R-234 - 11/08/1977 - IMRF - Resolutions- NOV i 5:.1977 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 100 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, Minois 60606 M. I'1I xx OMITTED SERVICE CREDIT RESOLUTION /1. - .Z,3 r 1�� s g.ae,wwc; R- d33 -�+N WHER , the dilowing employee should have been but was not reported to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund as a participating employee for the period and earnings shown below; RESOLVED, that it Is the finding of this _ _ Village of Oak Brook that; (Name of Governing Body) 1. The employee was employed in a position normally requiting 600 hours or more of service in a year, during the period shown below; 2. None of the service of the employee during this period was in a probationary position of four months or less; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this governing body recognizes that it is obligated for the municipality and employee contributions, with interest, payable tp the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; with the right to collect employee contributions, without interest, from the-employee; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the authorized agent be and hereby is authorized and directed to -le a certified copy of this resolution and all other pertinent forms and documents with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Employee Name Charles W. DeWitt Social Security Number Earnings Paid In Month Of. 1971 19 72 19 73 1974 19 an - 5L.:S o o 0 t, a 0 Febrrary e,00 S , 3o Sao, o , o March A e.00 32.0.00 0 0 Quarterly Total L4 BO. o o 833,60 Cl (00 ; oo S .o o Apill 240,6C. 326.06 0.00 at8.00 May 40.00 32e.e0 I q00,00 16.00 June s6.so a 26--0 a 1 400.00 9% .00 Quarterly 3 Qo 60,0.0 1120.00 90 .00 3a o0 o0 53 .00 go ,00 C400.00 .00 2s6.Ba .00 3 o a 4.00 2 6 0 0 !r o 5i. $o 00 Q�I.,00 (01&.00 a S o 0 December 2 31. 1 Q a 3 j R .o o 9"014,66 iFuartir-ly Total g 6yo.00 11 Sal oo 1& 21.0 o Grand otsl §2105.12 113,393.60 l §4,864.00 ;13S,00 CERTIFICATION 1 Marianne Lakoail ,the Village Clerk of (Name) (Clerk or Secretary) Village of Oak Brook . , do hereb y certify that [ am the keeper of Its records and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o " a resolution duly adopted by its governing body at a meeting held on the,Aj;X day of November ,19 _� , SEAL ' amp room COS ) 9/71