TIF Annual Report 2014VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS ROAD ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 SECTION 1.0 2.0 Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Attachment H Attachment I Attachment J Village of Oak Brook Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 Butterfield/Meyers Rd. TIF Table of Contents TITLE Name of Redevelopment Project Area and Contact Information Redevelopment Project Information Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Project and/or Area Boundary Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of the municipality that the municipality has complied with all of the requirements of the TIP Statute (the "Act") during the reporting fiscal year Opinion of legal counsel that the municipality is in compliance with the Act Statement setting forth all activities undertaken in furtherance of the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan Description of Agreements Regarding Property Disposition or Redevelopment Additional Information on Uses of Funds Related to Achieving Objectives of the Redevelopment Plan Information Regarding Contracts with TIP Consultants Reports Submitted by Joint Review Board Summary of any obligations issued by the municipality and official statements Financial Analysis: TIP Obligations PAGE 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 SECTION Attachments KandL TITLE For special tax allocation funds that have experienced cumulative deposits of incremental tax revenues of $100,000 or more, a certified audit report reviewing compliance with the Act performed by an independent public accountant certified and licensed by the authority of the State of Illinois Attachment M Intergovernmental Agreements 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 Exhibit A Exhibit B Analysis of Special Tax Allocation Fund Itemized List of Expenditures from Special Tax Allocation Fund Special Tax Allocation Fund Balance ( end of reporting period) Property purchased by the municipality within the Redevelopment Project Area Review of Public and Private Investment Optional Sections Joint Review Board Minutes Audit and Compliance Letter PAGE 16 17 18 20 25 27 29 31 BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 Section 1. Name of Redevelopment Project Area and Contact Information Refer to chart attached. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 1 Attachment A. Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Project Area Boundary No amendments were made to the redevelopment plan or boundaries in the reporting Fiscal Year. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 4 Attachment B. Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of the municipality that the municipality has complied with all of the requirements of the Act during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014. Refer to the attached certification. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 5 Attachment C. Opinion of legal counsel that the municipality has complied with the Act. Refer to the attached opinion. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 7 Attachment D. A. B. Statement setting forth all activities undertaken m furtherance of the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, including: Any project implemented during the reporting fiscal year; and A description of the redevelopment activities undertaken. The Village continued the review of the Oak Brook Promenade redevelopment project undertaken in previous reporting Fiscal Years. The project includes a number of retail and service tenants and construction has largely been completed. Approximately 118,000 s.f. of retail space is under lease. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 9 Attachment E. Description of Agreements Regarding Property Disposition or Redevelopment No property was sold by the Village, nor were any new redevelopment agreements entered into by the Village in the reporting Fiscal Year. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 10 Attachment F. Additional Information on Uses of Funds Related to Achieving Objectives of the Redevelopment Plan The Village applied funds to the payment of certain professional costs associated with the administration of the TIF and interest costs applied to the TIF Allocation Limited Obligation Revenue Note. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 11 Attachment G. Information Regarding Contracts with TIF Consultants. The Village entered into a contract with Kane McKenna and Associates, Inc. in order to prepare the TIF annual report. No contracts for such services included contingent payments associated with TIF revenues. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 12 Attachment H. Reports Submitted by Joint Review Board. No reports were submitted by the Joint Review board in the reporting Fiscal Year. The Joint Review Board met on August 21, 2014. The minutes of the meetings are attached as Exhibit A. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 13 Attachment I. Summary of any obligations issued by the municipality and official statements No new obligations were issued by the Village in the reporting Fiscal Year. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 14 Attachment J. Financial Analysis: TIF Obligations No new analysis was required by the Village, as no new obligations were issued. Existing note obligations have been paid by the Village. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 15 Attachments K and L For special tax allocation funds that have experienced cumulative deposits of incremental tax revenues of $100,000 or more, a certified audit report reviewing compliance with the Act performed by an independent public accountant certified and licensed by the authority of the State of Illinois. The audit report shall contain a letter from the independent certified public accountant indicating compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of subsection ( q) of Section 11-74.4-3. An audit and accountant's certification for the Special Tax Allocation fund are attached as Exhibit B. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 16 Attachment M Intergovernmental Agreements Not applicable. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 17 Section 3.1 Analysis of Special Tax Allocation Fund Refer to table attached. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 1 8 SECTION 3.1 -(65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5 (d) (5) and 65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22 (d) (5)) Provide an analysis of the special tax allocation fund. FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 Fund Balance at Beginning of Reporting Period IS 2a5,a61 1 Revenue/Cash Receipts Deposited in Fund During Reporting FY: Reporting Year Cumulative* Property Tax Increment s 326,896 s 2,452,398 State Sales Tax Increment Local Sales Tax Increment s 95,471 s 465,723 State Utility Tax Increment Local Utility Tax Increment Interest s 13 s 2,452 Land/Building Sale Proceeds Bond Proceeds Transfers from Municipal Sources Private Sources Other (identify source · if multiple other sources, attach schedule) % of Total 84% 0% 16% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% *must be completed where 'Reporting Year' Is populated Total Amount Deposited in Special Tax Allocation Fund During Reporting Period Cumulative Total Revenues/Cash Receipts IS 422,3ao 1 is Total Expenditures/Cash Disbursements (Carried forward from Section 3.2) .... I S'---__ 4_79--'-1 _68_4_.I Distribution of Surplus Total Expenditures/Disbursements I .... S ___ 4_79_,_68_4_.I NET INCOME/CASH RECEIPTS OVER/(UNDER) CASH DISBURSEMENTS l,_S'-----''-57...:.,_30_4..:..J)I FUND BALANCE, END OF REPORTING PERIOD* ._I s'---__ 2_2...:.8,_55_7_.I * if there is a positive fund balance at the end of the reporting period, you must complete Section 3.3 SURPLUS*/(DEFICIT)(Carried forward from Section 3.3) Is (3,543,619)1 1 9 2,920,573 I 100%1 Section 3.2 Itemized List of Expenditures from Special Tax Allocation Fund Refer to tables attached. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 20 SECTION 3.2 A-(65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5 (d) (5) and 65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22 (d) (5)) FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 ITEMIZED LIST OF ALL EXPENDITURES FROM THE SPECIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND (by category of permissible redevelopment cost, amounts expended during reporting period) FOR AMOUNTS >$10,000 SECTION 3.2 B MUST BE COMPLETED Category of Permissible Redevelopment Cost [65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-3 (q) and 65 ILCS 5/11-74.6- 10 (o)] Amounts Reporting Fiscal Year 1. Costs of studies, administration and professional services-Subsections (q)(1) and (o) (1) : 3,230 .. . . .· . : $ 3,230 2. Cost of marketing sites-Subsections (q)(1.6) and (o)(1.6) ·.· . : . ·; r ••• ) · .. .· ••. r .. . ' . ; •,; : . j :; $ . 3. Property assembly, demolition, site preparation and environmental site improvement costs. .. ~ .... Subsection (q){2), (o)(2) and (o)(3) ., . . ; c; ' ··•· :r. , .. · ... \" .• . ; .•. •: C . $ . 4. 1,,;osts or renao11I1auon, reconstrucuon, repair or remoaenng or exIsung puonc or private ou11amgs. .... ; : ·.·· ;: : .. Subsection (q)(3) and (o)(4) .· .. ·• : .: . • .. .. ·. : · .. :: . ... ... . :: \ : .· : ·•· .. ... > ·.; ; ; ·::• .. · : .... $ . 5. Costs of construction of public works and improvements. Subsection (q)(4) and (o){5) •. . . .· :; . . · . . . . •: :· . . :• •· ;: : ... .. ·• .• ' " ~ . ,. .... .:: : ·•.· .. .·· :; : $ . 6. Costs of removing contaminants required by environmental laws or rules (0)(6) -Industrial Jobs .. : : Recovery TIFs ONLY ; .· .. ·•.·...:< •·: . · .. · . ·.··: : ... : .··· .. :·, $ . 