hereby expressed to be the
from contracting with the Village or with any other unit intent of the parties to this Contract that should any
of state or local government as a result of (i) a provision, covenant, agreement, or portion of this
delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by Contract or its application to any Person or property be
the Illinois Department of Revenue unless Contractor is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
contesting, in accordance with the procedures remaining provisions of this Contract and the validity,
established by the appropriate Revenue Act, its liability enforceability, and application to any Person or property
for the tax or the amount of tax, as set forth in 65 ILCS shall not be impaired thereby, but the remaining
5/11-42.1-1; or (ii) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or provisions shall be interpreted, applied, and enforced so
as to achieve, as near as may be, the purpose and intent determined by the court on review, shall be paid for each
of this Contract to the greatest extent permitted by craft or type of worker needed to execute this contract or
applicable law. to perform such work, and it shall be mandatory upon
the contractor to whom the contract is awarded and upon
G. Amendments and Modifications. No amendment any subcontractor under him, to pay not less than the
or modification to this Contract shall be effective until it specified rates to all laborers, workers and mechanics
is reduced to writing and approved and executed by the employed by them in the execution of this contract.
corporate authorities of the parties in accordance with all
applicable statutory procedures. L. Conflicts of Interest. Contractor represents and
certifies that, to the best of its knowledge, (1) no elected
H. Assignment. Neither this Contract, nor any or appointed Village official, employee or agent has a
interest herein, shall be assigned or subcontracted, in personal financial interest in the business of the
whole or in part, by Contractor except upon the prior Contractor or in this Agreement, or has personally
written consent of the Village. received payment or other consideration for this
Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neither
1. Governing Law: Venue. This Contract shall be Contractor nor any person employed or associated with
governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with Contractor has any interest that would conflict in any
the internal laws, but not the conflicts of laws rules, of manner or degree with the performance of the
the State of Illinois. Venue for any action arising out of obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither
or due to this Contract shall be in the Circuit Court for Contractor nor any person employed by or associated
DuPage County, Illinois. with Contractor shall at any time during the term of this
Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would
J. Certified Payrolls. Contractor shall, in conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of
accordance with Section 5 of the Illinois Prevailing Wage the obligations under this Agreement.
Act, 820 ILCS 130/5, submit to the Department of Labor
on a monthly basis, a certified payroll. The certified M. Exhibits and Other Agreements. If any conflict
payroll shall consist of a complete copy of those records exists between this Agreement and any exhibit attached
required to be made and kept by the Prevailing Wage hereto or any other Agreement between the parties
Act. The certified payroll shall be accompanied by a relating to this transaction, the terms of this Agreement
statement signed by the Contractor or subcontractor shall prevail.
which certifies that: (1) such records are true and
accurate; (2) the hourly rate paid is not less than the N. No Disclosure of Confidential Information by
general prevailing rate of hourly wages required by the the Consultant. The Consultant acknowledges that it
Prevailing Wage Act; and (3) Contractor or subcontractor shall, in performing the Services for the Village under
is aware that filing a certified payroll that he or she this Agreement, have access, or be directly or
knows to be false is a Class A misdemeanor. A general
contractor may rely upon the certification of a lower tier indirectly exposed, to Confidential Information. The
subcontractor, provided that the general contractor does Consultant shall hold confidential all Confidential
not knowingly rely upon a subcontractor's false Information and shall not disclose or use such
certification. Upon seven business days' notice, Confidential Information without the express prior
Contractor and each subcontractor shall make available written consent of the Village. The Consultant shall
for inspection and copying at a location within this State use reasonable measures at least as strict as those the
during reasonable hours, the records required to be made Consultant uses to protect its own confidential
and kept by the Act to: (i) the Village, its officers and information. Such measures shall include, without
agents; (ii) the Director of Labor and his deputies and limitation, requiring employees and subcontractors of
agents; and (iii) to federal, State, or local law the Consultant to execute a non-disclosure agreement
enforcement agencies and prosecutors. before obtaining access to Confidential Information.
