S-809 - 06/13/1995 - SPECIAL USE - Ordinances 95-z0-su-s-809 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITY (3400 St. Paschal Drive) WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "District", has the power to acquire and hold lands for forest preserve purposes pursuant to the provisions of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, 70 ILCS 805/0.001 et se q. ; and WHEREAS, in July of 1993 the District purchased approximately 89.7 acres of property commonly known as Mayslake from an Association of Franciscan Fathers of the State of Illinois; and . WHEREAS, upon the application of the District, the Village has rezoned the Mayslake property from the "R-3" (Single-Family Detached Residence District) to the "CR" (Conservation/Recreation) District pursuant to the Village's Ordinance 95-ZO-R-EX1-S- 808 ; and WHEREAS, the Mayslake property includes several large buildings commonly known as the Peabody Mansion, St. Francis Retreat House, Portiuncula Chapel, and the St. Paschal Friary; and WHEREAS, Atelier International is an Illinois not-for-profit corpora- tion, which was incorporated for the purpose of developing and offering to all segments of the community, social and cultural programs in the field of music, dance and visual arts; and WHEREAS, under Section 7b of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, the District is authorized to issue licenses for any activities reasonably connected with forest preserve purposes; and WHEREAS, in 1989, the District's President and Board of Commissioners passed and approved Ordinance No. 89-274 entitled, "Policy for the Licensing of District-Owned Buildings"; and WHEREAS, in June, 1995, the District's President and Board of Commis- sioners passed and approved Ordinance No. 94-016 entitled, "An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a License Agreement for the Operation of the St. Paschal Friary located in the Mayslake Forest Preserve" and found in said ordinance that entering into a license agreement is reasonable, necessary and in the public interest and welfare and further, that the License Agreement with Atelier International complies with the requirements of Ordinance No. 89- 274; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 94-016, on or about August 1, 1994, the District's President and Secretary executed a License Agreement with Atelier International for the restoration, repair, operation and management of the St. Paschal Friary; and WHEREAS, Atelier International filed an application for a special use permit with the Village to use the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive ("special use property") as an educational and cultural facility; and Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 2 WHEREAS, _a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Plan Commission of the Village of Oak Brook on April 17, 1995, and said Commission has submitted its report on the subject application to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the President and Board of Trustees and has recommended approval of the issuance of such special use permit, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Oak Brook on May 2, 1995, pursuant to due and appropriate legal notice, and said Commission has submitted its report on the subject application to President and Board of Trustees and has recommended the approval of the issuance of such special use permit, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have reviewed these recommendations and concur with the recommendations and deem the passage of this ordinance to be in the best interest and in furtherance of the general welfare of the Village of Oak Brook; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That the provisions of the preamble hereinabove set forth are hereby adopted as though fully set forth herein. Section 2: That as conditioned below, a Special Use Permit pursuant to the provisions of Section XIII(J) be and is hereby granted for the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive and legally described below, for use as an educational and cultural facility devoted to the performing arts, music, visual arts and crafts: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described by commencing at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of 60-foot wide 35th Street with the Westerly right-of-way line of F. A. Route 102 (Illinois Route 83) ; thence North 00 013138" West, on said Westerly line, a distance of 425.0 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 63 045126" West, a distance of 460.0 feet; thence North 26 014134" West, a distance of 460.0 feet; thence North 63 045126" East, a distance of 545.0 feet; thence North 90 000100" East, a distance of 117.84 feet to said Westerly line of F. A. Route 102; thence Southerly, on said Westerly line, being a curve concave to the West with a radius of 5018.71 feet, an arc distance of 275.03 feet to a point of tangency in said westerly line; thence South 00 013138" East, a distance of 175.30 feet to the place of beginning, in DuPage County, Illinois. Permanent Index No. 06-35-100-009 Section 3: That the Special Use Permit granted in Section 2 is subject to these further conditions: 1. This special use is limited to Atelier International and the following sublicensees which have been heretofore approved by the District which is the owner of the special use property: Vandercook College of Music, Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 3 Von Heideke School of Ballet; Columbia College; Art Institute of Chicago; Lake Shore Jazz Ensemble; Northwestern University, and such additional organizations as shall be approved as sublicensees by the District in the future, provided that Atelier shall have notified the Village of Oak Brook in care of the Village Manager, of its intent to request such approval not less than fourteen (14) days prior to making application to the District. 2. No outdoor performances shall be conducted on the special use property after 10:00 p.m. or before 9:00 a.m. on any day. 3. Noise coming from the special use property shall be subject to the performance standards set forth below: At no point on or beyond the westerly boundary line of the special use property shall the sound pressure level of any performance or operation coming from the special use property (other than background noises produced by sources not under control of Atelier International and/or its approved sublicensees, such as operation of motor vehicles or other transportation facilities) exceed the decibel limits in the table below: Octave Band Maximum Permitted Sound Level in Decibels Frequency in Cycles Per Second 20 to 75 72 75 to 150 67 150 to 300 59 300 to 600 52 600 to 1,200 46 1,200 to 2,400 40 2,400 to 4,800 34 Above 4,800 32 Sound levels shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band filter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. Measurements shall be made using the flat network of the sound level meter. Impulsive type noises shall be subject to the limitations set forth below, provided that such noises shall be capable of being accurately measured and for the purpose of this special use permit, shall be those noises which cause rapid fluctuations of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of no more than plus or minus two decibels. Noises incapable of being so measured, such as those of an irregular and intermittent nature, shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses. Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 4 4. In the event that there are more than two incidents involving the offense of disorderly conduct occurring at the special use property in any twelve-month period, this special use permit shall be subject to revocation upon notice and hearing. The offense of disorderly conduct is presently set forth in Section 9-19 of the Oak Brook Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time. 5. The residential area for students and artists at the special use property shall be limited to the north wing of the third floor of the so- called friary building (see attached floor plan) and shall include Rooms C5- C8; Cll-C14; C27-C30; C31-C34, and common areas C10, C16, C17, C20 and C26. Occupancy in this residential area shall not exceed 26. 6. Living areas for resident guards, caretakers, and/or maintenance personnel shall be limited to the first floor of the so-called friary (see attached floor plan) and shall include only Rooms A37-A40 and A67-A72. Maximum capacity for resident guards, caretakers, and/or maintenance personnel and their immediate family shall not exceed six (6) persons. 7. Parking shall be provided at the special use property per the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for all applicable uses and may be constructed as the actual use of the special use property develops, provided that not less than forty-four (44) spaces shall be provided at the time Atelier International commences its operations. 8. Any utilities constructed on the special use property shall be placed underground. 9. The special use shall automatically terminate if a certificate of occupancy for the so-called friary has not been issued within two (2) years from the date of adoption of this ordinance. 10. In the event that one or more of the above conditions, including the conditions set forth in Section 2 are not met, the Village Manager shall promptly initiate enforcement action, including, but not limited to revocation proceedings, as may be warranted under the circumstances. Section 4: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and approval pursuant to law. PASSED THIS 13th day of June, 1995. Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, Payovich, Savino and Shumate Nays: None Absent: Trustee McInerney Abstain: None Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility • Page 5 APPROVED THIS 13th day of June, 1995. it age President ATTEST- Virlag4 Clerk -- Approved as to Form: Village Attorney Published Date Paper Not Published XX atelier.ord Y D. PAYOUTS: PAYOUTS: 1. GROUP I RESOURCES INC -PAYOUT#2 -INFORMATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLAN -RFP PHASE - $5,961.49: Approved TECHNOLOGY PLAN Omnibus Vote. 2. THOMAS M MADDEN -PAYOUT 44 & FINAL - OLD OAK OLD OAK BROOK DAM BROOK DAM - $5,000.00: Approved Omnibus Vote. REFERRALS: None. F. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES - FOREST PRESERVE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DU PAGE COUNTY -MAYSLAKE SITE DIST. - MAYSLAKE PARKING: Approved Omnibus Vote. SITE PARKING G. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PAY BILLS ON AUTHORIZATION-PAY DECEMBER 29. 1995: Approved Omnibus Vote. BILLS 12-29-95 H. ACCEPT AND PLACE ON FILE -TREASURER'S REPORT - TREASURER'S OCTOBER 1995: Approved Omnibus Vote. REPORT - OCTOBER 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None. 7. ACTIVE AGENDA (Items For Final Action): A. APPOINTMENTS: APPOINTMENTS: Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Kenny,to concur MAZUKELLI - with the recommendation of President Bushy and rescind the ETHNIC FEST appointment of Roberta Arquilla to the 1996 Ethnic Fest Committee COMMITTEE due to School Board member's assignments being reorganized following a recent School Board election and appoint Thomas Mazukelli, Co-Chair to the 1996 Ethnic Fest Committee as the School District's representative. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Motion by Trustee Kenny, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to concur BUSCAGLIA with the recommendation of President Bushy and appoint Vera ETHNIC FEST. Buscaglia as At Large Member to the 1996 Ethnic Fest Committee. COMMITTEE VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 2 of 6 November 28, 1995 SER r A, • —� November 17, 1995 Forest Preserve Mr. Thomas Hawk Director of Code Enforcement District Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road of Oak Brook, IL 60521-2255 RE: MAYSLAKE PARKING LOT DuPage PROJECT NO. Z-594-01 County Dear Mr. Hawk: The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is in the process of Spring Avenue finalizing the construction documents for the parking lot to be Glen Ellyn, IL 60 located off St. Paschal 's Drive at Mayslake Forest Preserve. P.O. Box 2339 At this time, we are requesting that the Village of Oak Brook waive Glen Ellyn, IL the permit and bond fees related to construction of the parking lot. 60138-2339 If you have additional questions related to the actual construction of this project, please contact Mary Ellen Weller at 942-6092. 708/790-4900 Sincerely, FAX •1 1 TDD 1-800-526-0857 D. •. . Jr. F Strong President Executive Director Michael Formento FAS.MEW/jcs Gary A.King cc: Bob Vick, Director of Planning & Development Secretary Andrea Hoyt, Senior Landscape Architect Carolyn M.Kulie Mary Ellen Weller, Landscape Architect Treasurer Dale Durfey, Village Engineer Franz"Art"Strong Execulive Director 9659012.FAS.MEW rus ees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovic Savino and Shute. 4 Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. B. ORDINANCE 95-ZO-R-EX1-S-%23 AN ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PARCEL TO THE B ONING A 22ND STREET): NERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 1717 ORD. 95-ZO-R-EX. S-823 The ordinance rezones the property REZONE TO B-3 Street from ORA-1 to B-3 subject to the conditions ns et forth n Section (171 22nd st.) of the Ordinance. 