01 - January 2024 Monthly Financial ReportVILLAGE OAK BROOKOF MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS JANUARY 2024 Estimated YTD YTD Net Fund Ending YTD YTD Increase Fund Balance Governmental Funds Revenues Expenditures (Decrease)(Deficit) General Fund (Major Fund)2,560,276$ 1,392,377$ 1,167,899$ 43,793,288$ Main operating fund of the Village. Hotel Fund (Major Fund)173,989$ 12$ 173,977$ 3,881,501$ Collects and spends resources from the 3% hotel/motel tax. Motor Fuel Tax Fund 55,203$ 7,624$ 47,579$ 2,069,681$ Collects and spends resources from the State motor fuel tax. Infrastructure Fund (Major Fund)678,074$ 38,442$ 639,632$ 15,064,140$ Accounts for construction and maintenance of roadways, drainage, and safety path systems. Enterprise Funds Water Fund (Major Fund)965,360$ 75,477$ 889,884$ 22,808,526$ Collects user fees for the distribution of water and maintenance of infrastructure. Sports Core Fund (Major Fund)12,493$ 79,413$ (66,920)$ 2,836,969$ Accounts for revenues and expenses relating to administration, programs, food and beverage operations, and golf course. Internal Service Funds Self Insurance Fund 33,744$ 236,116$ (202,372)$ 134,335$ Accounts for the Village's health insurance costs and the related contributions from the Village, employees, retirees, and other agencies. Garage Fund 1,449$ 49,860$ (48,411)$ 336,917$ Accounts for the maintenance of the Village's vehicle fleet and the related departmental reimbursements. Equipment Replacement Fund 3,725$ 1,667$ 2,059$ 3,011,217$ Accounts for the replacement of the Village's vehicle fleet and the related departmental contributions. Further information on the Village's major funds (as indicated above) can be found on the proceeding pages. Executive Summary on Village Funds Through January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/23 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 Difference YTD YTD Amended Amended Adopted Prior Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Year OPERATING REVENUES Sales Tax 1,439,420$ 1,415,205 1,374,717$ 102.9%16,496,604$ (24,214)$ State Income Tax 121,490 130,196 109,250 119.2%1,311,000 8,705 Replacement Tax 136,132 79,910 62,585 127.7%751,015 (56,222) Road & Bridge Tax - - 2,917 0.0%35,000 - Local Use Tax 29,340 27,911 28,000 99.7%336,000 (1,429) Cannabis Use Tax 1,036 1,030 1,098 93.8%13,180 (6) Grants - - 13,805 0.0%165,662 - Utility/Telecom. Tax 539,284 288,576 383,333 75.3%4,600,000 (250,708) Licenses and Permits 102,270 337,317 187,318 180.1%2,247,810 235,047 Charges for Services 38,616 87,078 181,221 48.1%2,174,650 48,462 Investment Interest - 162,788 37,500 434.1%450,000 162,788 Miscellaneous Income 91,620 30,265 76,339 39.6%916,070 (61,354) Total Operating Revenues 2,499,208$ 2,560,276$ 2,458,083$ 104.2%29,496,991$ 61,068$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel 1,190,410$ 1,258,568$ 1,880,434$ 66.9%22,565,214$ 68,158$ Materials and Supplies 13,608 25,965 55,133 47.1%661,594 12,357$ Operation and Contract 148,645 104,855 527,026 19.9%6,324,313 (43,789)$ Other Expenditures - 2,123 825 257.4%9,900 2,123$ Capital Outlay 109 865 55,259 1.6%663,107 756$ Total Operating Expenditures 1,352,772$ 1,392,377$ 2,518,677$ 55.3%30,224,129$ 39,605$ SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 1,146,436$ 1,167,899$ (60,595)$ -1927.4%(727,137)$ 21,463$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Transfers In -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ Transfers Out N/A - Reimbursements From Other Funds - - 72,995 0.0%875,938 - Reimbursements To Other Funds - - 8,333 0.0%100,000 - Sports Core Loan N/A - - Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ 81,328$ 0.0%975,938$ -$ NET FUND INCREASE (DECREASE)1,146,436$ 1,167,899$ 20,733$ 248,801$ 21,463$ *Includes the collection of Income Tax, Use Tax, Road & Bridge Tax, Personal Property Replacement Tax, and Cannabis Use Tax. Village of Oak Brook General Fund Financial Update For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/23 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 Difference YTD YTD Amended Amended Adopted Prior Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Year