R-1392 - 09/09/2014 - CONTRACTS - Resolutions Supporting Documents ITEM 6.F.5)
OF 0Ait
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Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
September 9, 2014
SUBJECT: Award of Contract - Bath &Tennis Club Tennis Bathroom Door and Sidewalk
FROM: Trey VanDyke, Sports Core Director
BUDGET SOURCE/BUDGET IMPACT: Structural Improvements - $17,835 is included in Program
RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that the Village Board award a contract to Freedom
Contractors, Westmont, Illinois, for the Bath & Tennis Bathroom Door and Sidewalk Project
in the amount of $17,835 and approve Resolution 2014-B&T/T-CNTCT-R-1392, A Resolution
Authorizing the Award of Contract to Freedom Contractors West, LLC for the Bath & Tennis
Club Door and Sidewalk Project.
Currently if a tennis member or guest needs to use the washroom and/or change their clothes
they need to use the pool locker rooms (while in season and during operation hours) or they
need to enter the banquet hall through a back entrance and use the banquet hall bathrooms.
The pool locker rooms are not always open while people are playing tennis. If we have a
function in the banquet hall, it can be a disturbance having tennis members and/or their guests
walking into the event.
Kramer and Associates designed a sidewalk and exterior entrance into our existing bathroom on
the east end of the building.
We requested quotes from four vendors:
Silver Leaf Construction
y worddoelbid recommendations\2014 bid re-commendations\2014 Erect exterior door and sidewalk for termissiocx
Workman Builders
Garber Construction
Freedom Contractors West
Of the four vendors, Silver Leaf was not able to take on another job, Workman Builders said
they would come out and then cancelled the appointment, Garber Construction never returned
our phone calls or e-mails.
Freedom Contractors came out and gave us a quote (see attached proposal date July 8, 2014).
The project consists of installing an exterior door and sidewalk from the tennis courts to the
pool locker rooms. Work is expected to be completed no later than 30 days after the
commencement date.
That the Village Board award a contract to Freedom Contractors, Westmont, Illinois, for the
Bath & Tennis Bathroom Door and Sidewalk Project in the amount of $17,835 and approve
Resolution 2014-B&T/T-CNTCT-R-1392, A Resolution Authorizing the Award of Contract to
Freedom Contractors West, LLC for the Bath &Tennis Club Door and Sidewalk Project.
j:\worddoc\bid recommendations\2014 bid recommendations\2014 b&t exterior door and sidewalk for tennis.docx
WHEREAS, the Village desires to install an exterior bathroom door and sidewalk for members of
the Bath &Tennis Club to have better access to the Bath &Tennis Club bathrooms ("Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Village sought quotes from contractors to complete the Project; and
WHEREAS, Section 1-7-3 of the Village Code authorizes the Village Manager to enter into
construction contracts on behalf of the Village based upon the receipt of quotations, taking into
consideration the factors set forth in Section 1-7-4E of the Village Code; and
WHEREAS, the Freedom Contractors West, LLC ("Contractor") was the only company that
submitted a quote to complete the project, which quote was for$17,835; and
WHEREAS, after considering the factors listed in Section 1-7-4E of the Village Code, the Village
Manager has determined that it is in the best interests of the Village to enter into the agreement attached
hereto as Exhibit A with the Contractor for the completion of the Project("Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, the Village President and the Village Board of Trustees has determined it is in the
best interests of the Village to authorize the Village Manager to approve the Agreement between the
Village and the Contractor;
Section 1: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into, and made a part
of, this Resolution as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook.
Section 2: Authorization of Village Manager Approval. The President and Board of Trustees
shall, and do hereby, authorize the Village Manager to approve the Agreement between the Village and
the Contractor pursuant to Section 1-7-3 of the Village Code.
Section 3: Execution of Agreement. The Village President and Village Clerk shall be, and
hereby are, authorized to execute the Agreement between the Village and the Contractor after approval
by the Village Manager.
Section 4: Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force upon passage and approval
in the manner provided by law.