2 Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki to pass Ordinance 95-ZO-R-EX1-S-823 "An Ordinance Rezoning a Certain to the B-3 General Business District (1717 22nd Street)", as presented Parcel and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich Sa i and Shumate. vino Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. C. ORDINANCE 95-ZO-TA-G-560 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION XI OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK °F`D•95-ZO-TA- ORDINANCE G-60 AS AMENDED: G-560 The ordinance amends the text of the Zoning Ordinance b 1 SENDING case of appliance stores, requiring one parking space for eve 200 SECTION XI OF Y O In the ZONING ORD. square feet of floor area; and (2) in the case of furniture stores requiring one parking space for every 400 square feet of floor area. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Ordinance 95-ZO-TA-G-560 "An Ordinance Amending Section XI of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Oak.Brook, Ordinance G-60, as Amended", as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. D. ORDINANCE 95-ZO-SU-EX1-S-824 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITY 3400 ST. PASCHAL DRIVE : S-8.95-ZO-SU-EX S-824 GRANTING SPECIA The ordinance essentially enlarges by approximately one acre the special TIONALR�EDUCA- use property at 3400 St. Paschal Drive. CULTURAL FACILITY GE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 3 of 12 Au (3400 St. August 8, 1995 Paschal Drive) Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-EX1-S=824 "An Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for Educational and Cultural Facility (3400 St. Paschal Drive)", as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. E. ORDINANCE 95-ZO-V-EX2-S-825 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ORD.95—ZO—V—EX2 VARIATION FROM SECTION VI-A(7)(a)(2) OF THE ZONING S-825 ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK (3400 ST. PASCHAL VARIATION FROM DRIVE): SEC.VI--A(7) (a) OF ZON. ORD. The ordinance grants a variation to allow parking not less than ten feet (3400 St.Pascha from St. Paschal Drive at the special use property located at 3400 St. Paschal Drive. This variation allows the parking to be placed at a location away from the homes of the Trinity Lakes Subdivision in an area which is generally shielded by vegetation on the north, east and west sides. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Ordinance 95-ZO-V-EX2-S-825 "An Ordinance Granting a Variation from Section VI-A(7)(a)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Oak Brook (3400 St. Paschal Drive)", as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. F. ORDINANCE 95-TR-G-561 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TRAFFIC ORD.95—TR—G-561 REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ORDINANCE G- AMEND. TRAFFIC 177, AS AMENDED, TO PROHIBIT PARKING ALONG ST. PASCHAL REGULATION -� DRIVE: PROHIBIT P2,RK!t., ALONG ST. ``a Trustee Shumate commented of the concern by Fire Chief Nielsen and PASCHAL DRIVE-w1 Police Chief Fleming of safety factors surrounding the off-road parking on St. Paschal Drive. It was noted a concern of residents, from Trinity Lakes, regarding trespassing, damage to vegetation on private property, and damage to the gravel shoulders on both sides of the drive. The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County owns Mayslake property, and it is their responsibility to provide vehicular access to the property, appropriate parking facilities, to apply and enforce District regulations concerning hours of use and conduct of users, and to provide suitable sanitary facilities. Trustee Shumate requested no parking on the road; the County provide public parking on their property and work cooperatively with the Village on how to patrol the area. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 12 August 8, 1995 Village Manager Veitch noted, as directed by the Village Board, a letter was sent to Executive Director Strong, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, stating the District had failed to provide necessary public facilities on their property that had been discussed as early as October, 1994. Mr. Strong indicated in his letter of August 4, 1995, that the District has proposed to develop a fifty (50) car parking lot with access from St. Paschal Drive; trash containers and portable sanitary facilities adjacent to the parking lot to be completed by late fall or early spring. He requested the Village prohibit parking on the east side of St. Paschal Drive until their parking lot is completed. The District further offered to post more boundary markers around the property and visible information signs regarding the hours. Village Manager Veitch noted that some of the markers and signs have been posted. Village Manager Veitch stated, in speaking with Mr. Strong by telephone earlier, that he had urged the District to open the Peabody Mansion parking area and provide the temporary sanitary facility near the Mansion for public access rather than along St. Paschal Drive. Mr. Strong further indicated regular patrol of the preserve will be provided, a temporary sanitary facility will be installed on District property adjacent to St. Paschal's and trash will be picked up on a regular basis. This would solve the problem for the interim, allowing the District to build the appropriate facilities by fall. President Bushy acknowledged Olivia Gow, Forest Preserve Commissioner from District 2 and Art Strong, Executive Director, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, were in attendance of the meeting. She appreciated their attendance to hear the concerns of the residents and Village. Ed Merkel, Forest Preserve Commissioner from District 2, was unable to attend tonight's meeting but requested an update of the Village's concern and the outcome of this evening's meeting. President Bushy recommended that both the Peabody Mansion parking area be opened and a temporary parking lot to remove all parking from St. Paschal Drive. She requested that the sanitary facilities be located near the Peabody Mansion rather than the roadside. Trustee Savino inquired if the Forest Preserve is unable to utilize those parking areas by the Peabody Mansion, since they have granted licenses to two organizations. Village Manager Veitch explained that the licensees rights may be superior to the Forest Preserve, but the licensees may be persuaded to use their parking facilities on a limited basis until their organizations are operational. Comments were heard from the following residents of Trinity Lakes: Ron Cullum, Suzanne Zakhireh, Roger Rajaram and Robert Willmschen, President of the Trinity Lakes Homeowners Association. They thanked the Village and the Forest Preserve in addressing their concerns of trespassing of private properties, pick up of trash on a regular basis, no parking on St. Paschal Drive, proper policing of hours, security and the need for sanitary facilities on Forest Preserve property. President Bushy VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 5 of 12 August 8, 1995 stated, if necessary, temporary signs could be posted on Trinity Lakes affected streets that indicate there is no public access to Forest Preserve property. Suzanne Zakhireh inquired if the residents will have a chance to speak on the types of activities that will be held at the Peabody Mansion. President Bushy suggested she contact the Forest Preserve who has jurisdiction in this area. William Lindeman requested restriction on the east side of St. Paschal Drive to address people walking across the roadway and allow more time for the Forest Preserve to provide sufficient parking for the next season. Art Strong, DuPage County Forest Preserve Executive Director, addressed the Board that their license agreement with the licensees of the Friary property allows the District access to their other properties through their driveways and parking lot. It does not give them authorization to park, and it would require Atelier's cooperation in requesting a temporary parking lot. The District is able to open the Peabody Mansion parking lot, if necessary, as it was excluded with the license agreement. The District is not ready to open this area due to safety concern of the entry, security and extensive use of the property. Mr. Strong suggested passing an ordinance that addresses the east side of St. Paschal Drive now and the District strive to have a public parking lot available later this fall, weather permitting, or not until early spring. The new parking lot will be adjacent to the pond area, and it will serve the east side of the preserve. Village Manager Veitch clarified, for the record, that the Village had discussed with the Forest Preserve District last fall of permitting a temporary parking area up to six months until a permanent facility could be installed. The Forest Preserve was unable to make that commitment at that time. President Bushy noted that the District has owned the property two years, and the Village has been quite patient waiting for this to be resolved and it must now be addressed. Trustee Savino indicated St. Paschal Drive is not built for off-road parking and that parking should be prohibited on both sides. He would be in favor of a temporary parking lot until a permanent facility could be installed. Trustee McInerney recommended that no fishing be allowed until the District is ready for public use. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to pass Ordinance 95-TR-G-561 "An Ordinance Amending the Traffic Regulations of the Village of Oak Brook, Ordinance G-177, as Amended, to Prohibit Parking Along St. Paschal Drive", as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 6 of 12 August 8, 1995 �o I 1 t ORDINANCE 95-ZO-V-EX2-S-325 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM SECTION VI A(7)(a)(2) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK (3400 St. Paschal Drive) WHEREAS, on June 13, 1995, the Village President and Board of Trustees passed and approved Ordinance 957ZO-SU-S-809 entitled, "An Ordinance Granting A Special Use For Educational And Cultural Facility (3400 St. Paschal Drive) ("Original Ordinance") which granted a special use permit pursuant to the provisions of Section XIII(J) of the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance for the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive for use as an educational and cultural facility devoted to the performing arts, music, visual arts and crafts, subject to certain conditions and restrictions set forth in the Ordinance, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, at the request of the applicants for the Original Ordinance, this Board has amended the Original Ordinance to include approximately a one- acre tract at the east end of the special use property to allow for additional parking; and WHEREAS, Section VI-A(7) (a) (2) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Oak Brook requires that no structure may be erected or maintained within 100 feet from the right-of-way line of any street; and WHEREAS, the applicants for the Original Ordinance have filed an application for a variation to reduce the required 100 foot setback to ten feet to allow parking in an area away from the homes of the Trinity Lakes Subdivision in an area which is generally shielded by vegetation on the north, east and west sides; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Oak Brook on July 13, 1995, pursuant to due and appropriate legal notice, and said Zoning Board has submitted its report on the subject application to the President and Board of Trustees, and has recommended the approval of the amendment to the Original Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the said Zoning Board of Appeals made explicit findings of fact that the variation requested conforms to the standards set forth in Section XIII(G) (4) of the said Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have reviewed these recommendations and concur with the recommendations and deem the passage of this Ordinance to be in the best interest and furtherance of the general welfare of the Village of Oak Brook to grant the variation as conditioned below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That the provisions of the preamble hereinabove set forth are hereby adopted as though fully set forth herein. t • Ordinance 95-ZO-V-EX2-S-825 Granting a Variation From Section VI-A(7) (a) (2) 3400 St. Paschal Drive Page 2 Section 2: That the variation is hereby granted from the provisions of Section VI-A(7) (a) (2) of the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance G-60, as amended, to reduce the required 100-foot setback to ten feet to allow parking not less than ten feet from the St. Paschal Drive right-of-way line subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. That the proposed parking lot be constructed in substantial conformity with the plans submitted, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B, Proposed Parking Plan; 2. That this variation shall automatically terminate if a building permit for the parking lot has not been issued within two years from the date of adoption of this ordinance. Section 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and approval pursuant to law. PASSED THIS 8th day of August, 1995. Ayes: 'trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: Nonp APPROVED THIS 8th day of August, 1995. Village President ATTEST: Villag 0 Clerk Approved as to Form: II Village Attorney Published Date Paper Not Published XX Applicant: Atelier International Address: P. 0. Box 1783 Oak Brook, IL 60521 PIN 06-35-100-009 . EXHIBIT A . 