K. Prevailing Wage. Pursuant to Section 4 of the
Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/4, Contractor
agrees and acknowledges that not less than the
applicable rate of prevailing of wages, as found or
ascertained by the Department of Labor and made
available on the Department's Official website, or
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, an Illinois
have caused this rlgrernnent to he executed, iuimicipal corporation
effective on r . 2022"
13,x• --_-- •!��� --- ley:
Village Clerk Village IN90 ager
By: " By:
Its: Finance Manager Its: CEO
Certificates of Insurance shall be presented to the Village upon execution of this contract and vendor shall not
commence work until it provides and receives acceptance of insurance certificates from the Village as required by
this exhibit.
Each contractor performing any work pursuant to a contract with the Village of Oak Brook and each permittee
working under a permit as required pursuant to the provisions of Title 1 of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of
the Village of Oak Brook (hereinafter referred to as "Insured") shall be required to carry such insurance as
specified herein. Such contractor and permittee shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract or
permit insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in
connection with the performance of the work under the contract or permit, by either the contractor, permittee, or
their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors.
A contractor or permittee shall maintain insurance with limits no less than:
A. General Liability - $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and
property damage;
B. Automobile Liability (if applicable) - $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and
property damage;
C. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability- Worker's Compensation limits as required by the Labor
Code of the State of Illinois and Employer's Liability limits of$1,000,000 per accident.
Any deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the Village. At the option of the
Village, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductible or self-insured retention as respects the
Village, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Insured shall procure a bond guaranteeing
payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses to the extent of such
deductible or self-insured retention.
The policies shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions:
D. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage -
(1)The Village, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as
respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Insured;premises owned,
occupied or used by the Insured. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of
protection afforded to the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers, or agents.
(2)The Insured's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Village, its officers,
officials, employees, volunteers and agents. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the
Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in excess of the Insured's
insurance and shall not contribute with it.
(3)Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the
Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents.
(4)The Insured's insurance shall apply separately to each covered party against whom claim is made or
suit is brought except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.
E. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage
The policy shall waive all rights of subrogation against the Village, its officers, officials, employees,
volunteers and agents for losses arising from work performed by the insured for the Village.
Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either
party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail has
been given to the Village. Each insurance policy shall name the Village, its officers, officials and employees,
volunteers and agents as additional Insureds. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no
less than A:VII.
Each Insured shall furnish the Village with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements effecting
coverage required by this provision. The certificate and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed
by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to
be on forms approved by the Village and shall be subject to approval by the Village Attorney before work
commences. The Village reserves the right to require complete,certified copies of all required insurance policies,
at any time.
Each insured shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates
and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the
requirements stated herein.
CO., Inc.
October 1, 2022
Mr. Rick Valent
Director of Public Works
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Dear Mr.Valent,
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. is pleased to present the Village of Oak Brook our proposal for its Fire Hydrant
Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program. We are honored to be considered for this work and are
confident our team will help make the project a success.
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. is a Professional Services Firm dedicated to developing and providing programs
and services designed to maximize peak performance for our clients'water distribution systems.
Many of these programs are universally recognized as a part of"Best Management Practices" (BMPs)
for utilities. We pride ourselves on delivering solid solutions using the highest quality technical and
professional services by way of state-of-the-art technology and a skilled and well-trained staff of
professionals. Our highly educated engineers and technical team are committed to the success of this
project.They will be ready at a moment's notice to relieve your staff's burden and ensure a seamless
continuation of your services.
Our services were developed and refined to provide utilities with programs that can be customized to
meet their needs. From complete"Turn-Key'services to assisting with the development of"in-house"
programs for utilities, M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.serves our clients with this ultimate goal: to deliver to the
public the implicit faith that"the water is always safe to drink".
Thank you for your consideration and this opportunity to acquaint you with our services and offer this
response.We are committed to exceeding your expectations.
Sincerely yours,
Randy Lusk
Innovations&Solutions Manager
Randy Lusk 3406 Enterprise Avenue
Regional Manager Valparaiso,IN 46383
800.2SS.1521 1
888.531.2444 F
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 1
Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program
The Field Scope of Service for the Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing
Program is understood to be the following:
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. will furnish all labor, material,transportation,tools, and equipment necessary to flow
test hydrants in the water distribution system selected by the Utility. M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. shall be required
to provide such skilled and trained personnel and equipment necessary to complete the work herein
specified.There will be a minimum of Two Persons per team working on the Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain
Capacity Testing program at all times.
