BT Club Tile Floor Installation ProjectTO: VLLAGE QF OAK BR00K 00N■υ、CT FOR■‐● OAK BR00K BATH&TE―CLUゴ T[■脇 mOR INSTALLA‐ON PROttCII Full Name of Oontra“oま Desitter FloOr"場 hc。(`00π r"oわ F). Princ,pa1 0ace Address l■mbeF 00uFt,Suite l∞,BOh巾 "Ok,Illinob 604400ontact Per80n:Steve DeSitteF TClephone Number(630771・ 1420 Village of Oak Brook ('YlW.oeel 1200 Oah Brook Boad Oak Brool, I[iasie Atteution: Doug Patchin, Public lYorks Director Coルtracゎ「り¨ んおαtta r"″saん `s油 爆♂CO""r La9 cα rOし 'り θκ凛れθd ttc Wott S,θ &scだ "d ttι ow a潤 九as reυ た″ `α `コ du"レ rstooご 配ιd●● “″蔵ιs t“′凛(た こ r匂 修rred ιO,ο r ttθ ttι :o漏 :れ ιλ力bo“屁ds●ιO′αοc“ “ θれι3. 1. Work A. Contract and Work, Contractor acknOwledge3, and agrees,that ContractoF Shall, at its sole cost and expenge,pro宙 de,perfOm)and compleヽ )in th●●・ hher specined and descnbed, and upOn the terme and condittons set forth,in thi8 00ntract,●■●f the fo1lowb6 all ofwhich is herein referred to ae the TorkF: 1. Labor. Eouioment. Materials...e4d Suoplies. Provide, perform, atd complote, in the mann€r speciEed and descrlbeal in this Contract, all neceesary work, labor, senricee, transportation, equipment materials, supplies, information" data, and otber means and iteme neseseary for the Oa& Brook Bath & Tennis Club Tile Floor lnstallatioa Project as specified in Exhibit A attacbad hereto, at the Oak Brook Bath & Teanis CIub,8O0 Oak Bmok Road, Oak Brooh Illinois 60523 (Worh Site); 2. Permits. The Villap will furnish all permit8, licensee, and other governuaental approvals and authorizatio4s' necessary in connection therewithl 3. Inaurance. Procure and ftrrnish insurance certificates specifred in this Contract; 4, Taxee. Pay all applicable federal, state, ard local taxes; 5.MIscenan。。x.Do an other thingg required oFOontractor by this Contractt and al認滝蹴 争:宙 謝鰐轟量為1: manne■ cmsIBtent with the ttndard3 0f 縦 留 認 罵 』鶴 蹴 蹴 織hi and as requiredけ or pur8uant,"thi3 09ntract, and with the greatst economy, enciency, and ttedittbn ∞nsis"nt therewith,with Only new,undamaged,and 缶、t quanty equipment= mataials, and suppli●8. B・ n鹸 施ancei Sぬ ndards.Contractor acknowledgee aad agreee that all Work s.hall be fully provided, performed, and cornpleted in accordance rr"ith the Quote #&S907t1g4, dated Febnrary 28, 2019, attached hereto as Exhibit A. C. Regoonsibilitv {oq Paoaee.or Loss. Oootractor propoees, and agr€ea, that Contractor shall b€ responsible and liable fbr, and shall promptly and without charge to Village repair or replace, arry damage doue to, and, any loes or rnjuqr suffered by, the Vi]lage, the 'Work, the Work Site, or other property or peraonsr as a resultof theWork. D. Inspection/Testing/Reiection. Village shall have the nght to inspect a1l or any part Of the WOrk and" reJect a■or any part Of the Work that i3, In Vmage'8 驚燎 臨 協 節 tF瀧 電 織 驚 湯 胤 猟 織 and the Village,without hmiting it8 0ther五 ght8 0r remedわ s,mtt require corre∝わn or Fephcement at ContractOr:3 oOst, peFfOrm Or have pe満 nned all Work necessary to complete or αttTect all or any part Of the Work that is defectilve,damageと ol,onoonfoming and charge Contractor●4th any excess cost incurred thereb勇 or cancel a1l or any part of any order or tは 8 00ntract. WOrk 80 r●eCted may be retumed or held at COntractor8 oxpense and r18L 2. Contract PHce Contrac"r acknowledges and agrees that Contractor shali take in hll payment For all Work and Other inatters set fOrth under Section l above,induding overhead and prottt taxeS, ∞ntributions, and premiulnsi and compensation お all subcontractors and stlppliere, the compensation set forth below. A,SCHEDULE OF PHCES For pronding, p…ing, and ∞mpleing an Work,the total Contract Price of$4,729.55 TOTAL CONTRACT FRICD on W五 tino: Four Thou3and Seve■ HundFed and ttenty・ Nine Douars and Fifty.Fivo 00nts Only B. BASIS FOR DETElい 直かπNO PRIOES It i3 eXpreesly