S-64 - 05/28/1963 - BUDGET - Ordinances JEB:KM - 5-24-63 1 6; 8 cc. 0 6.44 .. . S. 0 R D I N A .N,-C_,E The following appropriation ordinance is only a listing r statement of expense requirements for the year, and such list, Nen properly adopted by the President and the Board of Trustees, becomes a legal limit beyond which officials cannot legally incur expenses for the current year covered by the ordinance. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAKBROOK, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1963, AND ENDING THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 1964. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, DuPage County, Illinois: Section 1, That the following sums, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, as hereinafter specified and for the fiscal year commencing with the first day of May, 1963, and ending the thirtieth day of April, 1964: GENERAL CORPORATE FUND ApgroRriation A Administration Department A-1 Salaries - Village Officers a. President $ 2,500.00 b. Clerk 400.00 c. Trustees 2,200.00 d. Building Inspector ---- e. Electrical Inspector ---- f. Plumbing Inspector g. Assistants ---- h. Treasurer ---- i. Wight & Associates 15,09490 Total. A-1 $20,300.00 A-2 Salami a. office Personnel -LIQQQAO Total, A-2 8,000.00 A-.3 41# Village officers 500.00 b. Village Employees —Nzz Total A-3 10000.00 A-4 kL%t_Md_,.V9MW"hU a Vi I Ingo 50.00 b: Village Of f teers Vi I I logo Employoom Totnl A-4 SO.* w &2ronriat o A-17 Engineeriaa a. Village Engineer $ 5,000.00 b. Village Planning 31000800 Total. A-17 $ 8,000.00 18 Lega I a. Attorney's services 5,950.00 b. Court costs X50 0. Total A-18 6,000.00 A-19 Auditing a. Auditor's services 2.000400 Total A-19 2,000.00 A-40 Insurance a. Village Hall - Fire 750.00 b. " " - Liability 750,00 c. " " - Personnel 1..000.00 Total A-40 2,500.00 A-55 Maintenance Village Hall Bu i ldilg a. Rent 1.00 b. Building Repairs 2,000.00 c. Landscaping and ground maintenance 18,000.00 d. Janitor supplies 300.00 e. Taxes --- Total, A-55 20,301.00 A-56 Maint ngace Fxgujp.M.e.nt a.. Maintenance, Village Hall equipment 2QO.Q0 Total. A-56 2011,00 A.-1.00 L4f ice and Gemara 1 a. Court Reporting Services 200000 b. Newspaper Publications 700,00 c. Printing, Maps, photos 10500.00 fl. Postage 200.00 e. Supplies 600.00 f. 1#ear in 10000.00 . Electrhity .....� Telephone and Tel.egraph 1�4Qp.00 i. Miscellaneous 600000 J, Water Softener 240,00 k. Civil Defense 500,00 Total. A•100 a 2 4A 5-4 Ap2ropri8lion A-101 Elact'o s a. judges' salaries $ 125.00 b. Ballots and supplies 100.00 c. Rent for Polling places _..-.--75uW Total A-101 $ 500.00 A-155 Office Ea3.ipmen.t a. Manual Equipment 500.00 b. Furniture Purchases 1.0 Total A-155 1,500.00 A-160 VI lla a Hall B ildin Improvements a. Finish Rooms 1,500.00 b. Heating System 500.00 c. Plumbing and Toilets 150.00 d. Electrical 500.00 e. Lock-up Cells (Police) 5�000. }Cr Total A-160 7,650•Q0 C - Police Department C-1 Salaries r a. Chief 10,140.00 b. Other Officers 29,120,00 c. Patrolmen. 