♦ Work in an orderly and safe manner to insure protection of the local residents, Utility employees,and the
Field Staff so that no avoidable accidents occur.
• All Field Staff will have readily observable identification badges worn while in the field.All vehicles used
in the field will have company signs attached.
♦ The flow testing equipment to be used will be that which was described in the"Equipment to be used"
6 M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. Personnel will meet with the Utility to review the project guidelines and answer
any questions on procedures.
♦ The initial layout of the project will need to involve distribution Utility staff to help identify the flow
patterns in the distribution system,flow testing from larger mains into smaller mains,from the water
sources (pump stations and water storage structures), out into the system loops and dead ends.
♦ Any pressure zones in the distribution system will be identified on the water atlas prior to developing the
fire hydrant flow-testing program.This will need to be done with distribution personnel prior to the start
of the program.
♦ As a part of the Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing program, mapping discrepancies found
on the current water atlas will be noted and included as a part of the final report so the Utility can make
needed corrections.This will be included as a part of the periodic reporting to the Utility,thus enabling
the Utility to keep up with mapping corrections.
♦ A progression map shall be maintained for each section under study indicating hydrants assessed on the
map.This will be especially helpful in quickly determining the work progress of the crews in the field.
♦ It may be necessary to conduct parts of the Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing during"off
hours"such as at night.This may be required in areas of high traffic volume where traffic may affect the
ability to conduct safe flow testing,and traffic volume may affect the ability of the Project Team to be
able to safely access hydrants on busy streets.The Project Team will give 24-hour advanced notice of
intent to flow test hydrants in a particular area that may require after hours work or nighttime work.
This is so the Utility can plan for the area to be worked in,give notification to the Police department,as
well as other Public Works Divisions as to the activity that will take place.
♦ M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. will use large flow testing signs in designated areas to notify areas to be tested
and inspected.
♦ M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. can provide the Utility an informational letter briefly explaining the fire hydrant
flow-testing program to include with the customer's normal water bill. Frequently, special mailings are
used for customer notification. If you choose a special mailing,the Village will be responsible for the
postage and printing costs.
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 2
• M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. can issue a press release to briefly explain the fire hydrant flow-testing program
and the areas affected.The press releases can be sent to; local newspapers, local radio stations and the
Cable Company.This type of customer notification can greatly reduce the number of customer
complaints about dirty water.
♦ All of the fire hydrants will be recorded on the water atlas and assigned numbers, using your existing
numbering system or by creating a numbering system for you, prior to the development of the fire
hydrant flow-testing program. This data is critical to establishing an effective and water conserving fire
hydrant flow-testing program.
♦ All of the pertinent information for each fire hydrant that is flow-tested will be documented.This data is
critical to establishing an ongoing flow-testing and maintenance program.The following is a list of the
information gathered.
o If requested,all Fire Hydrant caps will be greased for ease of operation
o Fire Hydrant nozzle size used for each test will be recorded
o Residual Pressure will be recorded for each Fire Hydrant tested
o Static Pressure will be recorded for each Fire Hydrant
o Flow,GPM (Gallons Per Minute),will be recorded for each Fire Hydrant flowed
o The amount of time it takes to flush each Fire Hydrant will be recorded. An estimate will be made of
the amount of water used during the operation of each Fire Hydrant test
o Fire Hydrants that are in need of repair, painting, color coding, or have operation defects will be
noted with an estimate of repairs needed to make the hydrant operational.
o The date tested and technicians operating the Fire Hydrant will be recorded.
o The Fire Hydrant address or location will be recorded.
♦ The Project team will set up the flow testing program in such a way that hydrants are operated near the
water source first,then the team will move away from the water source in an organized manner to keep
water discoloration and distribution disturbances to a minimum. The "flow" hydrant shall be
downstream of the "residual' hydrant,thus insuring proper residual readings for full potential fire flow
(re:AWWA M-17 manual, page 41).