OPERATING REVENUES Hotel Tax 91,777$ 158,844$ 120,833$ 131.5%1,450,000$ 67,067$ Investment Interest 511 15,145 2,083 727.0%25,000 14,634 Loan Interest - - 167 0.0%2,000 - Miscellaneous - - - - - Total Operating Revenues 92,288$ 173,989$ 123,083$ 141.4%1,477,000$ 81,701$ EXPENDITURES Operation and Contract 10,000$ -$ 58,754$ 0.0%705,045$ (10,000)$ Capital Outlay - 12 22,917 0.1%275,000 12 Total Expenditures 10,000$ 12$ 81,670$ 0.0%980,045$ (9,988)$ SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 82,288$ 173,977$ 41,413$ 420.1%496,955$ 91,689$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Transfer Out -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ Reimbursements to Other Funds (6,900) - (20,326) 0.0%(243,915) 6,900 Total Interfund Transactions (6,900)$ -$ (20,326)$ 0.0%(243,915)$ 6,900$ NET FUND INCREASE (DECREASE)75,388$ 173,977$ 21,087$ 253,040$ 98,589$ Note - Expenditures are recorded in program 171. Village of Oak Brook Hotel Tax Fund Financial Update For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/23 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 Difference YTD YTD Amended Amended Adopted Prior Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Year OPERATING REVENUES Non-Home Rule Sales Tax 580,095$ 611,860$ 558,583$ 109.5%6,703,000$ 31,766$ Charges for Services - N/A -$ Investment Interest 14,863 66,214 10,417 635.7%125,000 51,351 Grants - - - N/A - - Miscellaneous - - 1,917 0.0%23,000 - Total Operating Revenues 594,958$ 678,074$ 570,917$ 118.8%6,851,000$ 83,117$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel 3,936$ 24,778$ -$ N/A -$ 20,842$ Materials and Supplies 1,106 32 3,875 0.8%46,500 (1,074) Operation and Contract - 13,120 145,247 9.0%1,742,968 13,120 Other Expenditures - - 28,325 0.0%339,899 - Capital Outlay - 512 281,981 0.2%3,383,775 512 Total Operating Expenditures 5,042$ 38,442$ 459,429$ 8.4%5,513,142$ 33,400$ SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 589,916$ 639,632$ 111,488$ 573.7%1,337,858$ 49,717$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Transfers In -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ Reimbursements From Other Funds - - - N/A - - Reimbursements To Other Funds - - - N/A - - Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ NET FUND INCREASE (DECREASE)589,916$ 639,632$ 111,488$ 1,337,858$ 49,717$ Village of Oak Brook Infrastructure Fund Financial Update For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/23 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 Difference YTD YTD Amended Amended Adopted Prior Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Year OPERATING REVENUES Plan Review Fees 150$ 152$ 44$ 346.9%525$ 2$ Building/Inspection Fees 150 - 167 0.0%2,000 (150) Water Sales 794,475 835,975 893,333 93.6%10,720,000 41,500 Unmetered Sales 3,275 600 5,417 11.1%65,000 (2,675) Water Connection Fees 1,610 5,980 11,667 51.3%140,000 4,370 Fire Service Charge - - - N/A - - Meter Charges 330 1,241 1,442 86.1%17,300 911 Special Services 576 - 833 0.0%10,000 (576) Investment Interest 48,213 115,612 29,167 396.4%350,000 67,399 Proceeds from Property Sale - - - N/A - - Miscellaneous 11,334 5,801 95,811 6.1%1,149,730 (5,533) Total Operating Revenues 860,113$ 965,360$ 1,037,880$ 93.0%12,454,555$ 105,247$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel 36,207$ 53,522$ 65,534$ 81.7%786,413$ 17,314$ Materials and Supplies 1,256 10,351 11,435 90.5%137,216 9,095 Operation and Contract 40 11,604 591,781 2.0%7,101,369 11,564 Capital Outlay - - 474,167 0.0%5,690,000 - Total Expenditures 37,503$ 75,477$ 1,142,917$ 6.6%13,714,999$ 37,973$ Surplus (Deficit) of Revenues Over Expenditures 822,610$ 889,884$ (105,037)$ -847.2%(1,260,444)$ 67,273$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Reimbursements To Other Funds -$ -$ (36,407)$ 0.0%(436,879)$ -$ Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ (36,407)$ 0.0%(436,879)$ -$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - Budgetary Basis 822,610$ 889,884$ (141,444)$ (1,697,323)$ 67,273$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS* Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ Depreciation Expense (47,917) (47,917) IMRF Pension Expense (3,750) (3,750) OPEB Expense (2,500) (2,500) Total GAAP Adjustments (54,167)$ (54,167)$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis 768,443$ 835,717$ *Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year. Village of Oak Brook Water Fund Financial Update For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 Village of Oak Brook Monthly Operating Statement Sports Core Fund Consolidated Presentation For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 1/31/23 Difference B&T Recreation Field Clubhouse Golf YTD Amended Amended Adopted YTD Prior Operations Operations Operations Club Total Budget Budget Budget Total Year OPERATING REVENUES Memberships -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 79,227$ 0.0%950,725$ -$ -$ Greens Fees - - - - - 117,083 0.0%1,405,000 - - Pro Shop Sales - - - - - 18,167 0.0%218,000 146 (146) Golf Lessons - - - - - 3,750 0.0%45,000 - - Driving Range Fees - - - - - 32,500 0.0%390,000 - - Rentals - - 12,053 - 12,053 83,183 14.5%998,200 2,531 9,522 Programs/User Fees - - - - - 9,150 0.0%109,800 - - Food Sales - - - - - 3,992 0.0%47,900 162 (162) Beverage Sales - - - - - 6,471 0.0%77,650 1,742 (1,742) Taste of Oak Brook - - - - - - N/A - - - Grants - - - - - - N/A - - - Other Revenue 300 - - 140 440 8,263 5.3%99,160 202 238 Total Operating Revenues 300$ -$ 12,053$ 140$ 12,493$ 361,786$ 3.5%4,341,435$ 4,783$ 7,710$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel -$ -$ -$ 42,388$ 42,388$ 116,248$ 36.5%1,671,380$ 40,057$ 2,331$ Materials & Supplies 63 - 740 184 988 36,104 2.7%718,900 9,213 (8,226) Operational & Contractual 20,776 - 1,383 13,879 36,037 90,354 39.9%942,765 8,214 27,823 Other - - - - - - N/A - - - Capital - - - - - 89,688 0.0%466,750 162,946 (162,946) Total Operating Expenditures 20,840$ -$ 2,122$ 56,451$ 79,413$ 332,394$ 23.9%3,799,795$ 220,430$ (141,017)$ B&T Administration Overhead Allocation*-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ -$ Operating Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (20,539)$ -$ 9,931$ (56,311)$ (66,920)$ 29,392$ -227.7%541,640$ (215,647)$ 148,727$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Interfund Loan**-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ -$ Transfer From General Fund - - - - - - N/A - - - Transfer From Golf Surcharge Fund - - - - - (2,080) 0.0%(24,957) - - Reimbursement From Infrastructure Fund - - - - - - N/A - - - Reimbursement From Water Fund - - - - - 3,333 0.0%40,000 - - Reimbursement To General Fund - - - - - (14,383) 0.0%(172,600) - - Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (13,130)$ 0.0%(157,557)$ -$ -$ Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - Budgetary Basis (20,539)$ -$ 9,931$ (56,311)$ (66,920)$ 16,262$ 384,083$ (215,647)$ 148,727$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS** Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 162,946$ Depreciation Expense (14,019) (140) (25,000) (20,525) (59,684) (59,684) IMRF Pension Expense (171) - (1,250) (2,042) (3,463) (3,463) OPEB Expense - - (1,250) (2,333) (3,583) (3,583) Total GAAP Adjustments (14,190)$ (140)$ (27,500)$ (24,900)$ (66,730)$ 96,216$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis (34,729)$ (140)$ (17,569)$ (81,211)$ (133,650)$ (119,431)$ *Overhead allocation is comprised of salaries, business forms, liability insurance, building & grounds maintenance and bank service fees in Program 811 - Sports Core General Operations distributed to various Sports Core Programs on a % basis. **Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year. Village of Oak Brook Monthly Operating Statement Bath & Tennis Club Recreation Operations For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 822 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 1/31/23 Difference 811 812 813 Poolside YTD Adopted Amended Adopted YTD Prior B&T Admin Swimming Tennis Café Total Budget Budget Budget Total Year OPERATING REVENUES Memberships -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,898$ 0.0%442,775$ -$ -$ Programs/User Fees - - - - - 9,150.00 0.0%109,800 - - Food Sales - - - - - 500.00 