95-ZO-SU-S-809 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITY (3400 St. Paschal Drive) WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "District", has the power to acquire and hold lands for forest preserve purposes pursuant to the provisions of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, 70 ILCS 805/0.001 et seq. ; and WHEREAS, in July of 1993 the District purchased approximately 89.7 acres of property commonly known as Mayslake from an Association of Franciscan Fathers of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, upon the application of the District, the Village has rezoned the Mayslake property from the 11R-3" (Single-Family Detached Residence District) to the "CR" (Conservation/Recreation) District pursuant to the Village's Ordinance 95-ZO-R-EX1-S- 808 ; and WHEREAS, the Mayslake property includes several large buildings commonly known as the Peabody Mansion, St. Francis Retreat House, Portiuncula Chapel, and the St. Paschal Friary; and WHEREAS, Atelier International is an Illinois not-for-profit corpora- tion, which was incorporated for the purpose of developing and offering to all segments of the community, social and cultural programs in the field of music, dance and visual arts; and WHEREAS, under Section 7b of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, the District is authorized to issue licenses for any activities reasonably connected with forest preserve purposes; and WHEREAS, in 1989, the District's President and Board of Commissioners passed and approved Ordinance No. 89-274 entitled, "Policy for the Licensing of District-Owned Buildings"; and WHEREAS, in June, 1995, the District's President and Board of Commis- sioners passed and approved Ordinance No. 94-016 entitled, "An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a License Agreement for the Operation of the St. Paschal Friary located in the Mayslake Forest Preserve" and found in said ordinance that entering into a license agreement is reasonable, necessary and in the public interest and welfare and further, that the License Agreement with Atelier International complies with the requirements of Ordinance No. 89- 274; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 94-016, on or about August 1, 1994, the District's President and Secretary executed a License Agreement with Atelier International for the restoration, repair, operation and management of the St. Paschal Friary; and WHEREAS, Atelier International filed an application for a special use permit with the Village to use the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive ("special use property") as an educational and cultural facility; and Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 2 WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Plan Commission of the Village of Oak Brook on April 17, 1995, and said Commission has submitted its report on the subject application to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the President and Board of Trustees and has recommended approval of the issuance of such special use permit, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Oak Brook on May 2, 1995, pursuant to due and appropriate legal notice, and said Commission has submitted its report on the subject application to President and Board of Trustees and has recommended the approval of the issuance of such special use permit, subject to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have reviewed these recommendations and concur with the recommendations and deem the passage of this ordinance to be in the best interest and in furtherance of the general welfare of the Village of Oak Brook; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That the provisions of the preamble hereinabove set forth are hereby adopted as though fully set forth herein. Section 2: That as conditioned below, a Special Use Permit pursuant to the provisions of Section XIII(J) be and is hereby granted for the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive and legally described below, for use as an educational and cultural facility devoted to the performing arts, music, visual arts and crafts: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described by commencing at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of 60-foot wide 35th Street with the Westerly right-of-way line of F. A. Route 102 (Illinois Route 83) ; thence North 00 013138" West, on said Westerly line, a distance of 425.0 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 63 045126" West, a distance of 460.0 feet; thence North 26 014134" West, a distance of 460.0 feet; thence North 63 045126" East, a distance of 545.0 feet; thence North 90 000100" East, a distance of 117.84 feet to said Westerly line of F. A. Route 102; thence Southerly, on said Westerly line, being a curve concave to the West with a radius of 5018.71 feet, an arc distance of 275.03 feet to a point of tangency in said westerly line; thence South 00°13138" East, a distance of 175.30 feet to the place of beginning, in DuPage County, Illinois. Permanent Index No. 06-35-100-009 Section 3: That the Special Use Permit granted in Section 2 is subject to these further conditions: 1. This special use is limited to Atelier International and the following sublicensees which have been heretofore approved by the District which is the owner of the special use property: Vandercook College of Music, Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educaticnal and Cultural Facility Page 3 Von Heideke School of Ballet; Columbia College; Art Institute of Chicago; Lake Shore Jazz Ensemble; Northwestern University, and such additional organizations as shall be approved as sublicensees by the District in the future, provided that Atelier shall have notified the Village of Oak Brook in care of the Village Manager, of its intent to request such approval not less than fourteen (14) days prior to making application to the District. 2. No outdoor performances shall be conducted on the special use property after 10:00 p.m. or before 9:00 a.m. on any day. 3. Noise coming from the special use property shall be subject to the performance standards set forth below: At no point on or beyond the westerly boundary line of the special use property shall the sound pressure level of any performance or operation coming from the special use property (other than background noises produced by sources not under control of Atelier International and/or its approved sublicensees, such as operation of motor vehicles or other transportation facilities) exceed the decibel limits in the table below: Octave Band Maximum Permitted Sound Level in Decibels . Frequency in Cycles Per Second 20 to 75 72 75 to 150 67 150 to 300 59 300 to 600 52 600 to 1,200 46 1,200 to 2,400 40 2,400 to 4,800 34 Above 4,800 32 Sound levels shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band filter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. Measurements shall be made using the flat network of the sound level meter. Impulsive type noises shall be subject to the limitations set forth below, provided that such noises shall be capable of being accurately measured and for the purpose of this special use permit, shall be those noises which cause rapid fluctuations of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of no more than plus or minus two decibels. Noises incapable of being so measured, such as those of an irregular and intermittent nature, shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses. Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 4 4. In the event that there are more than two incidents involving the offense of disorderly conduct occurring at the special use property in any twelve-month period, . this special use permit shall be subject to revocation upon notice and hearing. The offense of disorderly conduct is presently set forth in Section 9-19 of the Oak Brook Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time. 5. The residential area for students and artists at the special use property shall be limited to the north wing of the third floor of the so- called friary building (see attached floor plan) and shall include Rooms C5- C8; C11-C14; C27-C30; C31-C34, and common areas C10, C16, C17, C20 and C26. Occupancy in this residential area shall not exceed 26. 6. Living areas for resident guards, caretakers, and/or maintenance personnel shall be limited to the first floor of the so-called friary (see attached floor plan) and shall include only Rooms A37-A40 and A67-A72. Maximum capacity for resident guards, caretakers, and/or maintenance personnel and their immediate family shall not exceed six (6) persons. 7. Parking shall be provided at the special use property per the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for all applicable uses and may be constructed as the actual use of the special use property develops, provided that not less than forty-four (44) spaces shall be provided at the time Atelier International commences its operations. 8. Any utilities constructed on the special use property shall be placed underground. 9. The special use shall automatically terminate if a certificate of occupancy for the so-called friary has not been issued within two (2) years from the date of adoption of this ordinance. 10. In the event that one or more of the above conditions, including the conditions set forth in Section 2 are not met, the Village Manager shall promptly initiate enforcement action, including, but not limited to revocation proceedings, as may be warranted under the circumstances. Section 4: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and approval pursuant to law. PASSED THIS 13th day of June, 1995. Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, Payovich, Savino and Shumate Nays: None Absent: Trustee McInerney Abstain: None Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-5-809 Granting A Special Use For An Educational and Cultural Facility Page 5 APPROVED THIS 13th day of June, 1995. \` it age President ATTEST: •• Vij:-lag4i Clerk_ Approved as to Form: . Village Attorney Published Date Paper Not Published XX atelier.ord I i • S ZiBIH%'3 • lS�S ..dlt5:l i•.....N.....� . �•Mn•1.N�11,�1q f � • ('SO'3W1.S6'06C 3..9f.L4.69 S 0318-91.165 ..00.00.06 N A _ . ngf•U.M/1N w.,l .M Jq.rJ.N,..M/r.,r. . f 11(A N ' 4 00 I Ch 0 2 i 6O • � i0 W W W U� m ro It 'd'u yu�if,ofc: r 95-ZO-SU-EXI-S-824 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITY (3400 St. Paschal Drive) WHEREAS, on June 13, 1995, the Village President and Board of Trustees passed and approved Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-S-809 entitled, "An Ordinance Granting A Special Use For Educational And Cultural Facility (3400 St. Paschal Drive)", ("Original Ordinance") which granted a special use permit pursuant to the provisions of Section XIII(J) of the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance for the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive for use as an educational and cultural facility devoted to the performing arts, music, visual arts and crafts, subject to certain conditions and restrictions set forth in the Ordinance, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the legal description of the property subject to the special use permit is set forth in Section 2 of the Original Ordinance; and WHEREAS, in considering the Original Ordinance, the Village Board discussed the need for additional parking away from homes in the Trinity Lakes Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the applicants in the Original Ordinance have applied for an amendment to the Original Ordinance which would increase the area of the property subject to the special use permit by approximately one acre at the east side of the special use property; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application for amendment to the Original Ordinance has, been conducted by the Plan Commission of the Village of Oak Brook on June 19, 1995, and said Commission has submitted its report on the subject application to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the President and Board of Trustees, and has recommended approval of the amendment to the Original Ordinance, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application has been conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Oak Brook on July 13, 1995, pursuant to due and appropriate legal notice, and said Zoning Board has submitted its report on the subject application to the President and Board of Trustees, and has recommended the approval of the amendment to the Original Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have reviewed these recommendations and concur with the recommendations and deem the passage of this Ordinance to be in the best interest and furtherance of the general welfare of the Village of Oak Brook; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That the provisions of the preamble hereinabove set forth are hereby adopted as though fully set forth herein. Section 2: That Section 2 of the Original Ordinance is amended to state Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-EX1-S-824 Amending a Special Use for an Educational and Cultural Facility, Page 2 as follows: "Section 2: That as conditioned below, a special use permit pursuant to the provisions of Section XIII(J) be and is hereby granted for the property commonly known as 3400 St. Paschal Drive and legally described below, for use as an educational and cultural facility devoted to the performing arts, music, visual arts and crafts: LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described by commencing at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of 60-foot wide 35th Street with the Westerly right-of-way line of F. A. Route 102 (Illinois Route 83); thence North 00 013138" West, on said Westerly line, a distance of 228.0 feet to the place of beginning; thence South 90°00,00" West, a distance of 415.0 feet; thence North 26 014134" West, a distance of 460.0 feet; thence North 63 045126" East, a distance of 545.0 feet; thence North 90°00100" East, a distance of 117.84 feet to said Westerly line of F. A. Route 102; thence Southerly, on said Westerly line, being a curve concave to the West with a radius of 5018.71 feet, an arc distance of 275.03 feet to a point of tangency in said Westerly line; thence South 00°13138" East, a distance