♦ Fire hose and deflection tubes will be utilized, as required,to direct flushing water away from traffic,
pedestrians, underground Utility vaults,and private property.
• Pressure gauges are used to determine the residual pressure during the flow-testing process while
insuring that the distribution system pressure remains above 20 psi. Any incidents of the distribution
system being unable to supply a residual of 20 psi in the surrounding area will be brought to the
immediate attention of the Utility Superintendent.
♦ After the Fire Hydrant has been flushed, M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.will verify that the hydrant is seated and
is draining properly. We will also check the Fire Hydrant with a FCS S30 or Gutermann AquaScope
electronic listening device to ensure that the hydrant is not leaking.A majority of fire hydrant leaks go
un-noticed because they are small leaks draining out through the drain holes at the base of the hydrant.
Using the S30 or Gutermann AquaScope will help eliminate this type of leakage.
♦ All pressure gauges used in the field will undergo daily testing against a "standard"gauge to insure the
field gauges are accurate during the flow-testing project. Any gauges that are found to not be within
acceptable limits will be replaced with gauges that are within accepted standards. This will insure the
observed static and residual pressures are accurate and reliable.
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 3
GPS Locations
M.E. Simpson Company's Project Team will furnish all labor, material,transportation,tools, and
equipment necessary to perform GPS locations on specified appurtenances in the distribution system,
then take these GPS locations and import them into a GPS database,showing all the important
locational details needed and desired by the Utility.The Project Team shall be required to provide such
skilled and trained personnel and equipment necessary to complete the work herein specified.There
will be a minimum of Two Persons per team performing the asset assessments at all times
♦ Work in an orderly and safe manner to insure protection of the local residents, Utility employees,
and the Field Staff so that no avoidable accidents occur.
♦ All Field Staff will have readily observable identification badges worn while in the field. All vehicles
used in the field will have company signs attached.
♦ Project Team Personnel will meet with the Utility to review the project guidelines and answer any
questions on procedures.
♦ As a part of the program, mapping discrepancies found on the current atlases will be noted and
included as a part of the final report so the Utility will have a listing of needed corrections.This will
be included as a part of the periodic reporting to the Utility,thus enabling the Utility to keep up with
mapping corrections made by the Project Team.
♦ A progression map shall be maintained for each section under study indicating all assets located on
the map. This will be especially helpful in quickly determining the work progress of the crews in the
♦ It may be necessary to conduct parts of the asset assessment during "off hours"such as at night.
This may be required in areas of high traffic volume where traffic may affect the ability to conduct
safe collection of GPS points, and traffic volume may affect the ability of the Project Team to be able
to safely GPS valves on busy streets.The Project Team will give 24-hour advanced notice of intent to
GPS valves in a particular area that may require after hours work or nighttime work.This is so the
Utility can plan for the area to be worked in,give notification to the Police department,as well as
other Public Works Divisions as to the activity that will take place.
♦ Examine the water maps to determine the anticipated location of each asset/appurtenance chosen.
♦ Attempt to verify the existence of all selected assets shown on the atlases by visual inspection.
♦ Search for assets shown, but not identified by visual inspection, using a magnetic locator.
♦ Employ a combination of recorded information, manual and technical testing techniques as needed
to establish the location of remaining assets.
♦ Identify locations where a main line valve or water main is expected, but not shown on the current
maps, and proceed through verification and search process.
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 4
GPS Asset Location
♦ Once the assets have been physically located,the Project Team will perform the following:
♦ The Project Team will collect GPS Coordinates of all assets assessed using the above"Scope of
♦ The Project Team will work with the Utility to develop a "data dictionary" which will define the
information to be collected for each attribute.The data dictionary shall have the following but not
limited to:
o Date and time the information was gathered.
o The unique identifying number for each attribute consistent and compatible with
system presently employed by the Utility.
o Location for each attribute referenced by Northing and Easting coordinates
generated from the GPS location in the Utility's local State Plane Coordinate system.
o Type of Attribute(Example: mainline valve, hydrant,tee,elbow,four-way cross,
major service line,etc.).
o Offset information if the attribute needs to have the location determined by an
offset coordinate due to blocked signals from the GPS satellites.
o Any other data required to be collected as part of the attribute data set as defined
by the data Dictionary.This data dictionary will be assembled by the Project Team
and the Utility.