Resolution 2014-B&T/T-CNTRCT-R-1392
Tennis Club Door&Sidewalk Project
Page 2 of 2
APPROVED THIS 9th day of September, 2014.
Gopal G. Lalmalani
Village President
PASSED THIS 9th day of September, 2014.
Charlotte K. Pruss
Village Clerk
2014 Bath and Tennis Club
Full Name of Contractor: Freedom Contractors West, LLC ("Contractor")
Principal Office Address /t 7/ ,' J// JAi )
Local Office Address /71 /V 1 '
Contact Person 5'/ A) (�lvJ Telephone Number .:,/69'-'76P—75-2/
Contractor warrants and represents that Contractor has B. Performance Standards. Contractor agrees that all
carefully examined the Work Site described below and its Work shall be fully provided, performed, and completed in
environs and has reviewed and understood all documents accordance with the specifications in this Contract. No
included, referred to, or mentioned in this Contract. provision of any referenced standard, specification, manual or
code shall change the duties and responsibilities of Owner or
1. Work Contractor from those set forth in this Contract. Whenever any
equipment, materials, or supplies are specified or described in
A. Contract and Work. If this Contract is accepted, this Contract by using the name or other identifying feature of a
Contractor proposes and agrees that Contractor shall, at its proprietary product or the name or other identifying feature of a
sole cost and expense, provide, perform, and complete, in the particular manufacturer or vendor, the specific item mentioned
manner specified and described in this Contract, all of the shall be understood as establishing the type, function, and
following, all of which is herein referred to as the"Work": quality desired. Other manufacturers' or vendors' products may
be accepted, provided that the products proposed are
1. Project Description. The installation of an exterior fire equivalent in substance and function to those named as
rated door and sidewalk to the Owner's Bath and determined by Owner in its sole and absolute discretion.
Tennis Club pool bathroom, as more fully described in
the proposal attached hereto an incorporated herein C. Responsibility for Damage or Loss. Contractor
as Exhibit A. agrees that Contractor shall be responsible and liable for, and
shall promptly and without charge to Owner repair or replace,
2. Labor, Equipment, Materials and Supplies. Provide, damage done to, and any loss or injury suffered by, Owner,the
perform, and complete, in the manner specified and Work, the Work Site, or other property or persons as a result of
described in this Contract, all necessary work, labor, the Work.
services, transportation, equipment, materials,
supplies, information, data, and other means and D. Inspection/Testing/Rejection. Owner shall have the
items necessary for the installation of an exterior fire right to inspect all or any part of the Work and to reject all or
rated door and sidewalk to the Owner's Bath and any part of the Work that is, in Owner's judgment, defective or
Tennis Club pool bathroom. (the"Work Site"); damaged or that in any way fails to conform strictly to the
requirements of this Contract and Owner, without limiting its
2. Permits. Procure and furnish all permits, licenses, other rights or remedies, may require correction or
and other governmental approvals and authorizations replacement at Contractor's cost, perform or have performed
necessary in connection therewith; all Work necessary to complete or correct all or any part of the
Work that is defective, damaged, or nonconforming and charge
3. Bonds and Insurance. Procure and furnish all bonds Contractor with any excess cost incurred thereby, or cancel all
and all insurance certificates specified in this or any part of any order or this Contract. Work so rejected may
Contract; be returned or held at Contractor's expense and risk.
4. Taxes. Pay all applicable federal, state, and local 2. Contract Price
Contractor shall take in full payment for all Work and other
5. Miscellaneous. Do all other things required of matters set forth under Section 1 above, including overhead
Contractor by this Contract; and and profit; taxes, contributions, and premiums; and
compensation to all subcontractors and suppliers, the
6. Quality. Provide, perform, and complete all of the compensation set forth below.
foregoing in a proper and workmanlike manner,
consistent with highest standards of professional and A. Price. For providing, performing, and completing all
construction practices, in full compliance with, and as Work, the total amount billed by Contractor under this
required by or pursuant, to this Contract, and with the Agreement shall not exceed$17,835.00("Price").