of 372.0 feet to the place of beginning, in DuPage County, Illinois. Permanent Index No. 06-35-100-009 Section 3: That except for the amendment to the legal description in Section 2 of the Original Ordinance, all other provisions of the Original Ordinance, including, but not limited to the conditions set forth in Section 3 of the Original Ordinance are and remain in full force and effect. Section 4: That the conditions set forth in Section 3 of the Original Ordinance are applicable to the entire property as described in the aforesaid legal description. Section 5: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from -and after passage and approval pursuant to law. PASSED THIS 8th day of August, 1995. Ayes: Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Savino and Shumate Nays: None Absent: Non Abstain: Nona Ordinance 95-ZO-SU-EXi-5-824 Amending a Special Use for an Educational and Cultural Facility, Page 3 APPROVED THIS 8th day of August, 1995. Village President ATTEST: Nfil"llagle Clerk 'Approved as to Form: Village Attorney Published Date Paper Not Published XX atelier.ord r • ATELIER INTERNATIONAL INDEX PAGE CONTENTS 16 Informational Memo from Hawk to Board of Trustees dated 7119195 15-15a Recommendation Memo from Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman to Board of Trustees dated 7118195 14-14a Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes dated 7113195 13 Letter from Plan Commission Chairman to Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of Trustees dated 6130195 12 Letter from Gooder re: Approval from Board of Commissioners 11-11a Plan Commission Meeting Minutes dated 6119195 10-10a Informational Memo to Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals from Hawk dated 6114195 9 Forest Preserve District of DuPage County approval of Atelier's petition requests dated 618195 8 Resident Letter dated 6114195 7 Certificate of Publication dated 6115195 6 Letter to Attorney re: meeting dates 5 Board of Trustees Referral meeting minutes dated 6113195 (not yet included) 4-4a Waiver of Fees Memo to Board of Trustees from Hawk dated 6/5/95 3 Referral Memo to Board of Trustees from Hawk dated 615195 2-2c Variations -Zoning Ordinance -Section X111, (G) (1-6) (pgs 966- 969) 1-1 a Amendments - Zoning Ordinance - Section Xlll, 1 (1-5) (pgs. 970-971) A-A4 Application/Petition w/Legal Description B-B 1 List of Surrounding Property Owners C-C 1 Letter from Dave Gooder to Plan Commission re: Special Use Amendment D-D2 Letter from Dave Gooder to Zoning Board of Appeals re: Special Use Amendment and Variation E-E4 Application Transmittal Letters F Site Plan G Map Showing Adjacent Zoning H Proposed Parking Plan 1 Plat of Survey - (not Included - Official File Only) r , �OE OF Oqk 6 40 O� ouNty VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990-3000 MEMO July 19, 1995 TO: President Busy and Board of Trustees FROM. Tom Ha SUBJECT.- Atelier International-3400 St Paschal Drive -Amend Special Use and Parkin Setback Variation Both the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals have held Me required hearings regarding this proposal. The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the Special Use Amendment by a vote of 6 to 0;and the Zoning Board of Appeals has recommended approval of both the Special Use and the Variation by a vote of 5 to 0. Their has been no public comment regarding either of these issues. The Special Use amendment, if approved, will rectify an oversight of the original Special Use proceeding where the legal land area description used within the legal notice did not include all of the area under consideration. The variation to reduce the parking area setback from 100 feet to 10 feet will allow the parking area to be constructed at the maximum distance from the residential properties on St Stephens Green. The existing very dense evergreens along St Paschal Drive will effectively screen the parking area from view. If it is your wish to move toward approval of these requests,it would be appropriate to do so by voice motion with the authorization to Attorney Martens to draft the necessary ordinance for acpon at your meeting of August 8, 1995. TRH/gp CC.' Petitioner Petition files l6 I FO Oa,O wK• G O 0UN'104 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 703 990- 3000 July 18, 1995 President Bushy and Board of Trustees Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 RE: Atelier International-3400 St Paschal Drive -Amend Special Use and Parking Setback Variation Dear Madam President and Board of Trustees: The Zoning Board of Appeals, at their meeting of July 13, 1995, held the required public hearing regarding the petitioner's request for an amendment to the legally defined area covered by their Special Use and for a variation to the parking area setback requirement. There was no public testimony regarding either of the proposals. Special Use Amendment It was explained that while the original Special Use procedure included the area under consideration, the legal description used in the legal notice did not include this area. The petition intends to rectify this oversight and include this area in the legal description covered by the Special Use in Ordinance S-809. The petition seeks to add approximately one acre. A motion recommending approval of an amendment to Ordinance S-809 was passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Variado n The petitioner explained that to construct the parking area as planned would require the reduction in the parking setback from 100 feet to 10 feet from the St. Paschal Drive lot line. The existing very dense evergreen frees along St.Paschal Drive will very effectively screen this parking area. July 18, 1995 President Bushy and Board of Trustees RE: Atelier International Page Two Also, the parking area could be constructed per the code;however, this would move the area considerably closer to the residential properties along St Stephens Green and be more visible from these properties. The parking area, as planned, is screened considerably from view from the west by the buildings on the site. A motion recommending approval was passed by a vote of 5 to 0. Respectfully submitted, Champ Davis Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals cc: Petition Files NOTE: Chairman Davis has reviewed and verbally approved the content of this letter. The signed original will be placed in the official file upon receipt. • i 3. The petitioner will provide the Village with a letter of intent regarding landscape maintenance including the natural wooded area at the northeast comer of the site. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Ascher, Hasen, Shah, Vescovi, and Davis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Aldini, Dosedlo. Motion carried. Member Hasen moved, seconded by Member Vescovi, to recommend approval of the requested Text Amendment to reduce the required parking for furniture stores by amending Section XI, (E)(1 2)(d) as follows: Amend Subsection (5) to read as follows: "(5) Furniture stores - one parking space for every 400 square feet of floor area or part thereof." Add a new Subsection (6) to read as follows: "(6) Appliance stores, motor vehicle sales establishments and establishments for repair of household equipment and furniture - One parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area or part thereof." Renumber existing Subsections (6) through (14) to (7) through (15). ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Ascher, Hasen, Shah, Vescovi, and Davis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Aidini, Dosedlo. Motion carried. VI. ATELIER INTERNATIONAL-3400 ST PASCHAL DRIVE -AMEND SPECIAL USE AND PARKING SETBACK VARIATION. Gooder identified himself as attorney for Atelier International. He briefly reviewed for the Board the original rezoning and special use approved for the property. During the review before the Board of Trustees they discussed the need for additional parking. The area suggested by the Board was away from the Trinity Lakes homes and had not been covered in the legal publication. The request is not only to approve an amendment to the Special Use, but a Variation in the setback. They are now requesting that the Special Use granted be amended to include the parking area. Ron Reusch, reviewed the area in question. The change in parking area will reduce the parking setback from St. Paschal Drive to ten feet. The area is so well screened by the existing vegetation that there will be almost no visibility from the north, east, or west and very little visibility from the south. Gooder said that parking was needed to accommodate the programs as they grow and for the summer programs that increase the student population almost threefold. They must have adequate parking to meet the code requirements for the number of people that will be on the site at any one time. No one in the audience spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposals. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes July 13, 1995 7 �� Gooder reviewed the standards for the variation request. The property cannot provide the necessary parking area in a location which minimizes the visibility from adjacent homes. The circumstances are the result of the location of the existing building and existing homes. The variation will not alter the essential character of the locality. The location of the existing building and location of the property will make it impossible to use the buildings properly without intrusion of the view from nearby homes unless the variation is granted. The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. Chairman Davis said that basically they were changing the legal description of the Special Use to add one acre. If the variation request is not granted, the parking area will be moved closer to and be more visible from the Trinity Lakes property owners. Member Shah moved, seconded by Member Hasen, that based on the petitioner having met the required standards for a Special Use, to recommend for approval to the Board of Trustees to amend the Special Use approved by Village Ordinance on June 13, 1995, to expand the land area included in such special use, which is described in Exhibit "B" hereto, by adding thereto the property described in Exhibit "C." ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Ascher, Hasen, Shah, Vescovi, and Davis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Aldini, Dosedlo. Motion carried. Member Shah moved, seconded by Member Vescovi,to recommend for approval the requested Parking Setback Variation as requested from one hundred (100) feet to ten (10)feet shown on the attached plan based on the variation standards having been met. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Ascher, Hasen, Shah, Vescovi, and Davis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Aldini, Dosedlo. Motion carried. VII. ADJOURNMENT Member Shah moved, seconded by Member Hasen to adjourn the meeting. VOICE VOTE: All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:48 p.m. Director of Code Enforcement Secretary t Date Approved ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes July 13, 1995 �yy f, • O�OF OAAr • 9 e �COUNty'� VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990-3000 June 30, 1995 President Bushy and Board of Trustees Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 RE: Atelier International-3400 St. Paschal Drive -Amend Special Use and Parking Setback Variation Dear Madam President, Board of Trustees, and Zoning Board of Appeals: At their regular meeting of June 19, 1995 the Plan Commission reviewed the Atelier petition for expansion of the Special Use legally described area. The original petition for the Atelier Special Use received a recommendation for approval by the Plan Commission. However, due to an oversight, the legally described area did not include all of the land required for the parking area. The discussion at that time did include the entire parking areas that this petition seeks to add to the Special Use area. There was no public opposition to the proposal. By a vote of 6 to 0 a motion was passed recommending approval of the Special Use Amendment to incorporate the correct legally described area. Respectfully submitted, Stelios Aktipis Chairman Plan Commission cc: Petition files NOTE. Chairman Aktipis has reviewed and verbally approved the content of this letter. The signed original will be placed in the official file upon receipt • LORD, BISSELL & BROOK 115 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071.3200 (213)485-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX:18-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY:(213)405-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE 1100 Jorie Boulevard ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 Suite 243 ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 14041 870-4600 708/990-0561 Oak Brook IL 60521 TELEX: 54-3707 � TELECO PY:14041 872-5547 LONDON OFFICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 I L ME STREET LONDON EC3M 7DO ENGLAND 071-327.4534 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 June 28, 1995 Village of Oak Brook ZfIECEIVED 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 z 9 Att'n: Thomas Hawk Director of Code Enforcement OAK/z NING Re : Application of Atelier International for a Special Use Amendment and a Zoning Variation for the former Franciscan Brothers Friary on St. Paschal Drive Dear Tom: This is to report that the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County at its meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 1995, approved the request of Atelier International to amend its license agreement to add the requested approximately one acre immediately south of the original licensed site. The legal description of the added parcel is attached to Atelier's Application for an amendment to the Special Use as Exhibit C. S cere1 yours, David M. Gooder DMG:pg cc A. Ertas R. Mork f , 4. That const0ion and development of the subject perty shall commence no later than two (2) years from the date of approval and shall be completed within three (3) years. 