♦ The accuracy of each GPS location will be sub-meter.
• GPS locations will need to have readings from at least four satellites in position and a reading from a
local GPS beacon,or five satellites for the position to be considered accurate as a differentially
corrected GPS location.
♦ "PDOP" readings need to be less than 5. "PDOP" readings greater than 5 will not be considered as
accurate locations.
4 A minimum of 30 readings for each position shall be taken.
♦ Position of the GPS satellites shall be given primary consideration.The position of the satellites shall
be recorded as part of the data. If the satellites are low on the horizon (below 15 degrees), it is
expected that the project team will wait until the position is better before attempting to gather the
GPS position.
♦ The information collected will be differentially corrected using Pathfinder software database with
the ability to export the information into a format acceptable to the Utility such as Microsoft Access,
Microsoft Excel, .DXF file,or.SHP file for use in the Utility's GIS system or CAD mapping program,
and also included in the Polcon Pro Valve° database if a valve program is part of the work.
♦ All locations will be differentially corrected for accuracy. A stationary beacon or mobile beacon can
be set up to allow differential correction. All data will be "Post-Processed", so that a comparison can
be made to a Local stationary GPS receiver. The locations of the stationary GPS stations will be
obtained from the Internet. This will allow for a greater accuracy of the GPS locations.
Documentation of GPS Locations
♦ The Project Team will provide a location report for each asset located, included in a database or
excel spreadsheet on a USB in a format agreed upon between the Utility and the Project Team.
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 5
♦ The GPS data collected shall include but is not limited to the following information:
o Identifying number consistent and compatible with system presently employed by the
o Location referenced by coordinates using the Illinois State Plane Coordinate System.
o Type of structure.
Date and time data was collected
Fire Hydrant Operation, Flow-Testing
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.takes great care when operating,flow-testing the customer's fire hydrants in their
water distribution system. Even with our years of proven experience in water system operations problems
occasionally occur.
Any valves or fire hydrants that break or fail during the flow-testing program will be repaired or replaced at
the expense of the water Utility. M.E. Simpson Co Inc cannot be held responsible for possible valve or
hydrant failures during their operation M.E. Simpson Co Inc cannot be held responsible for damage done
to the water system during fire hvdrant flow testing such as water leaks discolored water and turbidity that
can possibly occur during the flow testing process M.E. Simpson Co Inc cannot be held responsible for
Possible damage to the water utilities' individual water customer.
NFPA Color Coding Standards
Municipal, Private, and Non-Potable fire-hydrants should not be painted the same color(the body of the
hydrant)according to the NFPA. Each of the three types should follow the color code listed below. The
bonnet and nozzle/pumper caps are also to be color-coded according to the hydrants' rated flow rate at 20
psi (see below).
The NFPA has published standards regarding the maintenance and color coding of fire hydrants(NFPA 291).
The scheme is as follows:
` Sul) Body Color
Municipal System: Cl.; w,; f 01ow
NFPA Private System: Red
M"FehandeoANa6t1n Non-Potable System: Violet(Light Puiple)
Hydrant ratings at 20 psi.
Class C Less than 500 GPM Red
Class B 500-999 GPM orange
Class A 1000-1499 GPM Green
Class AA 1500 GPM&above Light Blue
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 6
Utility Observations
The M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. Project Team will welcome having staff of the Utility observe field procedures
while the flushing program is in progress.They will be happy to explain and demonstrate the equipment and
techniques that are employed by M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. for calculations of fire flows.This may be useful for
the staff of the Utility in understanding the parameters of hydrant flow testing,especially during an
emergency such as a fire where proper flow is needed for the fire department.
Final Reports, Documentation & Communications
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. will perform the following:
♦ Project Team will meet daily with assigned Utility personnel to go over areas of flow testing for prior
workdays and plan current day and next two days'areas to flow test.
♦ At the end of each day, or as requested,a list of any broken or inoperable valves or hydrants will be
turned in.
