2024.10.05 OAK BROOK POLICE DEPARTMENT s Breakfast meeting.’Chief Strockis attended the weekly Chief Officer Yager attended a PTO meeting at Brook Forest Elementary School. Site meeting.-The Department participated in the Axon On grader. th a Ride to Brook Forest school for a 1st and 4 in Vietnam for 5 years. tired Navy Captain Dave Carey who spoke about leadership and resilience. Carey was a POW Chief Strockis and Dc Christopherson attended the ICSC Security Summit and listened to Re- at 9PM. th air on Monday October 7WGN's Ben Bradley was on scene doing a story about the training that will rounding agencies.All Oak Brook PD officers were trained as well as officers from sur- Brook Center Mall.Training from LSU sponsored by the International Council of Shopping Malls and the Oak Chief Strockis and Deputy Chief Christopherson were at the Marriott for the Virtual Reality into custody. the vehicle were wanted for burglary. The vehicle was later stopped and 2 subjects were taken OBPD assisted Bensenville PD by spiking a vehicle that was being pursued. The subjects and ing and Armed Robbery were approved for all three subjects.lized our facilities to complete their investigation and charges of Aggravated Vehicular Hijack-DuPage County Investigators uti- s jurisdiction.’that the events occurred in DuPage Countymembers assisted with identifying and coordinating investigative resources which determined Investigation team after it crashed in their jurisdiction however no subjects were located.s vehicle was also recovered by LaGrange PD ’The victim while jurisdictions were determined.Brook PD had the best resources to house the offenders and victims for further investigation It was decided that Oak search were three firearms and other evidence related to the crime.Also located during the was later determined to have been stolen in Chicago several days ago.ed in all three subjects being taken into custody, the recovery of the offending vehicle which members and Patrol Officers responded and assisted with the coordinated search which result-Oak Brook Tactical Unit be armed fled the vehicle into a Hinsdale residential neighborhood.vehicle crashed on Ogden Avenue just under Route 83 and 3 subjects who were known to all vated Vehicular Hijacking and Armed Robbery that had just occurred.Oak Brook Tactical Units and members of the Investigation Division assisted with an Aggra- During the Week 469 Total 178 Other 33 Alarms 86 Citizen Assists 37 Accident Reports 24 111 Traffic Stops Total Calls for Service Patrol September 29 through October 5, 2023 WEEKLY SUMMARY OAK BROOK POLICE DEPARTMENT CA Rusulis conducted an RTCC tour for Schaumburg PD. CA Rusulis facilitated an onsite meeting in the RTCC with 3SI. vestigation and surveillance.Detective Warren was on Special Assignment with the Secret Service for a financial crime in- Onsite Kickoff meeting.and CA Rusulis attended the Axon/DuPage County Consortium RMS Huff Detective Sergeant Officer Yager attended a Trick or Treat Trail at the Park District with Bandit. Tennis Building. –Officer Yager observed an Active Threat Drill at the Park District