R-604 - 10/26/1993 - PERSONNEL - Resolutions Supporting Documents VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521-2255 October 21, 1993 rob 990-3000 MEMO TO: Village President and Board of Trustees SUBJECT: Employee Pay Plan Amendment and Fair Labor Standards Act Policy Amendment Pursuant to direction from you and the Village Manager, I have drafted the attached: (1) A Resolutlon Approving an Amendment to the Employee Pay Plan for Non- Unlon Employees for 1993. This resolution includes the positions of Food and Beverage Manager/Banquet Coordinator and Bath and Tennis Club Chef in the Employee Pay Plan and deletes the position of Food and Beverage Manager/Chef. (2) A Resolutlon Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act Polides for the Village of Oak Brook This resolution includes the positions of Food and Beverage Manager/Banquet Coordinator and Bath and Tennis Club Chef as exempt from overtime pay and deletes the position of Food and Beverage Manager/Chet. I understand you will consider these resolutions at your regular meeting on October 26, 1993. Respectfully submitted, n Richard A. Martens Village Attorney RAM:sps cc: Maggie Powers, Village Manager Vince L. Long, Assistant to Village Manager • !Ii too+ I Omnibus Vote. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None. OLTIONS: q. ORDINANCES AND RESU APPRECIATION A. RESOLUTION 93-AP-R-602on District TION OF AP 6 York Center Fire Protects . This item moved to "Announcements"• RESOLUTION APPROVING ao RES.93-RE-S 60 B. RESOLU'T'ION 93-RE-SAP-R 603 A 1, i NDMENT TO THE EMPLOYEE PAY PLAN FOR NON-UNTO AME 2PLOYEES FOR 1993: This resolution includes the positions of Food and Beverage Clu hef£a the ' lyagerlBanquet Coordinator and Bad of Food and Beverage Employee Pay Plan and deletes the Po Manager!Chef. seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to Pass Motion by Trustee Skinner: resented and waive the fnu reap 603 asp Resolution 93-RE-SAP-1t , Shumate and thereof. ROLL CALL McInerney$ Payo yid Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Motion carried• Absent: 1 - Trustee Kenny• -R-604 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FAIR RES.93-SSA-p-6C RESOLUTION 93-FLSA GE OF OAK L,p,BOR STANDARDS ACT POLICIES FOR THE VA�A BR— of Food and Beverage This resolution includes the positions Club Chef as This resolution et Ccordinator and Bath and Tennis f Food and exempt frOm overtime Pay and deletes the position Beverage Manager!Chef, tee Skinner, seconded by Trustee readings to Motion by °fs Resolution 93-FLSA-ROTE: presented and waive� h, Shumate and thereof. ROLL CALL► McInerney, Payo ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Skinner. Nays; 0 - None. Motion carried- Absent: 1 - Trustee Kenny QUARTERLY TMENTAL REPORTS - UARTERT+Y Rg'ORTS: REPORTS g• DEpAR _ A. AmbulgncO H. Planning honing B. Engineering Departm ent VULAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 3 October 26, 1993 . !I .._�..._ M.- r 4•....- -d