0.0%6,000 - - Beverage Sales - - - - - 200.00 0.0%2,400 - - Grants - - - - - - N/A - - - Other Revenue 300 - - - 300 7,513 4.0%90,160 210 90 Total Operating Revenues 300$ -$ -$ -$ 300$ 54,261$ 0.6%651,135$ 210$ 90$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 20,991$ 0.0%251,888$ -$ -$ Materials & Supplies - - - 63 63 3,782 1.7%45,380 (123) 186 Operational & Contractual 639 20,137 - - 20,776 47,753 43.5%573,034 - 20,776 Other - - - - - - N/A - - - Capital - - - - - 72,875 0.0%874,500 - - Total Operating Expenditures 639$ 20,137$ -$ 63$ 20,840$ 145,400$ 14.3%1,744,801$ (123)$ 20,963$ B&T Administration Overhead Allocation*-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A 37,457$ -$ -$ Operating Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (339)$ (20,137)$ -$ (63)$ (20,539)$ (91,139)$ 22.5%(1,056,210)$ 333$ (20,872)$ Transfer From General Fund - - - - - - N/A - - Reimbursement From Infrastructure Fund - - - - - -$ N/A - - - Reimbursement From Water Fund - - - - - 3,333 0.0%40,000 - - Reimbursement To General Fund - - - - - (1,687) 0.0%(20,242) - - Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,647$ 0.0%19,758$ -$ -$ Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - Budgetary Basis (339)$ (20,137)$ -$ (63)$ (20,539)$ (89,492)$ (1,036,452)$ 333$ (20,872)$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS** Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Depreciation Expense (5,363) (8,333) (225) (97) (14,019) (14,019) IMRF Pension Expense (167) - - (4) (171) (171) Total GAAP Adjustments (5,530)$ (8,333)$ (225)$ (102)$ (14,190)$ (14,190)$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis (5,869)$ (28,470)$ (225)$ (165)$ (34,729)$ (13,857)$ *Overhead allocation is comprised of salaries, business forms, liability insurance, building & grounds maintenance and bank service fees in Program 811 - Sports Core General Operations distributed to various Sports Core Programs o a percentage basis. **Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year. Village of Oak Brook Monthly Operating Statement Open Fields Operations For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 1/31/23 Difference 815 816 YTD Amended Amended Adopted YTD Prior Polo Open Fields Total Budget Budget Budget Total Year OPERATING REVENUES Field Rentals -$ -$ -$ 16,083$ 0.0%193,000$ 1,500$ (1,500)$ Range Rentals - - - - N/A - - - Taste of Oak Brook - - - - N/A - - - Other Revenue - - - N/A - - - Total Operating Revenues -$ -$ -$ 16,083$ 0.0%193,000$ 1,500$ (1,500)$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ Materials & Supplies - - - 791 0.0%9,490$ - - Operational & Contractual - - - 6,338 0.0%76,050 - - Capital - - - 3,833 0.0%46,000 - - Total Operating Expenditures -$ -$ -$ 10,962$ 0.0%131,540$ -$ -$ Operating Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ -$ -$ 5,122$ 0.0%61,460$ 1,500$ (1,500)$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Transfer From Hotel Tax Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ -$ Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ -$ -$ N/A -$ -$ -$ Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - Budgetary Basis -$ -$ -$ 5,122$ 61,460$ 1,500$ (1,500)$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS** Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ Depreciation Expense - (140) (140) (140) Total GAAP Adjustments -$ (140)$ (140)$ (140)$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis -$ (140)$ (140)$ 1,360$ *Overhead allocation is comprised of salaries, business forms, liability insurance, building & grounds maintenance and bank service fees in Program 811 - Sports Core General Operations distributed to various Sports Core Programs on a percentage basis. **Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year. Village of Oak Brook Monthly Operating Statement Bath & Tennis Clubhouse Operations For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 821 YTD % of YTD 2024 1/31/23 Difference B&T Amended Amended Adopted YTD Prior Clubhouse Budget Budget Budget Total Year OPERATING REVENUES Rentals 12,053$ 19,417$ 62.1%233,000$ 1,031$ 11,022$ Other Revenue - - 0.0%- - - Total Operating Revenues 12,053$ 