21 SECTION 3.2 A PAGE 2 7. t;ost or JOO training ana retraining, incIuaing ·weI1are to worK .. programs :suosectIon (q)(5), (0)(7) . and (o)(12) •• ..... . . ... .. . . .· ; _ ..... $ " 8. Financing costs. Subsection (q) (6) and (0)(8) .. . . .. Redevelopment Agreement Payments 476,454 . . . .· • . \ ... $ 476,454 9. Approved capital costs. Subsection (q)(7) and (o)(9) . .. .• . . .. :•• .· ; .. . · .... . $ " 1 o. Cost of Reimbursing school districts for their increased costs caused by TIF assisted housing °; projects. Subsection (q)(7.5) -Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment TIFs ONLY .· .. .• "· • . .. ; . • • • . .. \; ...•. ;. • $ " 11. Relocation costs. Subsection (q}{8} and (o)(10) .· <i. C. . ••; ; .... .· <· .. '°•; ..• .. ·:• . $ " 12. Payments in lieu of taxes. Subsection (q)(9) and (o)(11) . ·• . < • < •.· . ·• .•. .. ; . ···•· ··• . .; . ;; $ " 13. t;osts ot JOO training, retraining advanced vocational or career eaucauon provided Dy other .. l taxing bodies. Subsection (q)(10) and (o)(12) .. ·. . .. .·. ·. / ,. . . .. ; · .. · . .. ; $ " 22 SECTION 3.2 A PAGE3 14. Costs of reimbursing private developers for interest expenses incurred on approved ·. ·\ redevelopment projects. Subsection (q)(11 )(A-E) and (o)(13)(A-E) . .. .. .·.•· ,\' : .,, ', ·• .· . •.•· ... ·· .. ...... .. .· . .:; ·,:t . . .. . ; · .. . .. · .. . .. ,· $ - 15. Costs of construction of new housing units for low income and very low-income households. ;; ·. Subsection (q)(11)(F) -Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment TIFs ONLY : : . ·. ; .. •·· . • . $ 16. Cost of day care services and operational costs of day care centers. Subsection (q) (11.5) -Tax ; ··. • .. Increment Allocation Redevelopment TIFs ONLY .. · .. .. •, ·. • ., . ·. $ - !TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES 479,684 I 23 Section 3.2 B FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 List all vendors, including other municipal funds, that were paid in excess of $10,000 during the current reporting year. There were no vendors, including other municipal funds, paid in excess of $10,000 during the current reporting period. Name Service 1311 LLC Note Debt Service Five Star Ventures Note Debt Service Don Kurasch Note Debt Service Ryan Murphy Note Debt Service St Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Note Debt Service 24 Amount $ 95,291.00 $ 23,823.00 $ 95,291.00 $ 23,823.00 $ 238,226.00 Section 3.3 Special Tax Allocation Fund Balance ( end of reporting period). Refer to table attached. BUTTERFIELD/ MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 25 SECTION 3.3 -(65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5 (d) (5) 65 ILCS 11-74.6-22 (d) (5)) Breakdown of the Balance in the Special Tax Allocation Fund At the End of the Reporting Period FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 FUND BALANCE, END OF REPORTING PERIOD 1. Description of Debt Obligations Limited Obligation Note -Series 2005 Total Amount Designated for Obligations 2. Description of Project Costs to be Paid Total Amount Designated for Project Costs TOTAL AMOUNT DESIGNATED SURPLUS*/(DEFICIT) Amount of riginal Issuance $ 4,250,000 $ 4,2so,ooo 1 $ •. \ ' ... . . .. ; •'· . .. I$ I$ I$ 22s,ss1 1 Amount Designated 3,772,176 3,772,176 I -I 3,772,176 I (3,543,619) 1 * NOTE: If a surplus is calculated, the municipality may be required to repay the amount to overlapping taxing 26 Section 4.0 A description of all property purchased by the municipality within the Redevelopment Project Area including: A. Street Address B. Approximate size or description of property C. Purchase Price D. Seller of property No property was purchased in the Redevelopment Project Area by the Village in the reporting Fiscal Year. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD. TIF ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 27 SECTION 4 [65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5 (d) (6) and 65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22 (d) (6)1 FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 Provide a description of all property purchased by the municipality during the reporting fiscal year within the redevelopment project area. _X_ No property was acquired by the Municipality Within the Redevelopment Project Area Property Acquired by the Municipality Within the Redevelopment Project Area Property (1 ): Street address: Approximate size or description of property: Purchase price: Seller of property: Property (2): Street address: Approximate size or description of property: Purchase price: Seller of property: Property (3): Street address: Approximate size or description of property: Purchase price: Seller of property: Property (4): Street address: Approximate size or description of property: Purchase price: Seller of property: 28 Section 5.0 Review of Public and Private Investment. Refer to table attached. BUTTERFIELD/MEYERS RD.TIP ANNUAL REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY I, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 . ', 29 SECTION 5 -65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-5 (d) (7) (G) and 65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22 (d) (7) (G) PAGE 1 FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. 