R-1752 - 09/25/2018 - EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM - ResolutionsRESOLUT10N 2018-ETSBlGA―FSA‐R1752 A RESOLUT10N APPROViNG AND AUTHORIZ〕NG A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND BEIWEEN THE V:LLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND THE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD OF DUPACE COUNTY :N RELAT10N TO THE F:RE STAT:ON ALERTING SYSTEM WHEREAS,the V∥lage of Oak Brookぐ .M″fage")s an∥∥nO s mun cipal corporationi and VVHEREAS,Article V∥,Section 1 0 ofthe 1 970 Constitution ofthe State ofl∥inois autho「zes units oflocal governmentto contract or otheⅣvise associate among themselves・ to obtain or share services and to exercise,combine,ortransfer any power or function,in any manner not prohibited by law or ordinance," as we∥as to use their revenues,credit and other resources forintergovernmental activitiesi and VVHEREAS,the lntergovernmental Coopera∥on Act,51LCS 220/1 erse9,also authoHzes thelo nt use and enloyment ofthe powers,privi eges,functions and authority oflocal governmentsi and VVHEREAS, the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County(`■7SB′)haVe purchased a Fire Sta∥on A erting System (FSA System)wlh the goal of maintain ng one standardized, interoperable FSA System that includes a core system of delivery of the 9-1‐l ca∥to participat ng f re agenclesi and WHEREAS,the President and Board of Trustees have determined that tis in the bestinterests of the V∥lage to enterinto a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)Wlhthe ETSB,attached hereto as Exhibl A,to forma∥ze a usage agreementfo「the V∥lage of Oak Brook Flre Departmentto participate ln the FSA System NOVV THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLACE OF OAK BR00K,DU PAGE AND C00K COUNTIES,ILLINOIS as follows: Section ll Reckals The foregoing rectals are hereby incorporated into,and made a partof, this Resolut on as the findings ofthe President and Board of Trustees ofthe V∥lage of Oak Brook Secjon 2: A●orova ofthe MOU The Pres dent and Board of Trustees hereby approve the MOU by and between the V∥lage and ETSB in a form acceptable to the V∥lage Manager and the V∥lage Attorney Section 3: Authonza∥On and Execu∥on ofthe MOu The v∥age Managerand V∥lage C erk sha∥be,and hereby are,autho「ized to execute the final MOU on behalf ofthe V∥lage Section 4: Effect ve Date This Resolution sha∥be in fu∥force and effect upon passage and approvalin the manner provided by law ISIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWSl APPROVED THiS 25th day of September,2018 Gopa C Lalmalani V∥lage President PASSED THIS 25th day of September,2018 Trustees Baar,Cuevas,Manzo,Saiyed,Tiesenga,Yusuf A 協 Cha∥otte K Pruss Vi∥age C erk 鰊 脩