5. The side and rear yard landscaping that is adjacent to parking areas calls for five (5) foot high screening. 6. The unused wooded area to the east side of the site shall be maintained as a finished area. 7. The same architectural specifications shall be followed for all sides of the structure. 8. The term "furniture store" shall be defined to exclude predominant sales of appliances and electronic equipment. 9. A signage plan will be developed for approval. Similar signage conditions to those developed for the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority site are suggested. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Dudek, Goel, Mueller, Pequet, Tappin, and Aktipis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - Motion carried. Member Tappin moved, seconded by Member Dudek,to recommend approval of the requested Text Amendment to reduce the required parking for furniture stores, Section XI, (E)(12)(d), amend Subsection (5) to read as follows: "(5) Furniture stores - one parking space for every 400 square feet of floor area or part thereof." Add a new Subsection (6) to read as follows: "(6) Appliance stores, motor vehicles sales establishments for repair of household equipment and furniture - one parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area or part thereof." Renumber existing Subsections (6) through (14) to (7) through (15). ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Dudek, Mueller, Pequet, Tappin, and Aktipis. Nays: 0 - None. Abstain: 1 - Goel. Absent: 0 - Motion carried. DRAFT IV. ATELIER INTERNATIONAL - 3400 ST PASCHAL DRIVE - AMEND SPECIAL USE AND PARKING SETBACK VARIATION. Gooder identified himself as attorney for Atelier International. He briefly reviewed for the Board the original rezoning and special use approved for the petitioner. During the review before the Board of Trustees they discussed the need for additional parking. The area suggested by the Board PLAN COMMISSION Minutes June 19, 1995 Al F was away from the Trinity Lakes homes and had not been covered in the legal publication. Hawk advised that any action would require proper publication and notification. They are now requesting that the Special Use granted be amended to include the parking area. Gooder reported that Art Strong of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County said that the Executive Committee had approved the amendment to the license agreement to expand the licensed premises to include the parking area. It will be going to the Full Commission in session on June 20, 1995. Ron Reusch, said that the reason for the parking addition is to accommodate additional changes to the program as they grow. They must have adequate parking to meet the code requirements for the number of people that will be on the site at any one time. The change in parking area will reduce the parking setback at one area from St. Paschals Drive to ten feet. Gooder said that the request is not only to approve an amendment to the Special Use, but a Variation in the setback that will be heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Aktipis said that this issue before the Plan Commission is a technical correction because everything has already been approved. Tappin questioned the runoff from the parking lot. Hawk said that stormwater management will apply as it would on any other new parking lot. Tappin questioned the turn around area for emergency vehicles. Hawk said that the existing pavement will be left as is, and isles will be adequate in width for emergency vehicle access. Member Mueller moved, seconded by Member Tappin, to recommend for approval to amend the Special Use approved by Village Ordinance on June 13, 1995, to expand the land area included in such special use, which is described in Exhibit"B" hereto, by adding thereto the property described in Exhibit "C." ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Dudek, Goel, Mueller, Pequet, Tappin, and Aktipis. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - Motion carried. V. ADJOURNMENT Member Tappin moved, seconded by Member Mueller to adjourn. VOICE VOTE: All in Favor. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m. Director of Code Enforcement Secretary Date Approved PLAN COMMISSION Minutes June 19, 1995 O'S OF OAA, S�� AOOf 0 G O 9CItCOUNt4, 2 VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 MEMO 0 990- 3000 June 15, 1995 TO: Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals FROM. Tom Hawk SUBJECT. Atelier International-3400 St Paschal Drive Amend Special Use - Ledally Described Area Variation - Parking Setback from St. Paschal Drive. This petition is seeking to accomplish the following: 1. To revise the land area legal description as approved by Ordinance S- 809 June 13, 1995 to include the additional land area required by the parking lots. 2. To be granted a variation to allow a parking setback of ten feet from the lot line along St. Paschal Drive instead of the one hundred-foot setback required by Section VI-A (7)(a)(2) of the Conservation/Recreation District provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance. Both the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals are responsible for recommendations regarding the Special Use Amendment. The Zoning Board of Appeals also has the responsibility to make a recommendation regarding the Variation request. &ecial Use Amendment The area covered by the original Special Use request did not initially include all of the area necessary to provide for required parking. Early in the process, this problem was recognized and the hearings to date were considering the entire needed area. However, the original legal notice was based on the incorrect area. In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to republish the legal notice with the corrected legal description and to hold a second set of hearings. /D. June 15, 1995 Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals RE. Atelier International Page Two Variation - Parking Setback from St. Paschal Drive Lot Line After the initial Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing and prior to the Board of Trustees approval, it was determined that the planned parking lot layout would have to be revised to meet the setback requirement from St. Paschal Drive (one hundred feet). Since this would necessarily move the parking areas closer to the residential properties on St. Stephens Green, the Board suggested that this might be an appropriate variation situation to leave the parking where it.is currently proposed. The petitioner is requesting a variation to reduce the parking setback on St. Paschal Drive from one hundred feet to ten feet. The presently planned parking lot is approximately four hundred feet from the residential properties and for the most part is screened from view from the residences by buildings. To comply with the one hundred-foot setback requirement would require some of the parking to be relocated approximately one hundred feet closer to the residential properties. With respect to the required landscape screening along parking lots adjacent to streets, there is an existing very dense row of ten to fifteen foot evergreens along the St. Paschal Drive lot line. Actions Requested Plan Commission: A recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals and to Board of Trustees regarding the Special Use Amendment is called for by the Ordinance. Zoning Board of Appeals: A recommendation to the Board of Trustees for both the Special Use Amendment and the Variation request is called for by the Ordinance. TRH/gp /D� June 8, 1995 JUN 1 2 >' n Karen Bushy VILLAGE OF OAK BRO - President ADMINISTRA Village of Oak Brook ' - 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521-2255 Dear President Bushy: The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is currently in the process of amending its Mayslake license agreement with Atelier International to expand their property lines to the south. This expansion will allow them to develop a parking lot in compliance with the Village of Oak Brook Special Use Permit Parking requirements. •� I am also in support of the lot line variance being requested by Atelier International which will permit them to build closer to their building on St. Paschal Drive. As part of your consideration for the variance request, please consider allowing a bicycle/multi-purpose path to be placed in the right-of-way or just inside of the District's property. I do not know at this time if this will be the desired location of a path but the option needs to be I: •f ,O f f kept open. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Franz A Executive Director cc: David Gooder - Lord, Bissell & Brook 0C. &c- Vii. t r� 0 0 0 O yQ �y' pry yy�? 11100UNS�'` VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990- 3000 June 14, 1995 Dear Resident: The Oak Brook Plan Commission,Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Village Board will be considering a Special Use Amendment and a Zoning Ordinance Variation at the meetings as scheduled on the reverse side of this notice. The application has been filed by: Atelier International 3400 St Paschal Drive, P.O. Box 1783 Oak Brook, IL 60521 Relationship of applicant to property: Licensee Property Owner: Forest Preserve District of DuPage County The property in question is located at 3400 St Paschal Drive Also shown on the reverse side is a map`of the area to assist you in determining your relationship to the property in question. The request which has been made is as follows: 1. To amend the existing Special Use to amend the legal description to incorporate the entire licensed area. 2. To grant a variation to reduce the parking setback along St. Paschal Drive to ten feet which will allow the parking area to be as remote as possible from the residential properties west of the site. If you desire more detailed information, please contact me at the Building Department to review the file on this application. I look forward to your attendance at the public meetings. Sincerely yours, Thomas R. Hawk Director of Code Enforcement TRH/gp In accord with the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefd from attendance at the public meeting should contact Thomas Hawk, the Village's ADA Coordinator, at 7081990-3045 as soon as possible before the meeting date. All meetings are held in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Oak Brook Village Hall, on Oak Brook Road(31st Street)and Spring Road, Oak Brook, Illinois. Plan Commission . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m., Monday, June 19, 1995 Zoning Board of Appeals. . . . 7:30 p.m., Thursday, July 13, 1995 Board of Trustees Meeting. . . 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, 1995'° "tentative 343 23A I Sao 33 • tp n q n a� a� 7{• , t- as 7, f]a -as a a , ,a• n �\ - m .. rn � xasr f a a, b, o �° • • rc 'lff t1f fa ,'I so 0 �., ,�,>;,,%_.: SUBJECT ° P lo, R0P ' OAK BROOK ROAD IN QUEST/0N 2e1 f, 1 1 f 2 3 a 5 j , •`t , ,e tit ' T, pb' 83 .x 43 4' I i1 W '6a d. 6• j 1 a. az 8 L AGO .drr 3, . __ .52 S � '�•� It IM ,,• W� ��,f .:> x dai— /�1. � � to ^—�. z' zY :'cG,ca c, "x 24 =• 2/ y,'sl a:,so �_� � \.-�• ,'. \\4 / LS 26j Z. .76.1 so 7 4T ��YY SY �,tl 16 97 3i��V. y IS X25! za �o ,.�,,31'.3]!,� p �r I / �' ate' •'_6 `.l t.So ,JSI ';� v ,o`,41 use N 45/ i-- a•o .1 .{ 35TH ' STREET ..� _,� -"T i ss of r C . I [ 'Note: The ma provided!s on an a rox mado of the area In question and Is Intended to be used on as a visual aid to determine P P 1y cc I n q only yow relationship to the property. e ° PublicHeari C. ERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION �1Q X.