19,417$ 62.1%233,000$ 1,031$ 11,022$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel -$ -$ N/A -$ 690$ (690)$ Materials & Supplies 740 1,146 64.6%13,750 1,226 (486) Operational & Contractual 1,383 4,415 31.3%52,978 - 1,383 Capital - - N/A - - - Total Operating Expenditures 2,122$ 5,561$ 38.2%66,728$ 1,916$ 206$ B&T Administration Overhead Allocation*-$ -$ N/A (12,500)$ -$ -$ Operating Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 9,931$ 13,856$ 71.7%153,772$ (885)$ 10,816$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Transfer From General Fund -$ -$ 0.0%-$ -$ -$ Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ 0.0%-$ -$ -$ Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - Budgetary Basis 9,931$ 13,856$ 153,772$ (885)$ 10,816$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS** Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ Depreciation Expense (25,000) (25,000) IMRF Pension Expense (1,250) (1,250) OPEB Expense (1,250) (1,250) Total GAAP Adjustments (27,500)$ (27,500)$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis (17,569)$ (28,385)$ *Overhead allocation is comprised of salaries, business forms, liability insurance, building & grounds maintenance and bank service fees in Program 811 - Sports Core General Operations distributed to various Sports Core Programs on a percentage basis. **Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year. Village of Oak Brook Monthly Operating Statement Golf Club Programs For the Period Ending January 31, 2024 1/31/24 1/31/24 823 831 832 833 834 1/31/24 YTD % of YTD 2024 1/31/23 Difference Golf Golf General Golf Learning Golf Cart Golf Course YTD Amended Amended Adopted YTD Prior Café Operation & Practice Operations Maintenance Total Budget Budget Budget Total Year OPERATING REVENUES Memberships -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 42,329$ 0.0%507,950$ -$ -$ Greens Fees - - - - - - 117,083 0.0%1,405,000 - - Pro Shop Sales - - - - - - 18,167 0.0%218,000 146 (146) Golf Lessons - - - - - - 3,750 0.0%45,000 - - Driving Range Fees - - - - - - 32,500 0.0%390,000 - - Rentals - - - - - - 47,683 0.0%572,200 - - Food Sales - - - - - - 3,492 0.0%41,900 162 (162) Beverage Sales - - - - - - 6,271 0.0%75,250 1,742 (1,742) Other Revenue - 140 - - - 140 750 18.7%9,000 (8) 148 Total Operating Revenues -$ 140$ -$ -$ -$ 140$ 272,025$ 0.1%3,264,300$ 2,042$ (1,902)$ OPERATING EXPENDITURES Personnel -$ 25,858$ -$ -$ 16,530$ 42,388$ 95,258$ 44.5%1,143,092$ 39,367$ 3,021$ Materials & Supplies - (118) - - 302 184 30,386 0.6%364,633 8,110 (7,926) Operational & Contractual - 2,329 - - 11,549 13,879 31,848 43.6%382,181 8,214 5,665 Other - - - - - - - N/A - - - Capital - - - - - - 12,980 0.0%155,755 162,946 (162,946) Total Operating Expenditures -$ 28,069$ -$ -$ 28,382$ 56,451$ 170,472$ 33.1%2,045,661$ 218,637$ (162,186)$ Operating Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (27,929)$ -$ -$ (28,382)$ (56,311)$ 101,553$ -55.4%1,218,639$ (216,595)$ 160,284$ INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Overhead Charge -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (2,080)$ 0.0%(24,957)$ -$ -$ Transfers from Other Fund - - - - - - - 0.0%150,000 - - Reimbursement to General Fund - - - - - - (12,697) 0.0%(152,358) - - Total Interfund Transactions -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (14,776)$ 0.0%(27,315)$ -$ -$ Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - Budgetary Basis -$ (27,929)$ -$ -$ (28,382)$ (56,311)$ 86,777$ 1,191,324$ (216,595)$ 160,284$ ADUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS* Remove Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 162,946$ Depreciation Expense (83) (8,750) (192) (1,083) (10,417) (20,525) (20,525) IMRF Pension Expense (208) (833) (83) - (917) (2,042) (2,042) OPEB Expense (250) (1,250) - - (833) (2,333) (2,333) Total GAAP Adjustments (542)$ (10,833)$ (275)$ (1,083)$ (12,167)$ (24,900)$ 138,046$ Fund Increase/(Decrease) - GAAP Basis (542)$ (38,763)$ (275)$ (1,083)$ (40,549)$ (81,211)$ (78,549)$ *Estimates based on historical year-end audit adjustments. Actual amounts are not measured and recorded until the end of the year.