G-954 - 12/13/2011 - LICENSE - Ordinances Supporting DocumentsITEM 7.F.4) OF OAt ��t ^A 5 �Nwm 00 t4-vl, J if�i AGENDA ITEM Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of December 13, 2011 SUBJECT: An Amendment to Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8A of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois Relative to the Number of Authorized Liquor Licenses FROM: Charlotte K. Pruss, Village Clerk BUDGET SOURCE/BUDGET IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve passage of Ordinance 2011- LC -AL -G- 954, "An Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8A of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois Relative to the Number of Authorized Liquor Licenses" Backeround/Histo Ravioli Oli has made application to the Village of Oak Brook for a Class A -1 Liquor License for their new restaurant, Ravioli Oli located at 2050 S. York Road. The approval of this liquor license will increase the number of A -1 liquor licenses in the Village of Oak Brook from 20 to 21 Enclosed for the Village Board's review is the Application for a Liquor License, the menu and the layout of the establishment. All ordinance submittal requirements have been met. Recommendation: The recommendation is for Passage of Ordinance 2011- LC -AL -G -954, which increases the number of A -1 liquor licenses by one. Provided that approval of all legal documentation and ordinance requirements are met, the Local Liquor Commissioner Gopal Lalmalani, will issue a Class A -1 Liquor License to Ravioli Operation 1, LLC d/b /a Ravioli Oli when a stocking and training permit is issued. Last saved by DEFAULT J:Wgenda Memos\Ravioli Oli.doc Last printed 12,7120114:12 PM ORDINANCE 2011- LC -AL -G -954 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8A OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS RELATIVE TO THE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED LIQUOR LICENSES WHEREAS, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8A (4 -1 -8A) of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook authorizes certain numbers of liquor licenses and the number of such licenses issued for each class of license may be increased or decreased from time to time by ordinance approved by the President and Village Board due to changes in ownership of licensed premises, the creation of a new and deserving business enterprise, or the abandonment, revocation, surrender or other termination of an existing license; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village deem it advisable and in the best interest and in furtherance of the general welfare of the citizens of the Village that the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook be amended to increase the number of Class A -1 liquor licenses and to enable the Local Liquor Control Commissioner to issue a new Class A -1 license to Ravioli Operation 1, LLC, d /b /a Ravioli Oli, 2050 South York Road, Oak Brook, Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That Section 8A of Chapter 1 (Liquor Control) of Title 4 (Business and License Regulations) (4 -1 -8A) of the Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois be amended by deleting the table of licenses in its entirety and replacing it with the following table: Section 2: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Section 3: That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Fe{ icen vvv tss A -1 $2,000.00 $2,750.00 21 A -2 2,000.00 2,750.00 1 A -3 2,000.00 2,750.00 1 B 2,000.00 2,750.00 13 C 2,000.00 2,200.00 1 D 2,000.00 2,200.00 2 E 2,000.00 4,950.00 4 F No Fee $50 er event u to $500 Not Applicable G No Fee No Fee 0 H No Fee No Fee 1 Section 2: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Section 3: That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Ayes: Nays: Absent: APPROVED THIS 13th day of December, 2011. Gopal G. Lalmalani Village President PASSED THIS 13th day of December, 2011 ATTEST: Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk Ordinance 2011- LC -AL -G -954 Amending Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8A Relative to Liquor Licenses Page 2 of 2 e Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60523-2255 website w .oak -brook otg AdmiuLdration 630.368.5000 FAX 630.368.5045 Community Development 630368.5101 FAX 630.3685 128 Engineering Department 630.368.5130 FAX 630.368.5128 Fire Department 630.3685200 FAX 630368.5251 Police Department 630.368.8700 FAX 630.368.8739 Public Works Department. 630368.5270 FAX 630.368.5295 1' _ c`.a 600 Oak Brook Road. Oak Brook, IL 60523 -2200 630368.7700 FAX 630.368.7704 Oak Brook Sports Core Bath & Teams -Club 700 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 - 46600. 630.368.6420 FAX 630.369.6439 Golf Club 2606 York Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 -4602 630368.6400 FAX 630.368.6419 December 7, 2011 Ms. Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk Village of Oak Brook RE Ravioli Ole, 2050 York Rd, Oak Brook, IL Permit # 11-0 -574 Please be advised that Permit # 11 -4574 has been approved. The approved seating plan (copy enclosed) appears to indicate that 100% of the seating may be utilized for food. There are no seating locations or customer areas noted as dedicated to "beverage only service" indicated on the plans. If there is any way that I can be of assistance, or if you have any additional questions about this matter, please e-mail bhudson @oak- brook.orH or call me at my office, (630) 368 -5110. Cordially, William H. Hudson, MCP Building Inspection Supervisor Village of Oak Brook Cc: David Niemeyer, Village Manager Robert Kallien, Jr. Director of Community Development File / all all HIM § I | %| H% �� ■ |�� A r ■ems �] !dam ■ ■ ! _. ..,. | | | | |.| | || all all HIM § I | %| H% �� ■ |�� A g: ' ..,. | | | | |.| | || § |.. | || ��/2�� ■ ■| �Pnee g: ' ! k k � ! 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