underst∞d attd agreed thaむ 1. All prices sttted in the Schedule of Prices are am and shall nct be subiect tO escalation or chan"ゞ 2,The Vinage i3 nOt Subiect tO btate or local sales, u80, and exclge tattes, that no such taX03 are included in the schedulo of Prices, and that au claim or五 ght to chim any additiα )al compensation by retson of the payment oF any such tax is hereby tvalved and released; 3.All other apphcable federal,state,and local taxcs of eve=F kind and nature appliclblo to the Work are included in the scheduo of Pices. C.TIME OF PAYMENT It is expressly understOOd and tteed that all payments shall be made upon∞xEpletion of the work and FInal apprOval by the Village. All payments may be subieCt to deductiOn or getor by reasOn Of any failure Of oOntractor to ∬甜礁鑑yЪ ぶL』鍵r‰ittLfT鍵 value ct and partia1 0r inal waiver8 01 lien coveHngr an work for which payment is then requested and OontractorlB certiication that all 譜:ぶ 認譜圭鶴遮1∬響胤驚貯1ぷ respect to which they were paid. 3, Oontract Tine Contractor adknOwledge3 and a"es that 00ntracbr 難鸞 螂 椰 絲 椰 灘鷲盤 識服 悪 嶽瀧驚聯 ぬaた 。臨 詰富織翼蜘繊:露 :atti=麗 9宙 dening the lninimum ins_nce Oo霧 ra=。s and hmit3 靴が響覆綸灘懇:為 撤測I 蹴譜翼ξ猟常量M、3∝…pLung the 網 TT器 胤 ftllげ 濁 駕 橘 驚 representatiOne and warranties set forth in SectiOr1 6 of thお Contract. “2 D. Penaliies. Contractor ackaowledges and agrees that Contractor shall be solely liable for auy fines oici"itpenalties that are impoeed by arry governmental or quasi-governmental age[f,y or body that may arise, or be alleged io hrve arigen, out of or in connecffon with Contractor'e perfotmance o{, or failure to perform, the Work or any part thercoL 5. FirmProposal All prices and other terms etated in thts Contract arefirsr and ghall not be subject to withdrawal^ eacalation, or change. 6. Coutraotof'e Repre.qentatious and War.ranties In order to induce tbe Village to accept this Coutract, Contracbor hereby represents and warrants as follows: A. The Work. The Work, and all of its oomponents,shall strictly conform to the reguireaente of this Contract, including, without limitation, the performance standards set forih ia Sub$cdon 18 of this erontract; and shall be fit, suffioient, and suitable for the puqpos€s expreseed in, or reasonably inferetl frou, [his ConA"ct and the warranties expresoed herein shail be in addition to any otber warranties arpressed or inplied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Village, B. Compliance w.ith Laws. The Work, and all of ite components, shall be provided, performed, and completed in compliance witb, and Coutractor agreee to be bound by, ail applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordero, rules, and regulatione, as they may be nsdified or amended &om time to time, inciud.iog without liuitatjon,if applicable, the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.0f et seq.; qny other prwailing wage lnws; any etatutes requiring preference to laborsre of specified classes; any otatutes prohibiting dissrimiration bscause of, or requiring affirmative actiou baeed oa, ra@, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, qr other prohibitBd classifisation; and any statutes regarding eafeby or the performance of the Work. Further, Gontractor shall have a written eexual harag8arent policy in compliancewith Section 2-106 of the Illiilois Huroatr Righrs Act during the course ofthe work. C. Not Barred. Contractor is not barred by law from contracting with the VilIage or w.ith any other unit of- state or local governroeat as I result of G) a delinquency io the payment of any tax adminigtered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless Contractor iscontesting, in accordance witb the procedures established by the appropriate Reverrue Actn ita liability for the tax or the amount of tax, as set fo*h in 66 ILCS6lll-42,1-l; or (ii) a violation of either Section B3E-3 or Section 33E-4 of Article 33 of the Criminal Code of 196I, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 er Beq. D. Qualifi€d. Contractor hag the requisite experience, abiliry, capital, facilitiea, plant, organizatiou,and staff to enable Coatrastor to perform -the Workeucce-ssfully and nromptly and ta commonoe andcomplete the Wqrk within the 0ontract price andContragt Time eet forth above. 