S-82 - 06/23/1964 - BUDGET - Ordinances eren 6-10-64 1 elf O R D I N A N C E The following appropriation ordinance is only a listing or statement of expense requirements for the year, and such list, when properly ~06 by the President and the Hoard of Trustees, becomes a legal limit beyond j which officials cannot legally incur expenses for the current year coveirod by the ordinance. i APPROPRIATM ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE CORPORATES PURPOSSS OF THE V.ILLAGS OF OAKBROOK, DU WAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 19690 AND ENDING THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 1965 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Hoard of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, DuPage County, Illinois Section 1. That the following sums, or as .much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village of Oakbrook, Illinois, as hereinafter specified and for the fiscal year coamsoncing with the first day of May, 1964, and ending the thirtieth day of April, 1%5: GENERAL CORPORATE FUND fiMriation A _ Administration Department A-1 Salaries - Village officers a. President $ 2,500.00 b. Clerk 400.00 c. Trustees 2,300.00 d. Building Inspector e. Electrical Inspector -° f. Plumbing Inspector ,.•• g. Assistants h. Treasurer ••••••,'" i. Wight A Associatefts 17J00.00 Total A-1 $22,400.00 A-2 Salaries - Millag 12yago a.. Office Personnel Total A•-2 76000.00 < ropriation A-3 Travel 4—jcpease a. village officers $ 500.00 b. Village WVloyees 500.00 Total A-3 $ 1,000.00 A-4 Dues and Membership a. Village $ 150.00 Total A-4 $ 150.00 A-17 znginearina a. Village Engineer $ 5,000.00 b. Village Planning 124010.00 Total A-17 $ 15,000.00 A-18 Sgal a. Attorney's services $ 7,500.00 b. court costs 500.00 Total A-18 $ 8,000.00 A-19 Auditing a. Auditor's services S00 000.00 Total A-19 4,000.00 1-40 insurance 0. Village Hall - Fire $ 750.00 b. village Hall - Liability 750.00 c. Village Hall - Personnel 3.000, - Total A-40 4,500.00 A.55 Maintenance - Villa Hall a. Rent $ 5,000.00 b. Building Repairx 5,000.00 c. Landscaping and Ground Maintenance 4,$00.00 0. janitor Supplios 1,000.00 a. Taxes Total A-55 15,500.00 tk A• 56 Maintenance -�i a. Maintenance, Village Hall Equipment 200.00 Total A056 $ 200.00 A-100 Office and General a. Court Reporting Services $ 1,000.00 b. Newspaper Publications 1,000.00 c. Printing, Maps, Photos 2,000.00 d. Postage 200.00 e. Supplies 500.00 f. Heating 1,000:00 g. Electricity .�.,.,,.. h, Telephone and Telegraph 600.00 i. Miscellaneous 2,000.00 j. Water Softener 350.00 k. Civil Defense 600.00 1. Census -" m. Treasurer's Upense 400.00 Total A-100 $ 9,650.00 A-101 Elections a. Judges' Salaries $ 250.00 b. Sallots and Supplies 200.00 c. Rent for Polling Places 150.00 Total 14-101 $ 600.00 A-155 Office Event a. Manual ]equipment $ 1,000.0p b. Furniture Purchases 44000.00 Total Ae-155 $ 5,000.00 A-160 Village Hall - Buildings & 2roun4s Ir rovements a. Buildings Xmprovements $ :11,000.00 b. Heating System 500.00 c. plumbing and Toilets 500.00 d. Blectri,cal 3,000.00 e. Lock-up Cella (P.D.) 5,000.00 f. around* - Maintenance and 1rprovemonts 0 Total .A-160 ; 30, . -3- 0 !� Wgropriation C - Police Denartmert C-1 Salaries a. Chief $ 11,180.00 b. other Officers 45,240.00 c. patrolmen 60,320.00 d. Desk officers and Matrons 27.440.00 e. Reserves 4,160.00 f. Holiday pay (all classes) 1,176.00 Total C-1 $1,49,516.00 C-•40 Insu rance a. Motor vehicles, liability, collision, fire and theft $ 1,500.00 b. personnel, liability and false arrest 1,500.00 c. Police personnel (group insurance and workmen's compensation) 5.500.00 d. Hnaployees' retirement insurance 12 000.00 Total C-40 $ 20,500.00 c-56 Maintenance - Police Lcltai went a. Radios $ 700.00 b. Automotive 1,500.00 Gasoline and Oil 6,000.00 d. Washing 500.00 Total C-56 $ 8,700.00 C-100 office and General a. Telephone and Telegraph $ 1,500.00 b. Training costs and materials 2,000.00 c. uniforms and clothing allowance 6,020.00 d. Teletype rental and installa- tion, supplies 1,550.00 0. supplies, Office 1,200.00 f. Travel, meals, lodging and registration 600.00 g. Chief's expenses 60.00 h. Photographic supplies, developing and printing 500.00 J. Dues and mennbership 60.00 j. office Xqu ipment 1,340.00 k. Contingency 3,000.00 j 1. equipment, repair and j 400.00 maintenance O �•4» MI �c�,sri t ar m. printing 2,000.,00 n. Weapons training, ammunition and suppliers 800.00 o. Miscellaneous 1 100 40 Total C-100 $ 22,180.010 0-155 police Office NoUgent and Furniture a. Office machines $ 1,000.00 b. Furniture and cabinets 1,500.00 c. Repair and maintenance 300.00 Total C-155 $ 2,800.00 C»160 police Equipment a. police Equipment $ 3,025.00 b. Rentals of Equipment 