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that g public hean'ng before the Paddock 1' Zankw Board of Appeals of the village of Oak Brook DuPage and. r$(if�OCit PlIbI1CAt1OI1S� Inc. Cook bounties,Illinois,will be held on July I 1995 at 7:30 p.m.in N�bosOsak Brook Villlnaggge,Ha�ll,1200 Oak Brooi Road,Illinois,for the pu`. P easohelDrive OakBrook;IL 0027 oraneamendmeentttootie3e4xiisstinng li a ord ni =oft he Vi large of Oaks ookeillinnoo�ss,,llOid nano • G-80 as amended. a Daily Herald`alue s "�'Ite petitioner is seeking: 1.To amend the existing Special Use's legally described area to incorporate the entire licensed area. 2.A Variation to the following Saction of the Zoning Ordinance is req<rested:A variation from the provisions of Section VI-A(7)(a)(21 to permit a parking area setback from a street to ten feet insstf2 of[he 1 oo feet specified for CR District. ration organized and existing under and b virtue of the laws of the This proposal is also being reviewed by the Plan Commission at g b Y their meeting of June 19,1995 at the same location. The property may be enerelly described as 3400 St.Paschal Drive. Illinois, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that it is the publisher of Southwest Comer of gak Brook Road and Route 83 bordering the east side of the Trinity Lakes Subdivision,Oak Brook,Illinois,and the HERALD. That said DAILY HERALD is a secular newspaper =description is as follows: Ews.ng legally described area: That part of the northwest quarter of Section 35,Township 39 been P y ublished daily in the Village of North,Range i t,East of the Third Princi Meridian described by commer>cing at the intersection o he northerly right o{way line of 80 foot wide 35th Street with the westerly right of way line of F.A.Route Oak Brook County(ies) of 102(Illinois Route 83);thence north 00 aagrees 13 minutes 38 sec- onds west,on said westerly line,a distance of 425.0 feet to the place of beginning;thence south 63 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds west, Du Page and State of Illinois, a distance of 460.0 feet;thence north 26 degrees 14 minutes 34 sec- onds west,a distance of 460.0 feet;thence north 63 degrees 45 min- utes 26 seconds east,a distance of 545.0 feet;theme north 90 de- isly for more than one year prior to the date of the first publication grew f)0 minutes 00 seconds east,a distance of 117.84 feet to said westerly line of F.A.Route 102;thence southerly on said westeri line,bung a curve concave to the west with a radius of 5018.71 leer Lice hereinafter referred to and is of general circulation throughout an arc distance of 275.03 feet to a point of tangency io said westerly line;thence south 00 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds east,a tance of 175.30 feet to the place of beginning,in Du Page County,Illi- age, County(ies) and State. nots. Proposed addition to the legally described area: That part of the northwest quarter of Section 35,Township 39 North,Range 11,East of the Third Principal Meridian,described b commencing at the intersection of the northerly right of wa line of 6� certify that DAILY HERALD is a newspaper as defined in "an foot wide 35th Street with the wasted yy right of wayy line of F.A.Route 102(Illinois Route 83);thence north 00 degrees 13 minutes 38 sec- ortdswest,on said westerly line,a distance of 228.0 feet to the place vise the law in relation to notices" as amended in 1992 Illinois of beginning;thence south 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance of 415.0 feet;thence north 63 degrees 45 minutes 26 sec- onds east,a distance of 460.0 feet;thence south 0 degrees 13 min- utes 38 seconds east,a distance of 197.0 feet to the place of begin- > > > ning,in Du Pa a County,Illinois. Proposed combined legally described area: That part of the northwest quarter of Section 35,Township 39 North,Range 11,East of the Third Principal Meridian,described by commencing at the intersection of the northerly right of way line of 60 otice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was foot wide 351h Street with the westerly n ht of way line of F.A.Route 102(Illinois Route 83);thence north 00 negrees 13 minutes 38 sec- onds west,on said westerly line,a distance of 228.0 feet to the place June 15, 1995 of beginning;thence south 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west, e distance of 415.0 feet;thence north 26 degrees 14 minutes 34 all onds west,a distance of 460.0 feet;thence north 63 degrees 45 min- AILY HERALD. utes 26 seconds east,a distance of 545.0 feet;thence north 90 de- lgrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east,a distance of 117.84 feet to said westerly line of F.A.Route 102;thence southerly,on said westerly line,being a curve concave to the west with a radius of 5018.71 feet anarcdis nee of 275.03 feet to a point of tangency in said westerly =nee south 00 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds east,a die- NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK fence of 372.0 feet to the place of beginning,in Du Page County,!lli- PPermanent Index Number. part of 06-27-103-012 .and ATIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed by 06-27-103.013 All persons desiring to be heard in support of or in opposition to the proposed Sp-let Use Amendment and Variation or any pro%- FLANDERS, its Treasurer, at Arlington Heights, Illinois. sion thereof,will be afforded an opportunity to do so and may submit their statements orally or in writing or both.The hearing may be re-. ceased to another date if notice of time and place thereof is publicly announced at the hearing or is given by newspaper publication not less than five(5)days prior to the date ol`U recessed hearing. In accord with the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act,any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at this public meet,' ing should contact Thomas Hawk,the Village's ADA Coordinator,as PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. soon as possible before the meeting date. The petitioner's application is on file with the Village Clerk and with the Director of Code Enforcement.Persons wishing to examine; DAILY HERALD NEWSPAPERS 8:r tition documents may arrange to do so with the Director of Enforcement,Thomas Hawk,-Village of Oak Brook,1212 Oak Brook Road,Oak Brook,IL 600 NDA llGONone 708-990-3045. Village Clerk Published at the direction of the Corporate Authorities and the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Oak Brook,DuPage and Cook Counties.Illinois. Published in Lombard-Villa Park-Oak Brook-Oakbrook Ter- race HeraldJune 15,1995.(152294) D BY�Y"Z2 &4e"� Assis t Treasurer i • 90 i/ ?Q Of 0,4k O�COUN-0 �v VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990- 3000 June 15, 1995 Mr. David Gooder Lord, Bissell& Brook 1100 Jorie Blvd, Suite 243 Oak Brook, IL 60521 RE. Atelier International- Amend Special Use and Parking Setback Variation -3400 St. Paschal Drive Dear Dave: Enclosed you will find a copy of the referral memo approved by the Board of Trustees. The applicant is required to appear at the Plan Commission meeting on June 19, 1995 and for public hearing at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for July 13, 1995. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Thomas R. Hawk Director of Code Enforcement TRH/gp Attachment cc: Petition File O�OF OqK 9 4 o ae G p 9p�COUNt1f'yy VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990-3000 MEMO June 5, 1995 TO: President Bu h and Board of Trustees FROM: Tom Haw SUBJECT. Waiver of Fees Atelier International-3400 St.Paschal Drive-Special Use Amendment and Parking Setback Variation Please see the attached letters. Atelier is requesting a waiver of the filing fee for the Special Use Amendment and the Variation request less the out-of-pocket expenses to the Village. Attached is a copy of the Ordinance provision that allows waiver of this fee. The fee amount for the petitions is$950.00. The direct expenses anticipated will be for the publication of the legal notice and the mailing cost for neighboring property owner notification. These expenses are estimated to be less than$300.00. The Board has previously approved requests of this type and also approved the same request by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and Atelier International regarding the rezoning of the Mayslake property and the Atelier Special Use. If you wish to approve this request, it may be done by voice motion with any conditions that you wish to impose. TRH/gp Attachments I 0 • The following is excerpted from Chapter 5 - Section 5-7 of Building and Building Regulations of the Oak Brook Code. Certain entities permitted to request waiver. Any governmental unit or any charitable organization,as defined in"An Act to Regulate Solicitation and Collection of Funds For Charitable Purposes,Providing for Violations Thereof and Making an Appropriation Therefor," Chapter 23, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1977, Sections 5101 et sequitur, may request a waiver of any fees imposed pursuant to the terms of this section. Upon such requests,the president and the board of trustees may,by motion,waive any such fees imposed pursuant to this section. (Ord.No.G-160, SS M.6-11-74;Ord No.G-195,SS 1,7-27-76,Ord.No.0-244,SS 1,2-27-79;Ord.No.G-283, SS 2,3-24-81; Ord. No. G-246, SS 3,3-14-89) (pg. 312) The following is excerpted from Chapter 2 - Administration, Article VIII. Fees pertaining to applications for zoning and subdivision hearings of the Oak Brook Code. Sec. 2-226. Waiver of Fees. Any governmental unit or any charitable organization as defined in"an art to regulate solicitation and collection of funds for charitable purposes, providing for violations thereof and making an appropriation therefor," Chapter 23 Illinois Revised Statutes 1979,Sections 5101,et sequitur,may request waiver of any fees established in this article. Upon such request the president and board of trustees may in its discretion,waive any such fees imposed pursuant to the terms of this article. (Ord.No. G-289, SS 1,3-2481) (pg. 90.1) waiv-bld.fee OF Ogke q �O � �aa v G a O 20 X00 N'T ,\ VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 708 990- 3000 MEMO June 5, 1995 TO: President Bushy and Board of Trustees FROM. Tom Haw SUBJECT.• Referral Atelier International - 3400 St. Paschal Drive - Amend Special Use and Parking Setback Variation We have received a petition from Atelier International, 3400 St. Paschal Drive for the following: 1. Amendment to the Special Use Ordinance which is on your agenda for consideration at your June 13, 1995 meeting. The legally described area for the Special Use did not include the entire parking area. This petition will resolve this shortcoming. 2. A variation of the parking setback requirement along St. Paschal Drive. Please refer this to the Plan Commission for review and recommendation at their meeting of Jurie 19, 1995 and to the Zoning Board of Appeals for public hearing at their meeting of July 13, 1995. TRH/gp Sec.XIII OAK BROOK CODE give due notice thereof to parties and shall decide the appeal within reasonable time. The Board may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify _ the order, requirement or decision or determina- tion as in its opinion ought to be made on the - premises and to that end has all the powers of the official from whom the appeal is taken. (4) Decisions: All decisions, after hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals on appeals from an administrative order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Building Inspector or other authorized official of the Village of Oak Brook, shall, in all instances, be final _ administrative determinations and shall be subject to judicial review only in accordance with applicable tatutes of the State of Illinois. (G) ariations. )) Authority: The Board of Trustees shall decide all applications for variations of the provisions of this ordinance after a public hearing held before the . Zoning Board of Appeals on such notice as shall be required by the Illinois Statutes. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall hold public hearings upon all applica- tions for variations and shall report its recommenda- tions to the Board of Trustees as to whether a requested variation would be in harmony with its gen- eral purpose and intent, and shall recommend a varia- tion only where it shall have made a finding of fact specifying the reason or reasons for recommending the variations. Such findings shall be based upon the stand- ards prescribed in Section XIII G4 of this ordinance. No variation shall be granted by the Board of Trustees . without such findings of fact. In the case of a variation where the Zoning Board of Appeals fails to recommend the variation, it can only be adopted by an ordinance with the favorable vote of two-thirds of the Trustees. (2) Initiation: An application for a variation shall be in triplicate and may be made by any governmental 966 APPENDIX A—ZONING Sea XIU office, department, board, bureau or commission, or by any person, firm or corporation having a freehold interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest which may become a freehold interest, or any exclusive possessory interest applicable to the land or land and improvements described in the application for a variation. (3) Processing. An application for a variation shall be filed with the Village Clerk who shall forward one copy of such application to the Zoning Board of Appeals for processing in accordance with applicable Statutes of the State of Illinois and one copy to the Board of Trustees. (4) Standards: (a) The Zoning Board of Appeals shall not recom- mend a variation of the provisions of this ordinance as authorized in this section unless it shall have made findings of fact based upon the evidence presented to it on the following specific issues that: (1) The property in question cannot yield a reasonable return if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regula- tions governing the district in which it is located. (2) The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances. (3) The variation, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. (b) For the purpose of supplementing the above standards, the Zoning Board of Appeals, in making the determination whether there are practical difficulties or particular hardships, shall also take into consideration the extent to which the following facts, favorable to the applicant, have been established by the evidence that: 967 I • Sec XIII OAK BROOK CODE (1) The particular physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the specific property involved would bring a particular hardship upon the owner as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulation were to be carried out. (2) The condition upon which the petition for variation is based would not be applicable generally to the other property within the same zoning classification. (3) The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious - to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is lo- cated. (4) The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the danger of fire, or otherwise endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. (5) That the purpose of the variation is not based exclusively upon a desire to make more money out of the property. (6) That the alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. (c) The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend and the Board of Trustees may require such conditions and restrictions upon the premises benefited by a variation as may be necessary to comply with the standards set forth in this section to reduce or minimize the injurious effect of such variation upon other property in the neighbor- hood, and to implement the general purpose and intent of this ordinance. (5) Unauthorized Variations: The variation procedure shall in no case be used to accomplish a result which 968 . I APPE,iDIX A—ZONING Sec. :CIII could otherwise be achieved by a rezoning of the property involved, such as, but not limited to, establishment or expansion of a use not permitted in a residence district; authorizing the construction of residences in other than residence districts; nor authorizing other than single-family detached res- idences in the Rl, R2, R3 and R4 Districts. (6) Re-applications: Any person, firm, or corporation having been denied a variation to the Zoning Ordinance respecting a specific parcel of property may not re-apply for a like variation on said real property until the period one (1) year has elapsed since the denial of the application for variation by the President and Board of Trustees. (Ord. No. G-137, 9-14-71) (I) Plan Commission. Jurisdiction. The Plan Commission of the Village, which has been duly established with functions as prescribed by the Illinois Statutes, is the Plan Commission referred to in this ordinance, and shall have the following duties under this ordinance: (1) Receive from the Village Clerk copies of applications for proposed amendments and thereafter may submit its recommendations thereon to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of Trustees. (2) Receive from the Building Inspector copies of applica- tions for proposed Special Uses and thereafter submit its recommendations thereon to the Building Inspector and Board of Trustees. (3) Act on all other matters which are referred to it as required by the provisions of this ordinance. (4) Review, from time to time, the provisions of this ordinance and to make reports of its recommendations with respect to proposed amendments to the Board of Trustees. 