1. AckropledBepsntg - In submitting this Contract, Contractor acknowledgeo and agrees that: A Roliance. The Village is retying oa aljwanantias, representationB, aiid statgnents made byContrastol in this Contract. B. Acceotanog, If this Contract is accepted,Oontractor shall be bouad by each and every teru, c.ondition, or provision contained in this Contract. C, Bems4ieq. Each of the rights and. rerredieereserved to tLe Villaee in this Clontract shall becunulative and adilitional ho aay other or furthorrdmediq provided iu Iaw or equity or in thie Cortract. D. Time. Time is of the egeanco ia the performance of ali terms and provtuione of this Coatragt and, exept where stated otherwiae ref,erences in this Cootrast L daye shall be conetrued to refer to caleurtar days and time. E. No Waiwr, No examination, inspection, invegtigatiorL tdst, measuremolt, review, determination, degfuion, certifirx,te, or approval by 6he Village, wbether before or after tha Villagek acctsptance of this Conhact;nor any inforoation or data supptied by the viltage, whether befote or aftsr the Village'q ,oeitao." of this Contract; nor 6ny order by tbe Village for tire payment ofhon€y; ]tot -anry paSrment for, 9r u8e, ps88gasion, or accsptaf,ce of, t}rc wbole or asy prt of the Work by the ViIIage; Eor any erileusiol of time grantedty.the Viilage; oor- auy delay by the Village in exerriaing aay right under thle Cortract; nor any other act or omiseion ofihe Village eball constitute or be dee-ed to ba an scceptance of any de{eotive, damaged, or noneonforaing Tgoik, nor operate to $aive or othenrise dininigh the effect of anyTepreee[tation of ivartanty made by Contractor; or ofany requiremsnt or prorisiou of thie Contracti or of any remedy, poweri or rfuht of the Village. F. Sevprability, It is hereby expressed to be theilteot of the partles to this Coutract tbat ahould anyprovisioo, @yenant, agreemeut, or portioo of this 9o."ITrt or-ite application to auy pergon or property beheld invalid by a eourt of competent jurisdictiqn,-the remaining provisions of this Coutract ind the ""Uaity,enforceability, and. application to auy person or prcpertyghall .not be impaired thereby, but the remainingproviaione shall be intorpreted, applid, and enforced aias to achieve, as nea! as may be,1Le purposeand intent3 ::」II:b見 1::iCt t° the greatest extent peFmitted by G, Amendments and MOdttGatioぃ 、No amendment or modiacationぉ this COntract shall be erective until it 調 a誂 縦1::胤 ぶ朧lf:篤 朧蹴ぽ鰭 applicablo statutory pr∝edures. H.A3Signment,Neither this Co戯 ct)nor any intettst herein)8hau be assigned or●ubcOn臨 cted, in whole or in part, by Conmctor except up。■ the priOr written consent ofthe Vinage. I. Ooverning Lawi Venue. This COntract 3hall be governed by,∞nstrued and enfOroed in acordance with the internal laws,but nOt the oon量 轟 oF laws rule3,Of the State of lllinoi3. Venue for any actim arising out Of or due to this Contract shall be in the.Oircuit court for DuPage County,11linOi8, J. Certil■ed Pavrolls、 COn"actOF shall, in accordance with Section 5 ofthe nlin。ls Prevaiung wage Act,820 1LCS 13075,submit to the fluage,。