R-1772 - 01/08/2019 - AGREEMENTS - Resolutions RESOLUTION 2019-IT-GIS-AG-R-1772 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS, INC. TO PROVIDE GIS SUPPORT SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village is a member of the GIS Consortium ("Consortium"), which is an organization comprised of municipalities in northeastern Illinois to share the costs of establishing a regional Geographic Information Systems program ("Program"); and WHEREAS, on behalf of its members, the Consortium has selected Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. ("MGP")for the provision of services related to the Program ("Services"); and WHEREAS, MGP has previously provided satisfactory services to the Village during the past few years; and WHEREAS, the term of the Village's current agreement("Agreement's ended at the end of 2018; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to amend the Agreement to extend its term to the end of 2019 pursuant to a supplemental statement of work, which is attached hereto as Exhibit ("SOW'S; and WHEREAS, because the Consortium has selected MGP, and the Village is a member of the Consortium, Village staff has recommended that the Village waive competitive bidding and approve the SOW for the Services; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees, being fully advised in the premises, have determined that it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents to so waive competitive bidding and to approve the SOW for the Services; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into, and made a part of, this Resolution as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook. Section 2: Waiver of Competitive Bidding Requirements. The advertising and bidding requirements for the purchase of the Services shall be, and they are hereby, waived in accordance with Section 1-7-4 of the Village Code. Section 3: Approval of Purchase of GIS Support Services. The purchase of Services from MGP in a total amount not to exceed $122,149 shall be, and is hereby, approved. Section 4: Approval of the SOW. The President and Board of Trustees hereby approve the SOW with MGP in substantially the same form as attached as Exhibit A, and in a final form approved by the Village Attorney. Section 5: Execution of the SOW. The Village Manager and Village Clerk shall be, and hereby are, authorized to execute the SOW between the Village after receipt of the final SOW fully executed by MGP. Section 6: Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by two-thirds of the Trustees and its approval in the manner provided by law. Resolution 2019-IT-GIS-AG-R-1772 Approving the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Authorizing an Agreement with Municipal GIS Partners,Inc. Page 2 of 3 r° APPROVED THIS 81h day of January, 2019 Gopal G. L Mani Village President PASSED THIS 81h day of January, 2019 Ayes: Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga Yusuf Nays: None Absent: None OF 0.4 A, ATTEST{ �c Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk Resolution 2019-IT-GIS-AG-R-1772 Approving the Waiver of Competitive Bidding and Authorizing an Agreement with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A Supplemental Statement of Work Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 1.2 of that certain GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract dated January 1, 2015 (the "Contract") between the Village of Oak Brook, an Illinois municipal corporation (the "Municipality") and Municipal GIS Partners, Incorporated (the "Consultant"), the parties hereby agree to the following SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT OF WORK, effective January 1, 2019 ("SOW'): 1. Description of Additional Services: Section 3 of the Attachment 1 to the Contract ("Attachment I") shall be deleted and replaced with the following language: "The Consultant will provide the necessary resources to support the GIS program. The j allocation of these resources will be reasonably commensurate with the level of expertise required to fulfill the specific task which includes, but is not limited to, the following: A. The Onsite Analyst provides the daily operation, maintenance, and support of the program for the Municipality. The Onsite Analyst is responsible for database management and data quality, map and product development, user training and help-desk, project identification and program documentation. B. The Shared Analyst provides technical support to the Onsite Analyst and the Municipality including trouble-shooting and project implementation. The Shared Analyst is responsible for developing, testing, and managing the GISC shared solutions including the standard data model and processes, centralized databases, and software applications. C. The Client Account Manager is responsible for the coordination and operation of the program for the Municipality including leadership alignment and reporting, planning and budgeting, resource allocation, and performance management. D. The Manager is responsible for the overall GISC program including the development and implementation of new shared opportunities based on the direction and instructions of the GISC Board of Directors." 2. Proiect Schedule/Term: Pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Contract, this SOW shall extend the Initial Term for an additional one (1) year period. For the avoidance of doubt, this Renewal Term shall commence on January 1, 2019 and remain in effect for one (1) year. 3. Proiected Utilization: As set forth in Section 4.1(c) of the Contract, the project utilization shall adjust each calendar year in accordance with the annual rates approved by the Board of Directors of GISC. The projected utilization for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 is set forth in this SOW as follows: CHICAGO/#2773452.1 i I A. 986 hours of Onsite Analyst B. 201 hours of Shared Analyst C. 99 hours of Client Account Manager D. 51 hours of Manager 4. Service Rates: As set forth in Section 4.1(c) of the Contract, the service rates shall adjust each calendar year in accordance with the annual rates approved by the Board of Directors of GISC. The service rates for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 is set forth in this SOW as follows: A. $ 84.00 per hour for Onsite Analyst B. $103.75 per hour for Shared Analyst C. $111.95 per hour for Client Account Manager D. $144.85 per hour for Manager i Total Not-to-Exceed Amount for Services (Numbers): $122,148.15. I Total Not-to-Exceed Amount for Services (Figures): one hundred twenty-two thousand, one i hundred forty-eight and 151100 dollars. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this SOW and the Contract or any previously approved SOW, the terms of this SOW shall govern and control with respect to the term, projected utilization rates, service rates and scope of services. All other conflicts or inconsistencies between the terms of the Contract and this SOW shall be governed and controlled by the Contract. Any capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings prescribed to such capitalized term in the Contract. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS CHICAGO/#2773452.1 Signature Page to Supplemental Statement of Work IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto as of , ATTEST- VILLAGE OF AK BROOK By: By: Name: at.r- d L r Cd Name:(;d acz) G. L a l maj a.vx c 4 Its: Its: V►lame Tres den (- ATTEST: CONSULTANT: MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS, INCORPORATED l By. �..��.. � By: Name: Donna Th"y U Name: Thomas Thomey Its: Management Support Specialist Its: President CHICAGO/#2773452.1