R-1773 - 01/08/2019 - SPORTS CORE - ResolutionsRESOLUT10N 2019…SC‐B&Tノ ‐ENG…AG‐R‐1773 A RESOLU丁 :ON APPROVING AND AUTHORIZ:NG A PROFESSiONAL SERViCES AGREEMENtt BY AND BEttWEEN THE VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K AND BURKE LLC FOR SPOTS CORE DRA:NAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND BATH&TENNiS CiRCLE DRiVE RECONSTRUCT10N WHEREAS,the Village of Oak Brook(the“Vilrage")wisheS tO reconstruct the Bath&丁 ennis Circle and access road and undertake certain stormwaterirnprovements in and around the Bath&Tennis property and the proposed sa∥storage facillty(the“SeⅣices")i and WHEREAS,Burke LLC(“Butte")previously provided salsfactory enginee∥ng design services to the Vi∥agei and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Loca!Government Professlonal Services Selection Act("ACピ リ,50 :LCS 510/0 01 er se9, and Section l-7-6 of the Vil!age Code,the Village is not required to fo∥ow the notice, evaluation, and selection procedures set forth in the Act for engineering services provided by engineers who have a satisfactory relationship with theヽ ハ∥age;and WHEREAS,the Village and Burke desire to enter into and execute an agreement for Burke to provide the SeⅣices to the VIIlage for an amount not to exceed$2,885,16500ぐ :Д greemer7ど '),whiCh Agreementis attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A;and WHEREAS,the President and Board of ttrustees have determined thatitis in the bestinterest of the Vi∥age to enterinto the A9reementi NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY ttHE PRESiDENT AND BOARD OF ttRUSttEES OF 丁HE VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K,D∪PAGE AND C00K COUNTIES,ILLINOIS as follows: Section l: Recitals The foregoing recta!s are hereby incorporated into,and made a part of,this Reso!ution as the findings ofthe President and Board ofttrustees oftheヽ /i∥age of Oak Brook Section 2: Approva! of the Aqreement The President and Board of ttrustees hereby approve the Agreement by and between theヽ /i∥age and Burke in substantia∥y the same form as attached as Exh:bit A,and in a finalform approved by the Vi∥age Attorney Secuon 3: Authonza∥On and Execution ofthe Aqreement The Village Manager and Vil!age Clerk sha∥be,and hereby are,authorized to execute the Agreement after receipt of the final Agreement fu∥y executed by Burke Section 4: Effective Date tthis Resolution sha∥be in fu∥force and effect upon passage and approval in the manner provided by law. /", APPROVED THIS 8th day of January, 2019 ,," GopalG. Lalmalani Village President PASSED THIS 8th day of January, 2019 Trustees Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga, YusufAyes: Nays:None Absent:None Resolulon 2019-SC―B&T―ENG―AG―R-1773 Agreement wlth Burke,LLC 2 of2 4849-7055-8330,ACharlotte K Pruss Vil!age Clerk