n a monthly ba8i、 a Certined Payroll, lif applicable. The ce」臣ied payrou shan con8iSt Of a cOEnplete∞py of those reCOras 盤 ,電 etl島 乱∫:撃 よキ:獣 L奥 酬 挽 路 電 statement signed by the COntractor or subcOntractOr which cert遺 os tha,(1)8uCh re∝出L are true and accuratei(a the hourly rate patd is “ t less= if appltable,than the general prevailing rate of houny wages required by the Preミ ミ ngヽ ほ絆 Act:and(3) Conttactor or subcontractor is awtt that EIing a ce■iaed payroll that he or she knows to be False is a Cla3S B miSdemeanor, A general∞ntractor may rely upon the certiflcation of a lo、er tier subcontractOr〕 provided that the general∞ntractor does not knowingly rely upon a suboontractoris falee certttcatiOn,Upon two businese daysl no■ce,OontFaCtOr nnd each subcontFaCtOr shali make available for inttpection the records required to be made and kept by the Act:O tO the villagel its o壼 おers and agents, and to the Director Of the mnOis Deparement Of Labor and his Or hers deputies and 稿計t盤 亀胤,鶴 an masonttL hOu鵬 戴a bcation l:lttl朧 富ぽl熟 懲=壼 Iぬ e pettrman∝Of L. Exhibits and Other A田 時em釦山 .If any∞nflict exlsts between thL A,に ement and any exhibit attached hに reto or any other Agreement between the parties relating to this traneactiO、the tem3 0f this Apeコ ent s職 避 lreVail. M.NO Dお dmure.of Oontdentid lnfOrmatiOn by the COn3ultant. The Congultant achOwledgeg that lt Shat in pJoming the SeMcesfOrthe ViLge under this Agreement, have accees〕or be dire(だ け or indirectly exp●sed,ゎ conndential lnformation。翻ほe Consultant shall hold cottdential al1 00nndential inf―atiOn and shall nOt disdOs0 0r use such Coddodttal lromation without the express p五 or W五 “ n COnsent dthe Village,The Oondtant sha■ ぃ。e reasonable tteastes at least as strict aS those the Consdtant uses to prouxん it8 υw3a COn■dential infon血 atio■ Su(お measures shall indude,∥thOutlimitation,requnng employees and subcontractor8 0f the 00n8utant to execute a nOn・ disdosure agreement befOre obtaining accese tO cOnide■tial lnfo`諄 atiOn.4 IN WrMSS…F the pr臨 8 heretO 露篤T雫 ″雰路Ь∫:品 中雌義 臨 晋師菖柵 YIIX,AGE Of OAE BBOQ& ar IItiDsi! uuaioipal corporettor Viilage Clerk lt5/rq/r1 AT EX田 BIT五 (Q1/OrE#Es9θ 7イ 94 DATED FEBRU■Ry2ら 2θ 」の6 (BB)DESiTTER FL00R:NG,lNC.lT:MBER COuRT STE 100 80L:NGBR00K,:L604404947 Teiephone:630‐771‐1420 Fax:630‐771‐1426 Qυ OTE Page OAK BR00K BATH AND TENNISAπN:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00Kl:L60523 ES907494 Extension OAK BR00K BATH&TENN:SAπN:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,:L60523 02/26/19 lnventory Style/1tem 630‐368…6422 Color/Description Quanlty Unls 86 8621F !NST T:LE‐3/16"GROUT JO!NT FL00R 383 00 SF.LP lnstallclient's own porcelain tile (20" x 20') STRAIGHT LAY -- in the Entrance Lobby, Main Foyer, and a large Closet. NOTE: Client will install nil wood bae boards in this closet - no more tile base. ALL TILE T0 BE INSTALLED OVER Mapelastic C! (Liquid Rubber Membraned) using 3/16' GROUT JOINTS. 8650 !NST WATERPR00F&CRACK 383 00 SF MEMBRANE lnstall Waterproof & Crack Membrane with 2 coats of liquid rubber and Fiber Mesh in between the 2 coats. MPUFl:W25 17 00 EA 1790 30430MAPE!ULTRA FLEX∥25 LB WHITEMORTAR -02′26ノ 19 Material: Service: Misc. Charges: Sales Tax: Misc. Tax: QUOTE TOTAL: 4:09PM― 734.86 3,994.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sales Representative(s): SAM PASQUALE STEVE DttS:TTER To the extent not prohibited by law, Customer shall pay DeSitter, on demand, all attomey's fees and expenses, expended by DeSitter, to obtain or enforce payment on sale to Customer. Customer Signature $4,729.55 Ship To Quote Number Sold丁o Quote Date PHi9AM-3PM PO Number 67025 {BB)DES:TTER FL00RING,:NC.lT:MBER COuRT STE 100 BOLINGBR00K,:L60440o4947 Te:ephone:630‐771‐1420 Fax:630‐771‐1426 Qυ 07E Page OAK BR00K BATH AND TENN!S Al~「N:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,IL 60523 ES907494 Extension OAK BR00K BATH&TENNIS AΠ N:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,lL 60523 02ノ 26ノ 19 inventory Style/ltem 630‐368‐6422 Color/Description Quanuty Unls 86 MORTAR FOR丁 ILE