969 { A A44 *• ;fit 7`�X¢:-•� _ 3 gam,XIII OAK BROOK CODE . �. (n mendments. Authority: This ordinance may be amended from time to time by ordinance in accordance with applicable Illinois Statutes. No vote shall be taken upon the adoption of a proposed amendment by the Board of Trustees until after a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals and a report of its findings and recommendations has been submitted to the Board of Trustees along with the recommendation of the Plan Commission. (2) Initiation of Amendment: Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Trustees, Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals, and by any person, firm or corporation having a freehold interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest which may become a freehold interest or any exclusive possessory interest which is specifically enforceable on the land which is described in the proposal for an amendment. (3) Processing. (a) A proposal for an amendment shall be filed with the Village Clerk and thereafter entered into the records of the first meeting thereafter of the Board of Trustees. (b) A copy of such proposal shall be forwarded by the Village Clerk to the Zoning Board of Appeals with a request to hold a public hearing and submit to the Board of Trustees a report of its findings and recommendations. Such public hearing shall be _ held upon notice as required by Illinois Statutes. (c) The Village Clerk shall also transmit a copy of such proposal to the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall submit an opinion report relative to such proposed amendment to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of Trustees; (4) Decisions: The Board of Trustees, upon report of the Plan Commission, if such report is made, and the 970 I I APPENDIX A—ZONING Sea XIII r report of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and without further public hearing, may vote upon the adoption of any proposed amendment in accordance with applica- ble Illinois Statutes, or may refer it back to the Boards for further consideration. (5) Re-Applications: Any person, firm, or corporation having been denied an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance respecting a specific parcel of property may not re-apply for a like amendment on said real property until the period of one (1) year has elapsed since the denial of the application for amendment by the President and Board of Trustees. (Ord. No. G137, 9-14-71) (J) Special Uses. (1) Purpose. The development and execution of the zoning ordinance is based upon the division of the Village into districts, within any one of which the use of land and buildings and the bulk and location of buildings or structures, as related to the land, are essentially uniform. It is recognized, however, that there are special uses which, because of their unique character, cannot be properly permitted in particular districts ` - without consideration, in each case, of the impact of those uses upon neighboring lands and upon public need for the particular use or the particular location. Such special uses fall into t%vo categories: (a) Uses operated by public agency or publicly-regu- lated utilities, or uses traditionally affected with a public interest. (b) Uses entirely private in character, but of such a nature that the operation may give rise to unique problems with respect to their impact upon neighboring property or public facilities such as, but not limited to, single-family attached and semi-detached dwellings, horizontal condomini-••. ums and other residential developments. (Ord. No. G66, 12-19-66) 971 AW °°• V .AGE OF OAK B OK 1212 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 r 990.3045 ,OC COYIIt+ \ PETITION APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING: ZONING ORDINANCE: APPEAL ($100) X VARIATION ($300) AMENDMENT ($650) X SPECIAL USE ($400)Awendttn_nt FLOOD PLAIN: VARIATION ($300) SPECIAL USE ($675) ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PROPER FEE,PLAT OF SURVEY,AND 18 COPIES OF A SCALE DRAWING SHOWING ALL PERTINENT APPLICABLE INFORMATION; I.e., PROPERTY LIKES, EXISTING BUELDINGS, LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION, ANY BUILDINGS ON ADJACENT PROPERTY WTTHIN loo FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. APPLICANT TO COMPLETE LOCATION 2,000 feet south of Southwest corner of OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Route 83 & Oak Brook Road PERMANENT PARCEL NO. 3600 St. Paschal Drive LOT NO: NSA SUBDMSION: NSA ADDRESS: Iegal Description attached as Exhibit D ZONING DISTRICT. CR ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION: VI-A(2) and VI-A(7) (a) (2) ACTION REQUESTED: See Exhibit A attached hereto . I I LICENSEE PROPERTY INTEREST OF APPLICANT: OWNER X AGENT OWNER(S) OF RECORD Forest Preserve District of DuPage County PHONE NO. 790-4900 ADDRESS 185 Spring Avenue P.O. Box 2339 Glen Ellyn, IL ZIP 60138 BENEFICIARY(IES) OF TRUST NSA PHONE NO. ADDRESS ZIP NAME OF APPLICANT Atelier International PHONE NO. 665-4774 (+ BILLING INFO) Att'n: Alexander Ertas, Executive Director ADDRESS P.O. Box 1783 3400 St. Paschal Drive Oak Brook, IL ZIP 60522-1783 I (we) certify that all of the above statements and the statements contained in any papers o bitted herewith are true to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. ATELIER BY• ignanwe) Date Applicant Date 5/26/95 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE--FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed: Board of Trut.Referral: 6/13/95 Staff Referral: NA Notice Published: 6/14/95 Newspaper. Daily Herald Date Adj.Property Owners Notified: 6/14/95 Public Hearing Dam: Plan Commission: 6,/19/95 Zeoia`Board: 7/13/9.95 Board of Trustees: 7/2 5/9 5 Board d Trunees: 8/8/9-5 (Approval of Ordinance) FEE PAID: S 0 i No. NA Received By:Gail Polanek SIGNED-VIIIAGH CLHRK: - Date: 6<�;'- O — ^ EXHIBIT A to APPLICATION OF ATELIER INTERNATIONAL ACTION REQUESTED 1. Amend Special Use approved by Village Ordinance on June 13, 1995 , to expand the land area included in such special use, which is described in Exhibit B hereto, by adding thereto the property described in Exhibit C hereto. 2 . Variation to reduce , for the parcel of property legally described in Exhibit D, the depth of the required yard contiguous to the right-of-way of St. Paschal Drive from one hundred feet (100) to ten (10) feet. EXHIBIT A �/' LEGAL DESCR I PT I ONi FPD PROJECT-U401 140/ MAYSLAKE ybGFi,_K"i•f t r:A;P: �. THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION•' 3S9 TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE II , EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL. MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED BY COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 60 FOOT WIDE 35TH STREET WITH THE. WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F. A. ROUTE 102 ( ILLINOIS ROUTE 83) I THENCE NORTH 00.13138" WEST , ON SAID WESTERLY LINE , A DISTANCE OF 425. 0 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING( THENCE SOUTH 63045 ' 26'! WEST , A DISTANCE OF 46090 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26014 '34" WEST , A DISTANCE OF 460. 0 FEETi THENCE NORTH 63-45 ' 26" EAST , A DISTANCE OF 545. 0 FEET ; THENCE NORTH 90-00 '00" EAST , A DISTANCE OF 117. 84 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY -LINE OF F. A. ROUTE 1021 THENCE SOUTHERLY , ON SAID WESTERLY LINE , BEING A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WITH A RADIUS OF 5018. 71 FEET , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 275.03 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN SAID WESTERLY LINE# THENCE SOUTH 00-13 '38" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 175. 30 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. I . i EXHIBIT B 6/12/9.5 Revised EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 , TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN , DESCRIBED BY COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 60 FOOT WIDE 35TH STREET WITH THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F.A. ROUTE 102 (ILLINOIS ROUTE 83) ; THENCE NORTH 00°13' 38" WEST, ON SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 228. 0 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING:- THENCE SOUTH 90 000' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 415 . 0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 63°45126" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 460 . 0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°13138" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 197 . 0 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING , IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. i EXHIBIT C AP3 EXHIBIT D TO ATELIER INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 , TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 11 , EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN , DESCRIBED BY COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 60 FOOT WIDE 35TH STREET WITH THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F .A. ROUTE 102 (ILLINOIS ROUTE 83) ; THENCE NORTH 00°13 ' 38 " WEST, ON SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 228 . 0 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING ; THENCE SOUTH 90 000 ' 00 " WEST, A DISTANCE OF 415 . 0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26 014 ' 34 " WEST, A DISTANCE OF 460 . 0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 63 045 ' 26 " EAST, A DISTANCE OF 545 . 0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 90 000 ' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 117 . 84 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY LINE OF F . A. ROUTE 102 ; THENCE SOUTHERLY , ON SAID WESTERLY LINE, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WITH A RADIUS OF 5018 . 71 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 275 . 03 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN SAID WESTERLY LINE; THENCE SOUTH 00 013 ' 38 " EAST, A DISTANCE OF 372 . 0 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. I� EXHIBIT D `' • RIDER TO APPLICATION CF ATELIER INTERWIONAL ADJACENT PRCPERTY OWNERS (WITHIN 250') P.I.N. NAME ADDRESS 06-34-200-015 Forest Preserve District of 185 Spring Avenue P.O. Box 2339 DuPage County Glen Ellyn, IL 60138 06-34-204-011 Robert Wimschen 810 St. Stevens Green Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-100-009 Forest Preserve District of 185 Spring Avenue P.O. Box 2339 DuPage County G1en...Ellyn, IL 60138 06-35-102-014 National Bank of Austin 5645 W. Lake Street Trust 5805 Chicago, IL 60644 06-35-104-001 ]Khalil H. & Labibeh Zayed 607 Mallard Lane Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-106-001 Adele Fahey 807 Deer Trail Lane Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-108-002 Eileen O'Malley P.O. Box 172 Palos Park, IL 60464 06-35-108-005 Joseph & Kay Paik 823 St. Stevens Green Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-102-042 James R. Kirchner 606 Mallard Lane . Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-104-002 LaGrange State Bank Trust 4315 P.O. Box 234 LaGrange, IL 60525 06-35-106-002 Hunter Trails 211 W. Chicago Ave. #10 Hinsdale, IL 60521 06-35-108-003 Rex A. & Asuncion Jurado 824 St. Stevens Green Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-102-o43 lst' Illinois Batik of LaGrange .... ._ 14 S. LaGrange Road Trust 9121 LaGrange, IL 60525 06-35-104-005 Oaceancia Bungcayao 6709 Mdgewood Lane Willowbrook, IL 60521 -1- • 06-35-108-001 Eileen O'Malley P.O. Box 172 Palos Park, IL 60464 06-35-108-004 Louis & Helen Aldini 825 St. Stevens Green Oak Brook, IL 60521 06-35-300-003 Amoco Oil Conpany 200 E. Randolph Drive Property Tax Dept. MC2408 Chicago, IL 60601 06-35-303-005 Quail Hollow Venture - 600 W. Fulton c/o Epstein Real Estate. Chicago, IL 60661 06-35-104-006 Kovaoevic Trust 2078 5100 Main Street c/o Citizens National Bank Downers Grove, IL 60515 -2- LORD, BISSELL & BROOK II5 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 (2 1 3)48 5-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX: 18.1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY:42131 485-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1100 Jorie Boulevard 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 Suite 243 (4041 870-4600 TELEX: 54-3707 708/990-0561 Oak Brook, IL 60521 TELECOPY:4404)872.5547 LONDON OFFICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 1 LIME STREET LONDON EC3M 7DO ENGLAND 071-327-4534 June 6 , 1995 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 FLE EIVED Chairman Stelios Aktipis and Commissioners - 6 O ak Brook Plan Commission Village of Oak Brook 0�11C� 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Re : Application of Atelier International for a Special Use Amendment for the Former Franciscan Brothers Friary on St. Paschal Drive Dear Chairman Aktipis and Commissioners : On behalf of my client, Atelier International, and with the approval of the owner of the subject property, the Forest Pre- serve District of DuPage County, we filed on June 2, 1995, an application for the following: 1. An amendment to the Special Use Permit scheduled to be approved by the Board- of Trustees on June 13, 1995, to add an additional parcel of land of approximately 40, 878 square feet or 0. 94 acres. This is needed to provide space for an additional parking area which is required to meet the needs of the Vandercook College of Music for its students during the months of June, July and August beginning in 1996. 2. A variation to reduce the required setback along St. Paschal Drive within the subject property described in Exhibit C to the Application from 100 feet to 10 feet in order to make it possible to 'construct the required parking area expansion to the east rather than to the south of the existing buildings and thus to reduce substantially its visibility to the homes to the west. LORD, BISSELL S BROOK Chairman Aktipis and Commissioners June 6, 1995 Page Two The request for the Special Use amendment clearly meets the requirements of Section XIII (J) (5) of the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance, as the following demonstrates: 1. The expanded area will be so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected; and 2. The expansion of the existing Special Use will not cause any injury whatsoever to the value of other property in its neighborhood. The request for the variation does not require action by the Plan Commission. It is therefore respectfully requested that the Plan Commission recommend approval of the requested amendment to the Special Use scheduled to be approved June 13, 1995. R spect lly sub tted David M. Gooder DMG:pg cc A. Ertas R. Mork F. A. Strong M. Koberstein LORD, BISSELL & BROOK 115 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 (2131 485-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX: 18-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY:(2131 4851200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE 1100 Jorie Boulevard ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 SSuite24 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30309 1. 3 (404)870-4600 708/990-0561 Oak Brook, TELECOPY:IL 60521 TELEX: 54-3707 (4041 672-5547 LONDON OFFICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 1 LIME STREET LONDON EC3M 700 ENGLAND June 6, 1995 TELECOPY 071-29-2250 Chairman Champ Davis RECEIVED and Members Oak Brook Zoning Board of Appeals - 6 Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Npp GAK ORQ K Oak Brook, IL 60521 Re: Application of Atelier International for a Special Use Amendment and a Zoning Variation for the former Franciscan Brothers Friary on St. Paschal Drive Dear Chairman Davis and Members: On behalf of my client, Atelier International, and with the approval of the owner of the subject property, the Forest Pre- serve District of DuPage County, we filed on June 2 , 1995, an application for the following: 1. An amendment to the Special Use Permit scheduled to be approved by the Board of Trustees on June 13 , 1995 , to add an additional parcel of land of approximately 40, 878 square feet or 0.94 acres. This is needed to provide space for an additional parking area which is required to meet the needs of the Vandercook. College of Music for its students during the months of June, July and August beginning in 1996. 2. A variation to reduce the required setback along St. Paschal Drive within the subject property described in Exhibit C to the Application from 100 feet to 10 feet in order to make it possible to construct the required parking area expansion to the east rather than to the south of the existing buildings and thus to reduce substantially its visibility to the homes to the west. LORD, BISSELL &BROOK � • Chairman Davis and Members June 6, 1995 Page Two The request for the. Special Use amendment clearly meets the requirements' of Section XIII (J) (5) of the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance, as the following demonstrates: 1. The expanded area will be so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected; and 2. The expansion of the existing Special Use will not cause any injury whatsoever to the value of other property in its neighborhood. The requested variation clearly meets the standards for variations set forth in Section XIII (G) (4) of the Village Zoning Ordinance as the following demonstrates: (a) (1) The property in question cannot provide the necessary parking area in a location which minimizes the visibility from adjacent homes if required- to be setback the required 100 feet. (2) The circumstances are the result of the location of the existing buildings. (3) The variation will not alter the essential character of the locality. (b) (1) The location of the existing building and location of the property would make it impossible to use the buildings properly without intrusion of the view from nearby homes unless the variance is permitted. (2) The condition upon which the petition for variation is based would not be applicable generally to the other property within the same zoning classfication. (3) The granting of the variation will not' be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. (4) The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the danger of fire, or other- wise endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. LORD, BISSELL &BROOK • Chairman Davis and Members June 6, 1995 Page Three (5) That the purpose of the variation is not based exclusively upon a desire to make more money out of the property. (6) That the alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. It is therefore respectfully urged that the Zoning Board of Appeals recommend to the Board of Trustees that it approve the requested variation and the amendment to the Special Use. R pectfu ly sub tted, David M. Gooder DMG:pg cc A. Ertas R. Mork F. A. Strong M. Koberstein LORD, BISSELL & BROOK II5 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 (2 13)485-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX: 18-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY:12131 485-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 1100 Jorie Boulevard (404)670-4600 TELEX: 54-3707 Suite 243 TELECOPY:44041672-5547 LONDON OFFICE 708/990-0561 Oak Brook, IL 60521 LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 I M STREET LONDON EC3M 7DO ENGLAND 071-327-4534 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 June 12, 1995 RECEIVED Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road JUN 1 2 1995 Oak Brook, IL 60521 I L AGE OF OAK BROOK Att'n: Thomas Hawk IN Director of Code Enforcement Re : 3400 St. Paschal Drive Application of Atelier International for a Special Use Amendment and a Zoning Variation for the former Franciscan Brothers Friary on St. Paschal Drive Dear Tom: Delivered herewith is a revised Exhibit C for the Application of Atelier International filed with you on June 2, 1995. The revision is necessary to correct the legal description in line 9 to eliminate 26 114134" and substitute therefor 63045126". S' cere yours, David M. Gooder DMG:pg Encl cc P. Mitchell (with encl) A. Ertas (with encl) �r-4 644 _ - LORD, BISSELL & BROOK 115 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 (21 3,48 5-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX:18-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY:(2131 485-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1100 Jorie Boulevard 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 Suite 243 (4041 870-4600 TELEX:54-3707 708/990-0561 Oak Brook, IL 60521 TELECOPY:(4041872-5547 LONDON OFFICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 I M STREET LONDON EC3M 700 ENGLAND 071-327-4534 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 June 2, 1995 Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Att'n: Thomas Hawk Director of Code Enforcement Re: Atelier International Substitute Application for Variation and Amendment of Special Use Permit Dear Tom: This will confirm that on behalf of my client, Atelier International , I have filed with you today a sub- stitute application to replace the application for a variation filed on May 26 , 1995 . The substitute application contains the same variation request as the earlier application but includes also an application for an amendment to the special use to permit an expansion of the land area subject thereto. The material filed in support of the original application should be treated as supporting the substitute application. This includes the request for waiver of the filing fees except for out-of-pocket costs. Please arrange to have this matter referred to the Plan Commission for a hearing on June 19, 1995, and to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a public hearing on July 13, 1995. Si&V�yours, DMG:pg David M. Gooder LORD, BISSELL & BROOK im SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 13121 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 (2 13)485-1500 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX: I8-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY: 12131 485-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1201 W. PEACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 1100 Jorie Boulevard ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 Suite 243 14041 870-4600 TELEX: 54-3707 708/990-0561 Oak Brook, IL 60521 TELECOPY: 1404E 47 LONDON OFFICE FICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 1 LIME STREET LONDON EC3M 700 ENGLAND 071-327-4534 May 26, 19 9 5 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 Village of. Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Att'n: Thomas Hawk Director of Code Enforcement Re: Application for Zoning Variation Atelier International Dear Tom: On behalf of my client, Atelier International, I am delivering herewith the following material to initiate a request for a zoning variation: 1. Application for zoning variation to reduce the depth , of the required yard. contiguous to the right-of-way of St. Paschal Drive. Included is a list of adjacent property owners and necessary mailing labels. 2. Plat showing Friary area with adjusted southern boundary to provide for additional parking on the east side of the property. (18 copies) 3. Relevant portion of the Village Zoning Map. (18 copies) 4. Survey of the entire Mayslake area. (.1 copy) 5. Plat showing proposed parking areas. (18 copies) 6. Letter to the Trustees requesting waiver of the filing fee except for out-of-pocket costs. (original only) LORD, BISSELL & BROOK Village of Oak Brook Att'n: Thomas Hawk May 26, 1995 Page Two Franz Arthur Strong, Executive Director of the Forest Preserve District, has indicated there should be no problem amending the license to increase the property to the proposed new southern boundary- and to approve the variation request. We are assured that there will promptly be a letter confirming the approval of the variation. However, it may take several weeks to obtain necessary internal action by the District to amend the license. Hopefully this will be concluded by the time of the hearing on July 13. It is respectfully requested that the matter be re- ferred to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a public hearing on July 13, 1995. Sincer ours, a �. David M. Gooder DMG:pg Encl cc F.A. Strong (with encl) R. Mork (with encl) A. Ertas (with encl) R. Strukoff (without encl) I �-3. LORD, BISSELL & BROOK II5 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 LOS ANGELES OFFICE 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE,SUITE 3900 (312) 443-0700 LOS ANGELES,1213)485-1500 CALIFORNIA 90071-3200 CABLE: LOWIRCO CGO TELEX: 18-1135 TELEX: 25-3070 TELECOPY: 12131 465-1200 TELECOPY: (312) 443-0570 ATLANTA OFFICE ONE ATLANTIC CENTER 1201 W. P EACHTREE STREET,SUITE 3700 1.100 Jorie Boulevard ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30309 (4041 670-4600 Suite 243 TELEX: 54-3707 TELECOPY:44041 872-5547 708/990-.0561 Oak Brook, IL 60521 LONDON OFFICE LLOYD'S,SUITE 995 I LIME STREET LONDON EC3M 7DO ENGLAND 071-327-4534 TELECOPY 071-929-2250 May 26, 1995 President Karen Bushy and Village Trustees Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Re: Zoning Variation Request of Atelier International Dear President Bushy and Trustees: On behalf of my client, Atelier International, I respectfully request that the Village agree to waive the usual filing fee on condition that all Village out- of-pocket expenses are reimbursed by Atelier International. R pectf lly yours, David M. Gooder DMG:pg o w u _ }� M� �. � �. �. � � omit Ql� K 1N ° �" Q 51 !/ " � '100.90 4% S o � v 1If►I'SiS .1 � Vy i i! 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