greatest economy, efficiency, and expedition
consistent therewith, with only new, undamaged, and B. Basis for Determining Prices. It is expressly
first quality equipment, materials, and supplies. understood and agreed that:
1. The Price is firm and shall not be subject to escalation of this Contract. Such insurance shall be in form, and from
or change; companies, acceptable to Owner and shall name Owner,
including its Board members and elected and appointed
2. Owner is not subject to state or local sales, use, and officials, its officers, employees, agents, attorneys, consultants,
excise taxes, that no such taxes are included in the and representatives, as an Additional Insured. The insurance
Price, and that all claim or right to claim any additional coverage and limits set forth below shall be deemed to be
compensation by reason of the payment of any such minimum coverage and limits and shall not be construed in any
tax is hereby waived and released;and way as a limitation on Contractor's duty to carry adequate
insurance or on Contractor's liability for losses or damages
3. All other applicable federal, state, and local taxes of under this Contract. The minimum insurance coverage and
every kind and nature applicable to the Work are limits that shall be maintained at all times while providing,
included in the Price; and performing, or completing the Work are as follows:
5. Any items of Work not specifically listed or referred to 1. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability
in the Price shall be deemed incidental to the Price,
shall not be measured for payment, and shall not be Limits shall not be less than:
paid for separately except as set forth specifically in
this Agreement, including without limitation Worker's Compensation: Statutory
extraordinary equipment repair, the cost of
transportation, packing, cartage, and containers, the Employer's Liability: $500,000 each accident-injury;
cost of preparing schedules and submittals, the cost $500,000 each employee-disease; $500,000 disease-
or rental of small tools or buildings,the cost of utilities policy.
and sanitary conveniences, and any portion of the
time of Contractor, its superintendents, or its office Such insurance shall evidence that coverage applies
and engineering staff. to the State of Illinois and provide a waiver of
subrogation in favor of Owner.
C. Time of Payment. It is expressly understood and
agreed that all payments shall be made in accordance with the 2. Commercial Motor Vehicle Liability
following schedule:
Limits for vehicles owned, non-owned or rented shall
Invoice submitted upon completion of the Work. not be less than:
All payments may be subject to deduction or setoff by $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage
reason of any failure of Contractor to perform under this Combined Single Limit
Contract. Each payment shall include Contractor's
certification of the value of, and partial or final waivers of 3. Commercial General Liability
lien covering, all Work for which payment is then
requested and Contractor's certification that all prior Limits shall not be less than:
payments have been properly applied to the payment or
reimbursement of the costs with respect to which they $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage
were paid. Combined Single Limit.
3. Contract Time Coverage is to be written on an"occurrence"basis.
Coverage to include:
If this Contract is accepted, Contractor proposes and
agrees that Contractor shall commence the Work within 15 - Premises Operations
days after Owner's acceptance of the Contract (the - Products/Completed Operations
"Commencement Date"). Contractor shall have furnished to - Independent Contractors
Owner all bonds and all insurance certificates specified in this - Personal Injury (with Employment Exclusion
Contract by the Commencement Date. Contractor agrees that deleted)
Contractor shall perform the Work diligently and continuously - Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement
and in any event shall complete the Work as directed by - "X,""C," and "U"
Owner not later than 30 days after the Commencement Date. - Contractual Liability
4. Financial Assurance Contractual Liability coverage shall specifically
includett •- -tion set forth below.
A. Bonds. Contractor shall provide a Performance Bond
and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, on forms provided 4. Umbrella Liability 'AP
by, or otherwise acceptable to, Owner, from a surety company
acceptable to Owner, each in the penal sum of the Contract • :r-nf1 " -_ Ian:
Price, within 10 days after Owner's acceptance of this 511 —
Contract. $2,000,000 Bodily I• ry and Property Damage
Combined Single ' it.