1 SECTION 5 PROVIDES PAGES 1-3 TO ACCOMMODATE UP TO 25 PROJECTS. PAGE 1 MUST BE INCLUDED WITH TIF REPORT. PAGES 2-3 SHOULD BE INCLUDED ONLY IF PROJECTS ARE LISTED ON THESE PAGES Check here if NO projects were undertaken by the Municipality Within the Redevelopment Project Area: ENTER total number of projects undertaken by the Municipality Within the Redevelopment Project Area and list them in detail below*. 1 Estimated Investment for Subsequent Fiscal Total Estimated to TOTAL: 11 /1 /99 to Date Year Complete Project Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) $ 54,690,106 $ 2,500,000 $ 57,190,106 Public Investment Undertaken $ 150,000 $ 225,000 $ 4,250,000 Ratio of Private/Public Investment 364 3/5 13 21/46 Project 1: *IF PROJECTS ARE LISTED NUMBER MUST BE ENTERED ABOVE Aux Sable Plant Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) $ 54,690,106 $ 2,500,000 $ 57,190,106 Public Investment Undertaken $ 150,000 $ 225,000 $ 4,250,000 Ratio of Private/Public Investment 364 3/5 13 21/46 Project 2: Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) Public Investment Undertaken Ratio of Private/Public Investment 0 0 Project 3: Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) Public Investment Undertaken Ratio of Private/Public Investment 0 0 Project 4: Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) Public Investment Undertaken Ratio of Private/Public Investment 0 0 Project 5: Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) Public Investment Undertaken Ratio of Private/Public Investment 0 0 Project 6: Private Investment Undertaken (See Instructions) Public Investment Undertaken Ratio of Private/Public Investment 0 0 30 Optional: Information in the following sections is not required by law, but would be helpful in evaluating the performance of TIF in Illinois. *even though optional MUST be included as part of complete TIF report SECTION 6 FY 2014 TIF NAME: Oak Brook TIF No. l Provide the base EAV (at the time of designation) and the EAV for the year reported for the redevelopment project area Year redevelopment project area was designated Base EAV Reporting Fiscal Year EAV List all overlapping tax districts in the redevelopment project area. If overlapping taxing district received a surplus, list the surplus. _X_ The overlapping taxing districts did not receive a surplus. Surplus Distributed from redevelopment Overlapping Taxing District project area to overlapping districts $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SECTION 7 Provide information about job creation and retention uescrIptIon and I ype Number of Jobs Number of Jobs (Temporary or Retained Created Permanent) of Jobs Total Salaries Paid $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SECTION 8 Provide a general description of the redevelopment project area using only major boundaries: Optional Documents Enclosed Legal description of redevelopment project area Map of District 31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXHIBIT A Questions. Questions were answered during the repmi review. Discussion ensued regarding the closing of the Grotto restaurant. Other Business -Bob Kallien explained that the Promenade is going to purchase a price of land, Technology Drive, just south of the Promenade. Lombard is going to de-annex the property and the Village of Oak Brook will annex it. This property (Technology Drive) will not be included in the T.I.F. district. Adjournment Trustee Don Adler motioned to adjourn the Joint Review Board meeting. Seconded by Bonnie Gibellina. Voice vote. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:21 pm. ATTEST: Riccardo F. Gin ex Village Manager Date EXHIBITB REVENUES Property tax Sales tax Investment income Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current General government Debt service Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE -BUDGET AND ACTUAL PROMENADE TIF FUND $ For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 (With Comparative Actual) 2014 Original Final Budget Budget Actual 345,000 $ 345,000 $ 326,896 80,000 80,000 95,471 50 50 13 425,050 425,050 422,380 4,250 4,250 3,230 145,000 145,000 165,000 311,775 311,775 311,454 461,025 461,025 479,684 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ (35,975) $ (35,975) (57,304) FUND BALANCE, JANUARY I FUND BALANCE, DECEMBER 31 285,861 $ 228,557 (See independent auditor's report.) -90 - Variance Over 2013 (Under) Actual $ (18,104) $ 344,233 15,471 163,732 (37) 26 (2,670) 507,991 (1,020) 4,130 20,000 117,800 (321) 322,126 18,659 444,056 $ (21,329) 63,935 221,926 $ 285,861