57,460.00 d. Desk employees and matrons 21,000.00 e. Reserves 4,160100 Total C-1 121 886.00 C-40 I s�ance a. Motor vehicle liability 500.00 b. Personnel liability 500.00 c. Police personnel 5,000100 Total C-40 6,000.00 C-56 ,.ens nee-Poliee Eauium= a. Radios 500.00 b. Automotive 500.00 c. Gas and oil 6,500.00 d. Wash gobs 480.00 e: Lease mileage cast Total. C-56 10040600 3 - Annrourta ion C-100 Office and General a. Telephone & Telegraph $ J.'000.00 b. Training costs and materials 1 000.00 c. Uniforms 4:000.00 e. Supplies 600:00 f. Travel 500.00 g. Chief's expenses 50,00 h. Printing 700.00 i. Dves and memberships 50.00 j. Lockers 80.00 k. Pension Fund 8P500.00 1. Contingency 2.000.00 Total C-1.00 $18,480.00 �. Manual equipment 400.00 b. Furniture 400.00 Total. C-155 800.00 b: Squad car rentals 62800.00 C. Radio purchases d. Radio rentals 19000,00 f. Miscellaneous purchases Ino.0o g, Firearms 880,00 j. Electronic siren, P.A. and monitor 280.00 k. Alcoholic Breathalyzer and Kits 780,00 1. Resuscitator and Inhalator 250,00 m. Conversion of present Inhalator and Resuacttator 175oOO n: Sgare oxygen cylinders 100100 0 $lot Gun racket for Squad 30,00 1,. Emergency flares 100,00 (I. First-aJd kits 30,OG Police Special Sycedometer 50.00 S. 1118to T lilt ion, al special equipment Total C-160 11,075.00 LuILL a. (kitplo(, contractors 10,00().00 1). V).11,ngp employees-labor To 000.00 d, Reimburnoment for now construction per controats k0,000.00 e, Witter Company-bond refund Total 9-56 Aup Cs1,A , n 1•' - Fire llenart'n'nt Salaries a. Fire Chief $ 1,044.00 b. Assistants 1,000.00 c. F?remen 6,000.00 d. Reserves ""°" e. Ethers 1.500.00 'total F-1 $ 9,300.00 F-40 Fire Insurance a. Liability and fire 1.00000 Total F-40 1,000.00 F-55 Maintenance - building a. Repairs to building 1,000.00 b. Beating 1,000.00 c. Other Total F-55 2,500.00 F-56 Maintenance Eggil2ment a. Radio maintenance 500.00 b. Fire truck maintenance 1,500.00 c. Gas, oil, tires, etc. 1,000.00 d. Miscellaneous 1,000.00 e. Equipment 145QQAQ0 Total F-56 5,300.00 F-100 Office and General a. Telephone and Telegraph 500.00 b. Training costs and materials 1,000.00 c. uniforms 1,000.00 d. Postage 100.00 e. Office supplies 1.00.00 f. 'Travel 500.00 g. Miscellaneous 99kX0 Total, F-100 4,000.00 R1, Manua 1 100.00 1). Furniture .,, Total F-155 700.00 A 'c LddA l n. Not.or equipmont 6 0000.00 1 , miac e'l l'nneous purchrsos Total F-1.60 680000.00 a Aonrooriatign F-161 Fire Btaildinry a. Addition Tota! F-161 $ 75,000.00 J - Conti.ngelicies J-I. Coatin�genc es Gee a a. Corporate fund b. Civil Defense Total J-I. 9,200.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND R-56 Maintenance a. Highway construction 3,000.00 b. Street signs 500.00 c. Snow plowing, etc. 1 .500.00 Total. R-56 5,000.00 R-160 EQUinment a. Purchase of road equipment Total R-160 1,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 02 ,116.00 TOTAL ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND GRAND TOTAL Al PROFAIATIONS 116,iM Section 2., .All unexpended balances of any item or items of any genera appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended fn making up any deficiency in any item or items for the same general purpose or any like appropriation made by this ordinance. Section 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and affect from—arid- after its passage, approval and publication, and all ordinance's or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed and approved by the President and ttW rd of 1'r stees of the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, this ` day of " , 1963. President I age .�Clark .. Ayes Nays it do becoby certity that tha above and foregoing ordinance was published by Ms on than day oE„ 'sv....�.......,.:. 1%3, by posting t *, topt" t f at three of-the most prominent plocois within said Villao* to-wits e Northwea n f 31st Street d r d, Q& ,Aj;22kA 111ID&Js Northwest eox er of rule We JPAIM 2ak §192kl t F { 4,