B. Insurance. If this Contract is accepted, Contractor
proposes and agrees that Contractor shall provide certificates This Coverage shall apply in excess of the limits
of insurance evidencing the minimum insurance coverage and stated in 1,2, and 3 above.
limits set forth below within 10 days after Owner's acceptance
C. Indemnification. Contractor agrees that Contractor of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color,
shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend Owner against all national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited classification; and
damages, liability, claims, losses, and expenses (including any statutes regarding safety or the performance of the Work.
attorneys' fees) that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen,
out of or in connection with Contractor's performance of, or C. Prevailing Wage Act. This Contract calls for the
failure to perform, the Work or any part thereof, or any failure construction of a "public work," within the meaning of the
to meet the representations and warranties set forth in Section Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. (the
6 of this Contract. This Subsection C shall survive the "Act"). A copy of Owner's ordinance ascertaining the
termination of this Contract. prevailing rate of wages, in effect as of the date of this
Contract, has been attached as Exhibit B to this Contract. If
D. Penalties. Contractor proposes and agrees that the Illinois Department of Labor revises the prevailing rate of
Contractor shall be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties hourly wages to be paid, the revised rate will apply to this
that are imposed by any governmental or quasi-governmental Contract. Contractor and any subcontractors rendering
agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, services under this Contract must comply with all requirements
out of or in connection with Contractor's performance of, or of the Act, including but not limited to, all wage, notice, and
failure to perform,the Work or any part thereof. record-keeping duties and certified payrolls.
5. Firm Contract D. Not Barred. Contractor is not barred by law from
contracting with Owner or with any other unit of state or local
All prices and other terms stated in this Contract are firm government as a result of(i) a violation of either Section 33E-3
and shall not be subject to withdrawal, escalation, or change. or Section 33E-4 of Article 33 of the Criminal Code of 1961,
720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq.; or(ii) a violation of the USA Patriot
6. Contractor's Representations and Warranties Act of 2001, 107 Public Law 56(October 26,2001) (the"Patriot
Act") or other statutes, orders, rules, and regulations of the
To induce Owner to accept this Contract, Contractor United States government and its various executive
hereby represents and warrants as follows: departments, agencies and offices related to the subject matter
of the Patriot Act, including, but not limited to, Executive Order
A. The Work. The Work, and all of its components, (1) 13224 effective September 24, 2001. Contractor is not acting,
shall be of merchantable quality; (2) shall be free from any directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of any person, group,
latent or patent defects and flaws in workmanship, materials, entity or nation named by the United States Treasury
and design; (3) shall strictly conform to the requirements of this Department as a Specially Designated National and Blocked
Contract, including without limitation the performance Person, or for or on behalf of any person, group, entity or
standards set forth in Section 1B of this Contract; and (4) shall nation designated in Presidential Executive Order 13224 as a
be fit, sufficient, and suitable for the purposes expressed in, or person who commits, threatens to commit, or supports
reasonably inferred from, this Contract and the warranties terrorism; and Contractor is not engaged in this transaction
expressed herein shall be in addition to any other warranties directly or indirectly on behalf of, or facilitating this transaction
expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto directly or indirectly on behalf of, any such person, group,
Owner. If this Contract is accepted, Contractor proposes and entity or nation.
agrees that as part of Contractor's warranty obligations under
this Contract, shall provide, perform, and complete all post- E. Qualified. Contractor has the requisite experience
installation service, maintenance, and inspection Work as (minimum of 5 years), ability, capital, facilities, plant,
specified in the attached Specifications, and associated Work. organization, and staff to enable Contractor to perform the
Contractor, promptly and without charge, shall correct any Work successfully and promptly and to commence and
failure to fulfill the above warranty at any time within one year complete the Work within the Price and Contract Time set forth
after final payment or such longer period as may be prescribed above.
in the performance standards set forth in Section 1B of this
Contract or by law. The above warranty shall be extended 7. Acknowledgements
automatically to cover all repaired and replacement parts and
labor provided or performed under such warranty and Contractor acknowledges and agrees that:
Contractor's obligation to correct Work shall be extended for a
period of two years from the date of such repair or A. Reliance. Owner is relying on all warranties,
replacement. The time period established in this Section 6A representations, and statements made by Contractor in this
relates only to the specific obligation of Contractor to correct Contract.
