S-951 - 08/24/1999 - AGREEMENT - Ordinances Supporting Documents s° VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 64523,2255 MEMORANDUM PHONE: 630 990-3000 FAX: 630 990-08'6 DA'T'E: August 20, 1999 .I. TO: Village President and Board of Trustees SUBJECT: Vision and Mission Statements RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board approve the attached ordinance ra-adopting the Village Board vision statement and the mission statement(h- ore of the forms as attached i thereto),dated August 24,1999. �j ; AttRched is an ordinance that re-adopts the Village Board vision and mission statements. The ordinance was tabled at the August 10 Board mcuting in order to permit the full Board to further consider the amendments suggested for the mission statement The vision statement has not been changed from the statement that was adopted on August 11, 1998. The mission statement is now presented in two versions: (1)as amended based on the June 7 Committee-of-the- Whole meeting and further based on the August 9 Committee-.)&the-Whole meeting (new language underlined),and(2)without those amendments. ii P The thrust of the amendments was to expand the second and fourth bullet points to indicate the variety of techniques used by the Village to evaluate the quality and content of Village programs and services and the means through which the Village consults with and involves citizens. At the August 10 regular Board meeting, President Bushy raised the question of whether it is truly appropriate to embellish the"what"statements embodied in the mission with the "how" language contained in the amendments. The means and methods might be accurate for today,but will (and should)change and evolve over time. She questioned whether the"how"language really belongs in a mission statement, As in the past, the ordinance also provides for continuing the practice of reviewing the Board's vision and mission in conjunction with consideration of the Board's objectives each year, j it The ordinance appears on the Active Agenda for August 24, Stephen B. Veitch Village Manager /sv attachment r Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Caleel, to approve the appointment of Paul J. Adrian to the Zoning Board of Appeals, to fill the unexpired term of Adam Butler (elected to the Village Board in 4/49), with his term expiring November, 2000 and the appointment of Ayesha A. Zaheer to the Zoning Board of Appeals, to fill the unexpired terra of Dorothy Dosedio (resigned 10/98), with her term expiring November, 2000. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Trustee Savino recommended that an educational workshop be held for the new members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission with the new Community Development Director and the Village Attorney to better understand their roles, how the boards function and how their recommendations are made to the Board of Trustees. President Bushy stated this is an excellent recommendation and staff will develop this. She commented on the.character, quality,education and training of the resident candidates that wish to serve our Village is very exciting. The biographical 'sketches of those candidates not chosen will be kept on file for consideration when any future vacancies occur on our boards or commission. B. ORDINANCES &RESOL.I;.MONS: ORD 1999- BD—BUT—.: — 1) _ RDINANCE 1999-BD-BOT-EX2-S-951 AN ORDINANCE S-951 READOPTING THE VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT READOPTING OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BR,,,MK: VISION & MISSION STATEMENT The ordinance re-adopts the Village Board vision and mission VILLAGE O statements. The ordinance was tabled at the August 10, 1999 OAK BROOK Village Board meeting in order to permit the full Board to further consider the amendments suggested for the mission statement. The vision statement has not been changed from the statement that was adopted on August 11, 1998. The mission statement is now presented in two versions (1) as amended based on June 7, 1999 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting and further based on the August 9 1999 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. The thrust of the amendments was to expand the second and fourth bullet points to indicate the variety of techniques used, by the Village to evaluate the qua!;ty and content of Village programs and services and the means through which the Village consults with and involves citizens. VILLAGE OF OAK.BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 16 August 24, 1999 F .,: rf r� At the August 10, 1999 regular Village Board meeting. Presitwt Bushy raised the question of whether it is truly appropriate to embellish the"what"statements embodied in the mission with the "how" language contained in the amendments. The means and methods might be accurate for today,but will(and should)change and evolve over time. She questioned whether the "how" language really belongs in a mission statement. As in the past, the ordinance also provides for continuing the practice of reviewing the Board's vision and mission in conjunction with consideration of the Board's objectives each year. Trustee Caleel remarked that he agreed with President Bushy's comments regarding the techniques as being restrictive and the mission statement as provided without the means of accomplishing them is more desirable. Motion by Trustee Caleel,seconded by Trustee Savino to approve the 1999-BD-B - OT EX2-S-95 Y "An Onhnanee Readopting the Visions and Missinn Statement of the Village of Oak Brook", dated August 24, 1999, as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6--Trustees Butler,Caleel,Craig,Kenny,McInerney and Savino Nays: 0--None. Absent: 0--None.Motion Carried. 2) ORDINANCE 1999-TC-RR-EXI-Q 642 AN Qom,? A14SE fRD 199 —TC ADOPTING A QMPREHENSIVE AMEN2MENT IQ RR-EXI —64 APPENDIX C ENTITLED -°MAUIC REOULATIONS" OE COMP S1 THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR TIDE VILLAGE T BR K: APF3jD C- TIMPFIC REGULAT 0NS Pursuant to the Village Board's direction at the August 10, 1999 Board meeting. The Village Attorney drafted an ordinance adopting a comprehensive amendment to the Traffic Regulations of the Village. Since the Village Board meeting on August 10, 1999 the following has been instituted in the ordinance: In Schedule IV Stoo Streets,gf .g: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 5 of 16 August 24, 1