WATER BILLING AUTO PAYMENTViIIage of Oak Brook APPLICATION FOR WATER BILLEヽ G AUTOmTIc Rぼ ⅥMENT Water Account Number Last Name, First Name Street Address City,State,ZIP Home Telephone No.Work Telephone No. Name of Financial Institution Account Type (check one): Bank Account No.Bank Routing No. Checking - must attacha voided check or photo copy of a check Savings - must attach a deposit slip -Yes, I would like my water bill Emailed toz E解 〃∠磁 !鶴 AUTHORIZATION FOR AUTOMATIC PAYMENT (Please read and sign.) I authorize the Village of Oak Brook (VOB) and the named financial institution to pay the water bill on the scheduled due date of the bill. Each payment will be as if it were personally signed and authorized by me. As with a check, suffrcient funds need to be available in my account at time of ffansfer. If a direct debit automatic payment is retumed to the Village unpaid, a $25 adminisuation fee and any applicable penalties will be charged to my water account. This authorization is to remain in effect until the VOB has received written notffication fromme of termination at least 10 days prior to a scheduled due date. The VOB reserves the right to terminate this payment plan or my participation at any time with written notification. I will provide a minimum of 7 days wriffen notice to the VOB of any changes regarding the account, i.e., change of financial institution, account number, etc. Processing of this application will occur in the next billing cycle (usually 4 to 6 weeks). I arn responsible for paying my water bill to the YOB until my bill indicates that my direct debit program is established. My bill will note when direct debit begins. I will continue to be mailed a bill for my records. I agree to release the VOB from any and all claims and damages resulting from or in connection with my participation in the Automatic Bill Payment Plan. I understand and agree to the terms of this letter and application. Signature Please mail completed application and necessary documentation to: VⅢage of Oak Brook Atm: Water Department 1200 0ak Brook Road Oak Brook,IL 60523-2255 Ⅱollrs: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Pholle: (630)368-5080 Fax: (630)368-5081 Email: heuis@oak‐br00k.org