Work and shall not be construed to establish a period of
limitation with respect to other obligations that Contractor has B. Remedies. Each of the rights and remedies reserved
under this Contract. to Owner in this Contract shall be cumulative and additional to
any other or further remedies provided in law or equity or in
B. Compliance with Laws. The Work, and all of its this Contract.
components, shall be provided, performed, and completed in
compliance with, and Contractor agrees to be bound by, all C. Time. Time is of the essence for this Contract and,
applicable federal, state, and local laws, orders, rules, and except where stated otherwise, references in this Contract to
regulations, as they may be modified or amended from time to days shall be construed to refer to calendar days.
time, including without limitation the Illinois Prevailing Wage
Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. and any other prevailing wage D. No Waiver. No examination, inspection, investigation,
laws; any statutes requiring preference to laborers of specified test, measurement, review, determination, decision, certificate,
classes; the Illinois Steel Products Procurement Act, 30 ILCS or approval by Owner, whether before or after Owner's
565/1 et seq.; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because acceptance of this Contract; nor any information or data
supplied by Owner, whether before or after Owner's effective unless and until such change is reduced to writing
acceptance of this Contract; nor any order by Owner for the and executed and delivered by Owner and Contractor, except
payment of money; nor any payment for, or use, possession, that Owner ha the right, by written order executed by Owner, to
or acceptance of, the whole or any part of the Work by Owner; make changes in the Work ("Change Order"). If any Change
nor any extension of time granted by Owner; nor any delay by Order causes an increase or decrease in the amount of the
Owner in exercising any right under this Contract; nor any Work, then an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or
other act or omission of Owner shall constitute or be deemed Contract Time may be made. No decrease in the amount of the
to be an acceptance of any defective, damaged, or Work caused by any Change Order shall entitle Contractor to
nonconforming Work, nor operate to waive or otherwise make any claim for damages, anticipated profits, or other
diminish the effect of any representation or warranty made by compensation.
Contractor; or of any requirement or provision of this Contract;
or of any remedy, power, or right of Owner. I. Assignment. Neither this Contract, nor any interest
herein, shall be assigned or subcontracted, in whole or in part,
E. Severability. The provisions of this Contract shall be by Contractor except upon the prior written consent of Owner.
interpreted when possible to sustain their legality and
enforceability as a whole. In the event any provision of this J. Governing Law. This Contract, and the rights of the
Contract shall be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a parties under this Contract shall be interpreted according to the
court of competent jurisdiction, in whole or in part, neither the internal laws, but not the conflict of law rules, of the State of
validity of the remaining part of such provision, nor the validity Illinois. Every provision of law required by law to be inserted
of any other provisions of this Contract shall be in any way into this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein.
affected thereby.
K. Exhibits. If any term or provision of this Contract
H. Amendments. No modification, addition, deletion, conflicts with an Exhibit to this Contract, this Contract shall
revision, alteration, or other change to this Contract shall be control over the Exhibit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed, effective on September ,2014.
ATTEST: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, an Illinois municipal
By: By:
Charlotte Pruss,Village Clerk Gopal Lalmalani, Village President
By: ---\\)/(-- By: AO
Its: d Fz/rlityn,0
Notary Public-State of Illinois
My Commission Expires Jun 1,2018
July 08,2014
To: Dean Hoskin
Bath&Tennis Recreation Manager
Village of Oak Brook
800 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook,IL
RE: Door&Sidewalk for Bath and Tennis Club
Oak Brook,IL
Dear Mr. Hoskin:
Freedom Contractors West is pleased to offer the following proposal for the general
construction of your Door and Sidewalk Project. Our Bid includes the following:
• Demo walls
• Steel Lintels
• Grout and Set
• Door and Frame with Hardware
• Key Pad lock
• Grout Door Frame
• Interior Ceiling Repair
• Concrete Threshold/Aluninum Threshold Finish
• FRP Wall Repair
• Caulk Exterior&Interior
• Hardy Board Returns on Door Openings
• Excavation
• Disposal on Site
• CA-6 Stone
• Compaction
• Rebar and wire
• Dowel into Foundation
• Epoxy Connections
• Concrete
• Finishing and Sealer
• Strip Forms
• Clean-up
Note:Concrete to be—Outside Air Entrainment—3500 psi—5 bag mix
Total Bid Price for the above services= $17,835.00
Notes to this proposal:
1. The owner will provide payouts for work completed within 45 days from work
2. The cost of any permits fees, impact fees,utility fees and capacity expansion
fees are specifically excluded from this proposal
3. The cost of payment and performance bonds are not inclusive of this proposal.
4. Any unforeseen Underground Utilities or pipelines are not included in this bid.
This bid is good for 14 days from the date of this letter.
Thank you in advance for the opportunity to provide a proposal for your project. We
look forward to further discussions after you have had an opportunity to review. Please
do not hesitate to contact me with questions,comments or concerns.
If you have any questions,p : se cal 70:K13529,
Stan Anton Jr.
Principal de
Freedom Contractors West,LLC
All wages paid by the Contractor and each subcontractor shall be in
compliance with The Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130), as amended,
except where a prevailing wage violates a federal law, order, or ruling, the
rate conforming to the federal law, order, or ruling shall govern. The
Contractor shall be responsible to notify each subcontractor of the wage
rates set forth in this contract and any revisions thereto. If the Department
of Labor revises the wage rates, the revised rate as provided by the public
body shall apply to this contract and the Contractor will not be allowed
additional compensation on account of said revisions.
Contractor will comply with the Illinois prevailing wage law, as amended from
time to time. Not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by Owner
or the Illinois Department of Labor shall be paid to all laborers, workers and
mechanics performing work under the Contract. If the Department of Labor
revises the prevailing rate of wages to be paid laborers, workers or
mechanics under the Contract, Owner will notify Contractor and each
Subcontractor of the change in the prevailing rate of wages; provided,
however, regardless of whether Owner gives such notice, the revised
prevailing rate of wages shall apply to the Contract and Contractor shall
have the sole responsibility and duty to pay, and ensure that all
Subcontractors pay, the revised prevailing rate of wages to each person to
whom a revised rate is applicable. Revision of the prevailing wages shall not
result in an increase in the Contract sum or other cost to Owner. Contractor
shall indemnify, defend and hold Owner harmless from any loss, including
but not limited to Owner's attorneys fees, resulting from Contractor's failure
to comply with this prevailing wage clause. All bonds applicable to the
Contract shall include a provision as will guarantee the faithful performance
of the obligation to pay the prevailing rate of wages.
The Contractor and each subcontractor shall make and keep, for a period
of not less than 3 years, records of all laborers, mechanics, and other
workers employed by them on the project; the records shall include each
worker's name, address, telephone number when available, social security
number, classification or classifications, the hourly wages paid in each
period, the number of hours worked each day, and the starting and ending
times of work each day. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall
submit monthly, in person, by mail, or electronically a certified payroll to
the public body in charge of the project. The certified payroll shall consist
of a complete copy of the records. The certified payroll shall be
accompanied by a statement signed by the contractor or subcontractor
which states that:
(i) such records are true and accurate;
(ii) the hourly rate paid to each worker is not less than the general
prevailing rate of hourly wages required; and
(iii) the contractor or subcontractor is aware that filing a certified payroll
that he or she knows to be false is a Class B misdemeanor.
Upon 2 business days' notice, the contractor and each subcontractor shall
make available for inspection the records to the public body in charge of
the project, its officers and agents, and to the Director of Labor and his
deputies and agents at all reasonable hours at a location within this State.
The Contractor and each subcontractor shall permit his/her employees to
be interviewed on the job, during working hours, by compliance
investigators of the Department or the Department of Labor.