INSttALLAT10N, MPMAPELC135G MAPE:MAPELASTIC C!3.5 GALLON LIQUID RUBBER CRACKISOLAT10N 3‐5 GALLON MEMBRANE 2 00 EA 10890 21780 FIBERMESH 38"F!BERMESH 38" X75' 3'2"WIDE FIBER MESH FOR CRACKISOLAT10N APPLICAT10N. 125 00 LF 14375 TR100AS270 PROLiF!TEC L BEAD 3/8"SiLVER SAME 26 49 LF ALUMINUM 'L' BEAD METAL adjacent to where the new Cortec flooring will be installed in the Main Lobby AND at the entrance to the carpeted office as you enter from the closet. -02/26ノ 19 3311 Sales Representative(s): SAM PASQUALE STEVE DES:TTER Material: Service: Misc. Charges: Sales Tax: Misc. Tax: QUOTE TOTAL: 4:09PM― 734.86 3,994.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 To the extent not prohibited by law, Customer shall pay DeSitter, on demand, all attomey's fees and expenses, expended by DeSitter, to obtain or enforce payment on sale to Customer. Customer Signature ・S4,729.55 Ship To Quote Number Sold To Quote Date PH:9AM-3PM PO Number 〔BB)DESiTTER FL00RING,lNC. lT:MBER COURT STE 100 BOLINGBR00K,:L604404947 Telephone:630‐771‐1420 Fax:630‐771‐1426 Qυ 07E Page OAK BR00K BATH AND TENN!S Al~「N:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,IL 60523 ES907494 Extension OAK BR00K BATH&TENNiS Al~「N:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,lL 60523 02ノ26/19 lnventory Styleノ ltem 630-368‐6422 Color/Description Quanlty Unls 86 AEVT 100 820 SCHLUTER ALUM H:NGED REDUCER SAME 3/8" 3/8"HINGED RAMP METAL FOR FRONT ENttRANCE D00RS. 6 00 LF 3090 175 VINYL SNAP EDGE CPT‐CT 1/2 LEG BLACK #175 BLACK VINYL CAP BETWEEN丁 ILE IN CLOSET AND CARPET NOTE: Reuse the existing metal track. 4 00 LF IN THE OFFICE. 500 -02ノ 26/19 Material: Service: Misc. Charges: Sales Tax: Misc. Tax: QUOTE TOTAL: 4:09PM― 734.86 3,994.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sales Representative(s): SAM PASQUALE STEVtt DES:TTttR To the extent not prohibited by law, Customer shall pay DeSitter, on demand, allattomey's fees and expenses, expended by DeSitter, to obtain or enforce payment on sale to Customer. Customer Signature $4,729.55 Ship To Quote Number Sold To (BB)DESITTER FL00R:NG,:NC.l TIMBER COURT STE 100 BOLiNGBR00K,:L60440‐4947 Telephone:630‐771‐1420 Fax:630‐771‥1426 Qυ 07E Page OAK BR00K BAttH AND TENNiSAπN:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,IL 60523 ES907494 Quantty Unls Price Extension OAK BR00K BATH&TENNIS Al~rN:MARY LONG 800 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K,:L60523 02/26/19 lnventory Style/ltem 630‐368-6422 Color/Description 86 Floor Prep - Floor preparation (patching / smoothing of substrate flooring) if required, would charged at an additional rate of $55.00 per man hour plus materials. The amount of floor preparation (if any) cannot be determined prior to the removal of the existing floor coverings. Terms -- A one third deposit or a purchase order is required at the time of order with the balance due net twenty-one days from completion. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this proposal. lf you have any questions, please call us at (630) 771-1420 or on my cell phone at (630) 327 -7254. -02ノ 26ノ 19 Material: Service: Misc. Charges: Sales Tax: Misc. Tax: QUOTE TOTAL: 4:09PM― 734.86 3,994.69 0.00 Sales Representat:ve(s): SAM PASQUALE STEVE DES:TTER To the extent not prohibited by law, Customer shall pay DeSitter, on demand, all attomey's fees and expenses, expended by DeSitter, to obtain or enforce payment on sale to Customer. Customer Signature $4,729.55 Ship To Quote Number Sold To Quote Date PH:9AM-3PM PO Number EXIIBrr B (INSじRAⅣCE REQし りREMτ Ⅳrs, Certificates of Insurance shall be presented to the Village upon execution of this contract and vendor shall not commence work until it provides and receives acceptance of insurance certificates from the Village as required by this exhibit. Each contractor performing