♦ Each step of the fire hydrant flow-testing program will be identified and the hydrants used for each
flow-test will be documented in a fire hydrant flow-testing report.
• Maintain a progression map to be included with the final report of the project indicating areas flow
tested and areas that have been tagged for flow testing.
♦ The Utility will be provided with flow information in Pro-Maps'""/Pro-Hydrant°an electronic fire hydrant
database.This documentation allows for the flow-testing program to be repeated at a later date. This
electronic program is designed to be a complete system for your Utility to establish an effective fire
hydrant flow testing,flushing and maintenance program.The electronic database provides an inventory
record system, hydrant maintenance and scheduling. The database includes a complete hydrant flow-
testing program for calculating flow test results. Pro-Ma ps'"^/Pro-Hydrant® is a hydrant record database
(ODBC). This data will be available in an electronic format to the Utility with the appropriate access. The
data will be maintained offsite at a secure location.
• M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. can also provide the Pro-Maps'""/Pro-Hydrant°, electronic database,that has the
abilities to access and reproduce and edit all aforementioned hydrant location and flow testing
information. This program will have the capability to generate upon demand:
♦ The individual Hydrant Flow Test reports that includes the flow test data,static pressure and residual
pressure, and potential flow at 20psi.
♦ A summary listing of all Hydrants with identified defects.
♦ A complete listing of all Hydrants by numerical or indexed order.
♦ A complete listing of all Hydrants by alphabetically reference to street and cross street names.
♦ All pertinent information such as port size, number of ports,flow test results,general condition of the
hydrant, and color coding for the NFPA rating.
6 Hydrant location will be documented from existing landmarks and will be a part of each Hydrant record.
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 7
♦ Information collected by M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. during the program and any other information
provided by the Utility shall be regarded as CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shared without
permission from the Utility or unless required by law.
6 Develop a Flow Testing log of activity to be included with the final report that will include the
1. Type of problems observed
2. Location of same for problems discovered
3. Total estimated water used (to be included on each flow test result)
4. Mapping errors on the water atlas
♦ Prepare the final report at the completion of the project which will include all Fire Hydrant
Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing reports,other problems found in the system during the course of
flow testing that need the attention of the Water Utility.This final report shall be made available
for submission to the Water Department within thirty(30)work days of the completion of the
Assumptions & Services Provided by the Utility
• The Utility will furnish, in an electronic format,all maps,atlases, (two copies) and records necessary
to properly conduct the flow testing program.
♦ The Utility will make available, on a reasonable but periodic basis, certain personnel with a working
knowledge of the water system who may be helpful with general information about the water
system. This person will not need to assist the Project Team on a full-time basis, but only on an "as
♦ The Utility will supply information regarding pressure zone boundary valves, and any other
information that may make the job of flow testing easier to perform.
♦ The Utility will assist, if needed,to help gain entry into sites that may be difficult to enter due to
security issues or other concerns.
Equipment to be Used
The following equipment will be used for fire hydrant operation and maintenance work during the
unidirectional flushing program for the Utility. All materials listed will be on the job site at all times.
• Pumper Port Diffuser, Hose Monster
• 2.5" Port diffusers, Hose Monster/Pollards
6 Certified and field tested flow gauges
♦ Valve keys
♦ FCS S30 or Gutermann AquaScope listening device to ensure the hydrant isn't leaking
♦ All necessary hand tools
• Truck mounted Arrow Board/Signage, and warning lights on trucks
♦ Traffic control equipment, including properly sized traffic cones with reflective stripes, when needed
or required
♦ A "Schonstedt"/"Chicago Tape"/"Fisher" magnetic locators
6 A "Radio Detection line locators
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 8
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.'s Safety Programs cover all aspects of the work performed by M.E. Simpson Co.,
Inc. We take great pride in our safety plan/policy/program and that is evident in our EMR scores over
the last five years.The safety of our employees,the utilities employees and that of the general public is
our#1 priority.
Our Safety Plan/Policy/Program,with all of its parts, is 60 pages in length. In an effort to be more
efficient and less wasteful we do not print copies of the safety program for RFPs.There is nothing
secretive or proprietary contained within our plan/policy/program and we are happy to share its
contents. If you would like a PDF copy of our plan/policy/program please contact Terrence Williams,
Operations Manager, at 800.255.1521 and a copy of our program will be sent via email to you.