14,200.00 c. mcpendable equipment supplies $65.00 d. Helicopter rentals e. Radio Tower f. ,Alcoholic Breathalyzer and kits g. Conversion of present inhalator and Resuscitator ^•°�� h. police Special Speedometer --- Total G160 $ 17,790.00 E - Streets anjAicv Xe E-56 Maintenance a. Outside contractors $ 50,000.00 b. village employees •- labor 10,000.00 C. village employees A materials 5,000.00 d. Reimbursement for now construction par contracts 5,000.00 s. Street lights .. ,�0 Total E-56 70,lF00.00 �< a. Fire Chief 2,000.00 b. ,assistants 1,000.00 3 4R� } Ap2mriation c. Fireman $ 6,000.00 d. Reserves e. Others 1 Total F-1 $ 10,000.00 F-40 Fire Insurance a. Liability and Fire $2,000.00 Total F-40 $ 3,000.00 F-55 Maintenance - Huild:tn a. Rapair$ to building $ 1,500.00 b. Keating 10000.00 c. Other 500.00 Total F055 $ 3,000.00 F-56 Maintenance a. Radio maintenance $ 500.00 b. Fire truck maintenance 3,000.00 c. Gas, oil, tires, atc. 1,100.00 d. Miscellaneous 1,000.00 e. Equipment,, other maintenance 500.00 Total F�-56 $ 6,100.00 F_100 Office and General a. Telephone and Telegraph $ 750.00 b. Training costa and materials 1,500.00 c. uniforms 100.00 d. postage 100.00 e. Office Supplies f. Travel 500•00 g. Miscellaneous 500 00 Total V-100 4 4,450.00 X155 Fi a Ofli.ce i t a. Manual $ 100.00 b. Furniture 6QQ.Q0 Total F-155 4 700.00 r 0 ask. , Ads ro riation F-160 Fire Equipment a. Motor equipment $ 70,000.00 b. Miscellaneous purchases 5,000.00 Total F-160 $ 75,000.00 F-161 Fire Building a. Addition $ 44700.00 Total F-161 $ 4,700.00 J - Contingencies J-1 Contingencies General a. Corporate Fund $ 7,50U.00 b. Civil Defense Fund 5,000.00 Total J-1 $ 12,500.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND R-56 Maintenance a. Highway construction $ 3,000.00 b. Street signs 500.00 c. Snow plowing, etc. 1,500.00 d. Mi3cellaneous .1,000.00 Total R-56 $ 6.000.00 R-160 Eclui____pment a. Purchase of road equipment x,1_4000.00 Total R-160 $ 1,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE rUND $533,436.00 TOTAL ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 7 000.00 GRAND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $540,4361.00 SaaL°ion 2. All unexpended balance* of any item or items of any gmneral appropriation made by this ordinance may be axponded in wAing up any deficiency in any item or items for the same general purpos e or VW like appropriation made by this ordinance. 6L- Aye f section 3. This ordinance *hall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, and all ordinances or ,parts of ordinances in conflict, herewith are hereby ropeealead. passed and approved by the President and the Board of ustaees of the Villages of Oakbrook, Illinois, this day of 1964. < � ILI- Preis idesnt Attest: village clerk Ayess 4 Nays: i . ` i i i F V UBLISHICriI CgRTIFICAT39 of wbkb Is &U*Cbfd THIS IS TO CERTIFY That �e n i' a true �H inS D O to this certificate, was published THE MERRILL pRINTING COMPANY, a corpora y w ' '! existing under the laws of the State of lllinols, anal p"Ififf Of INGS, once each week for.....................one HINSDALE D(} ....,..-„..,. successively;that the date of the first publication was the ...V -- day of.........kk=21..................A.D., 14.! 4.•, and that the date of publication was th e.8AO-:nd................day of...Aaa►pg.t........,.....A,D., AND IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED That THE HINSDALE is a secular newsp` per of general circulation.o u ols, and Village o£ Hinsdale County of Dapage, generally in the V116rs of Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Brook, Burr Ridge, a jacent unincorporated and incorporated areas. and In DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, and in ofUer areas', tlstt THE HINSDALE DOINGS is a "newspaper”" do Iilinols Statutes made and provided for su situations, to Ift by 5 of "An Act to revise the taw in relation t�� ►p• 74 FW R.S. J.874,p.723,15,as amended 1959 July 17, IT is also a "newspaper" as defined by AWW6 1 of "An Act fl,sa publication of legal notices",IM June 9,Laws 1408,P.2M11,1427,June 29,Laws 1927,p 1409,H,and as further ame 141t3, 1x, Laws 1945,p. 1o89, I1,and�as further amended in 14'17, Jul�r_4.� 11= P. 2270, 11, and as further amended 1959, Ju 17, Ls�ws I45PP, P. and that said THE HINSIaALE DOINGS h� n contin regular Intervals othe ad picpe ya over neyea year to f ulaVAm of date notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE MERRILL PRIN'i71+ publisher of the said THIS HINSDALE D011�ti�b§4 01011 this Certificate of publication to be signed by and its duly authorlxW agent, and its corporate saal " be affixed tt►f�r.,.f a�rr#enth..,..day of....... publishers Cber"...........1...WAO Approps Orris Vi.11as Osik $ RILL PRI .,e