any work pursuant to a contract with the ViJlage of Oak Brook and each permittee working under a permit as required pursuant to the provisions of Title 1 of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances ofthe Village of Oak Brook ftiereinafter referred to as "Insured") shall be required to carry such insurance asspecified herern. Such contractor and permittee shall procure and maintain lor the duration of the contract orpermit insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or inconnection with the performance of the work under the contract or permit, either ty the contractor, permittee, ortheir agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A contractor or permittee shall maintain insurance with limits no less than: A. General Liability - $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injurv, personal injury andproperty damage; B. Automobile Liability (if applicable) - $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury andproperty damage; C. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability - Worker's Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of Illinois and Employer's Liability limits of $1,0b0,000 per accident. Any deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the Village. At the option of theVillage, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductible or self-insured retention as resfects theVillage, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Insured shall procure a bond guaranteeingpayment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and d.efense &p".r.". to the extent of suchdeductible or self-insured retention. The policies shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: D. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - (l)The Village, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds asrespects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of thu I.rrrr"d[r".oiffiwned, occupied or used by the Insured. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope ofprotection afforded to the Village, its offrcers, officials, employees, vtlunteers, or agents. (2)The Insured's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Village, its officers,offrcials, employees, volunteers and agents. Any insurance or ."U-irr.*urrce maintained by theVillage, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in excess of the Insured,sinsurance and shall not contribute with it. (3)Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not afflect coverage provided to theVillage, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents. (a)The Insured's insurance shall apply separately to each covered party against whom claim is made orsuit is brought except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. E. Worker's Compensation and Employer,s Liability Coverage The policy shall waive all rights of subrogation against the Village, its officers, officials, employees, 7 volunteers and agents for losses arising from work performed by the insured for the Village. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail has been given to the Village. Each insurance policy shall name the Village, its officers, offrcials and employees, volunteers and agents as additional Insureds. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no Iess than A: VII. Each Insured shall furnish the Village with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this provision. The certificate and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be on forms approved by the Village and shall be subject to approval by the Village Attorney before work commences. The Village reserves the right to require complete, certi-fied copies of all requued insurance policies, at any time. Each insured shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein.8