R-280 - 08/26/1980 - MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS - Resolutions Was
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Wilk Owe:r w Measat �, . Dri<•M, that is hereby ;'
approptietat the amm et fine Sur the purpose of trau titatitains
Assets and Idgiewspe wider the eggdeehle prwriniese eat the labials laighway Cede.from January 1, 19 79-
to Demise SI,ILA-
. *ad set?*eel eireete. wa and epore as listed and described '!
ea the segreted bilges's/Ai sidsmate. mobtomosee alletet ingiettsw satal or rwleed estimate* ap,
pasted h&emeetise AvUlt dein seeithrtiest,eve dIgOile ter.ssidesence with litotes Fed Ten funds Outing the h
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SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Oest shall. as soon as pia ticalk alto; the clip,: of 'lie t+eriixi
as given above. submit to the Degensismt of Traisporialion.on forms tturaaislt.•+l by mill lk�tiiinim'•nt. ..•rti std
. statement easiest:"easiest:hisses from and tasbnars rem in the a .' nti%)tiw it* site!
SE IT FURThER RESOLVED, that the Clerk immediately transmit two certified 4.3)iticti of this
rescduticw to the district office or the Department of Tiaimportation.at Schaa . Illinois.
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