G-271 - 10/14/1980 - PERSONNEL RULES & REGS - Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. G--271 --- AN 0' DINANCE AItIENDJNG THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REG[1LATIONS OF T � VI.LLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND REVISING THE PROVISIONS OF THE EDUCATIONAL RECOGNITION PLAN 1tiHE" E'AS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook 11-a-%-e heretofore adopted Personnel Rules and Regulations ; and 1�HL-�'.S, said Personnel Rules and Regulations have been amended from time -, o time ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that said Personnel Rules and Regulations as previously amended be further amended by eliminating the present provisions contained in Section 7 of Article X of said Personnel Rules ; and 1��HE<<EAS, it is the specific intent of this Ordinance that said amendment shall not apply to sworn police and fire personnel presently employed by the Village ; and PdHEREAS, the intent of this Ordinance is not to abrogate any s rights which those said employees may have as to . benef.its under the educational recognition plan ; NO, , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows : Section 1 : That Section 7 of Article 10 of the Personnel Pules and Regulations of the Village of Oak Brook be and is hereby amended by adding tI_ereto the following : "The above provisions shall not be applicable to any person initially employed by the Village subsequent to October 1 , 1980 . " Section 2 : Except as amended hereby the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village of Oak Brook shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 3 : That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fro.:_ and after its passage , approval, and publication as as requi-red by law. Section 4 : That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed tv= publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form in the manner pro- vided by la . Passed this 14th day of October 1980 . Ayes : Trusties Congreve, Imri.e, Philip, Reynolds, Rush and Watson Y �, Nays : None ---- ------ --- Absent : None Approved this 14th day of October 1.980 . Ordinance ` o . G- 271 Page 2 ----------_— Amending Personnel_ Rules and Regulations - Educational Recognition Plan village Pros dent ATTEST: Village Ci rk Approved as to Form: 7 r ail .age Attorney Published 10/17/80 Pamphlet Not Publ shed