Below is an overview of our plan/policy/program:
Safety is a major part of any project. M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. always provides a safe work
environment for its employees.Our staff is trained in General Industry OSHA rules,
Confined Space Entry&Self-Rescue, First Responder First Aid,CPR,and Traffic Control.
While in the field on your project, M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. and its employees will follow all of
the necessary safety procedures to protect themselves,your staff and the general public.
M.E.Simpson Co.,Inc. uses Two-Man Teams for Safety and Quality Assurance
The use of a "one-person" leak detection team is dangerous and impractical where water mains run
under roadways. It would be a dangerous precedent to allow a "one-person"team to access main line
valves located in the roadway, attempt to listen to the valve with headphones on and at the same time
try to control traffic flow at that person's location in the street.
Therefore M.E.Simpson Co., Inc.adheres to the following:
• The Project Manager and the Field Manager will be trained in accordance with OSHA Standard
1910(General Industry)and be in possession of an OSHA 10 Hour or 30 Hour Card.
♦ Any listening points located in a "confined space"such as pit and vault installations that require
entry will be treated in accordance with the safety rules regarding Confined Space Entry,
designated by the Utility,The Department of Labor and OSHA.
o All personnel are trained and certified in Confined Space Entry&Self-Rescue.
♦ We will follow all safety rules regarding First Responder First Aid&CPR,designated by the
Utility,The Department of Labor and OSHA.
o All personnel are trained and certified in First Responder First Aid&CPR.
6 We will follow all traffic safety rules,designated by the Utility,The Department of Labor,
OSHA, and the Illinois Department of Transportation (per MUTCD).
o All personnel are trained and certified, by the AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY SERVICES
ASSOCIATION (ATSSA) in Traffic Control and Safety.
Current documentations of safety training and certifications can be provided for all project personnel for
the Utility. These certifications are current and up to date (for 2022)for all proiect personnel
M.E.Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 9
The total number of hydrants to be flow tested for the Utility is approximately 1365.The number of hydrants
tested may vary from the estimated number above. Any additional hydrants shall be charged a per unit price.
Proiect Start Date: TBD
Hold Kick-off meeting: TBD,to cover goals and objectives of Project.
Fieldwork to be completed and documented: TBD days depending on number of hydrants to be flow tested.
Hydrant Reports: Twenty(20)working days after fieldwork is completed for the project.
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. I Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Program Page 10
A commitment to improving and maximizing the Village
of Oak Brook's water system for future generations.
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. is pleased to offer the Village of Oak Brook our proposal for a Fire Hydrant
Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing program.This program is based on locating, documenting,and flow testing
1365 fire hydrants in the Village of Oak Brook's water distribution system over a 4 year program.All
procedures and practices will be done in accordance with the above Scope of Services.The flow testing and
documentation will be done by one of our two-man team's with all necessary equipment furnished by M.E.
Simpson Co., Inc. as described within this document.
Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing Fee:
2019 Fire Hydrant Flow Tests at$52.00 each (Approx. 342) $17,784.00
2020 Fire Hydrant Flow Tests at$52.00 each (Approx. 342) $17,784.00
2021 Fire Hydrant Flow Tests at$54.00 each (Approx. 342) (SKIPPED) $18,468.00
2022 Fire Hydrant Flow Tests at$54.00 each (Approx. 342) $18,468.00
2023 Fire Hydrant Flow Tests at$56.00 each (Approx.342) $19,152.00
These fees are all based on approximate numbers of fire hydrants to be flow tested.The total price will
change according to the actual number of fire hydrants completed All procedures will be followed
according to the above scope of services.This will include the Pro-MapsTM/Pro-Hydrant®electronic database
loaded with the fire hydrant database and flow testing information for all fire hydrants completed.
We thank you for this opportunity to acquaint you with our Fire Hydrant Flow/Watermain Capacity Testing
services and present you with this proposal. If you have further inquiries or you wish to discuss our service in
more detail, do not hesitate to call us.