Outdoor Warning Sirens MaintenanceVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is dated as of the d* or OfrdCp,e 2018 (,,Agreement,), andis by and berween the VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, 1200 Oak Brook Road, Oak BrootlllinoE?0S23 an Illiiois municlpal corpoiation ("Village,), and BMNIFF COMMANICATIONS,INC., 4741 W. I36h Street, Crestwood,Illinois 60418 ("Consultonf'). IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the Agreement, and pursuant to the Village's statutory powers, the parties agree as follows: SECTION l. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Village retains the Consultant to perform, and the Consultant agrees to perform, all necessary services to perform the work in connection with the project identified below ("^seruices"), which Services the Consultant shall provide pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement: Annual Prcventative Maintenance for ($ Outdoor llarning Sirens from November 1, 2018 - October 3I , 2019 TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Consultant shall perform and complete the Services as mutually agreed upon between Vi I I age and Consultant (" Tlme of P erfo rmonc e' ). SECTION2. COMPENSATION. A, Asreement Amount. The total amount billed by the Consultant for the Services under this Agreement shall not exceed $2,240.00, including reimbursable expenses, without the prior express written authorization of the Village Manager. B. Taxes. Benefits. and Rovalties. Each payment by the Village to the Consultant includes all applicable federal, state, and Village taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar benefits and all costs, royalties, and fees arising from the use of, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. AII claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Consultant. SECT10N 3.REPRESENTAT10NS OF CONSULTANT. The Consultant represents and certifies that the Services shall be performed in accordance with the standards of professional practice, care, and diligence practiced by recognized consultants in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the Time of Performance. The representations and certifications expressed shall be in addition to any other representations and certifications expressed in this Agreement, or expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Village. The Consultant further represents that it is financially solvent, has the necessary financial resources, and is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform and complete the Services in a manner consistent with the standards of professional practice by recognized consultants providing services of a similar nature. The Consultant shall provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services. SECTION 4. INDEMNIFICATION: INSURANCE: LIABILITY. A. Indemnification. The Consultant proposes and agrees that the Consultant shall indemnifo and save harmless the Village against all damages, liability, claims, losses, and expenses (including afiorneys' fee) that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part thereof, or any failure to meet the representations and certifications set forth in Section 4 ofthis Agreement. B. Insurance. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the Consultant shall, and has a duty to, maintain adequate insurance, in an amount, and in a form and from companies, acceptable to the Village, The Consultant's maintenance of adequate insurance shall not be construed in any way as a limitation on the Consultant's liability for losses or damages under this Agreement. C. No Personal Liabilitv. No elected or appointed official, or employee of the Village shall be personally liable, in law or in contract, to the Consultant as the result of the execution of this Agreement. SECTION 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Relationship of the Parties. The Consultant shall act as an independent contractor in providing and performing the Services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant to, this Agreement shall be construed to: (l) create the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, partners, or joint venturers between the Village and Consultant; or (2) to create any relationship between the Village and any subcontractor of the Contractor. B. Conflicts of Interest. The Consultant represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (l) no Village employee or agent is interested in the business of the Consultant or this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neither the Consultant nor any person employed or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the Consultant shall at any time during the term of this Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement. C. No Collusion. The Consultant represents and certifies that the Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (l) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax, as set forth in Section ll-42.1-l et seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/l l-42.1-l et seq.; or (2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961,720ILCS 5/33E-l et seq. If at any time it shall be found that the Consultant has, in procuring this Agreement, colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation, then the Consultant shall be liable to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may suffer, and this Agreement shall, at the Village's option, be nulland void. D. Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Agreement at any time upon 15 days prior written notice to the Consultant. In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the Consultant shall be paid for Services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of the Services completed. E. Compliance with Laws and Grants. Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Services are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required governmenial permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited classification, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. $$ l2l0l et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/l-l0l et seq. Consultant shall also comply with all conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the Village or Consultant with respect to this Contract or the Services. Consultant shall be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quasi- govemmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with Consultant's, or its subcontractors, performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part thereof. Every provision of law required by law to be inserted into this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein. F. Default. If it should appear at any time that the Consultant has failed or refused to prosecute, or has delayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a rate that assures completion of the Services in full compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, or has otherwise failed, refused, or delayed to perform or satisry the Services or any other requirement of this Agreement ('Event ol Default'), and fails to cure any such Event of Default within ten business days after the Consultant's receipt of written notice of such Event of Default from the Village, then the Village shall have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equify, to (l) terminat€ this Agreement without liability for further payment; or (2) withhold from any payment or recover from the Consultant, any and all costs, including attorneys' fees and administrative expenses, incurred by the Village as the result of any Event of Default by the Consultant or as a result of actions taken by the Village in response to any Event of Default by the Consultant. G. Assisnment. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by the Consultant without the prior written consent of the other parfy. H. No$gg. All notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered: (l) personally; (2) by a reputable overnight courier; or by (3) by certified mail, return receipt requested, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, notices shall be deemed received upon the earlier of: (a) actual receipt; (b) one business day after deposit with an overnight courier as evidenced by a receipt of deposit; or (c) three business days following deposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a return receipt. Notices and communications to the Village shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 Attention: Jim Fox, IT Director Notices and communications to the Consultant shall be addressed to, and delivered at, the following address: Braniff Communications, Inc. 474t l36s Street Crestwood, Illinois 60445 Attention: Jeffrey M. Ryba, President I. Waiver. Neither the Village nor the Consultant shall be under any obligation to exercise any ofthe rights granted to them in this Agreement except as it shall determine to be in its best interest from time to time. The failure of the Village or the Consultant to exercise at any time2 :::ヽ ヽlIC12 ritl、:、、|,all,lol be defmcd or col,strt:oこ l as(1、ヾ()iVCr ●:::)31F:」1): :)、、r sha:i thc ibililre、ol(l oi a“tct thc Vill社 3●`、。:ll)| くI(ヽ :,stlitttniヽ right t()ol,lk)rcヾ st,CIi ri事 |,13 。r all卜 ' other i,=:)ミS 、手. Third Partv Bcnerlctarv. No cia::in as 3 third,ally ttncill:〔ttt undCr this Agκ cr,cn: 卜y any Pcison 薇ョn (、「 c■,pl〕rall()11、hail be ina`ic or b●、ali`83ni:lst thc Viliage K GOVCrFling Laws. 1.his A3rcennent and thc rigi、ts o「 1)'7)CI and (iollsuitati tildcl :1lis A3rceniC:'( Shali bc iin:じ :¬Prtiぜ d acctlrdi:18 1o thc intcl‐:lal l`1、,s, btit llot illc conllicI (::・ :tiヽ ■s rt1lCs.of il,c Strntc o「!∥il,olsi thc vcl、uc A)r ar:y icgal itti●:i ti・ iSi:ヽ 3 1n cく`1lnection νlth this A3)ecn`Cnt sI、all bc i!、 ポio(111ct::t(I(,ull oFl)ul'a3c Cou1lt).・ :llin()is tぉ じ、1111)its.11・ al●●Onllict cxists bcttccli ti)is Co:〕tract an(1(1:1卜 ゛`1`11ll attticI)せ ●l:,crct`,,tl,o(cr::ls ofl、is Cor〕truc: 、わな∥,1・ cva∥Iヽ1.No Disciて ,stire or Co.rlく lcntial in■)rlntlti()tl b、1卜 ● (}onsuita111. TI)o Consultant acknowied=さ 、ふ(11:I sI、こ::,i11 perfbH:linま :卜 c SCrviccs ior〔|:む ViHage t:nder:卜 is Agrcc:1lo:1: h=、c acccヽ 、, (,r bc dircctly ol indircctly c、po、ま1、 1() じ。nndenti.1 lnfbm、 ation_ The Constiltant slla:| ')oll ●ol、1ldel、:ial a:I Cottndc:】1lal I:llk)ranation and sha∥o(〉t disciosc or usc st,ch(:cnlldcntial lnlbH■aI:on、villloll:thc Cヽ prcs、Prirォ ヽ7itten conscnl ol'thc Villagc Thc Consul:ant sha∥ tバo ica、く,1la卜 lc F'lCaSill csユ l least as sirict =ふ thosc t卜 c CIc:1、、:ita:、1uscs to protccl its o、、n conlldential i:、lorr)、:tior: ヽこIcil linc■stiloS Shユ l: inciudc, withou: lilniteti()n. rcず 、1:ri:)= cinploycc、and subcontractors of:lle Consultant to l、cctllC a 11、)n・ disci`,surc ag:ccn,cnt bclk)re obtall,in3 acccss l() Col、1ldcotial inお rmatio● ``:rlこ 1,Rへ ヽ1ド FCOM Mし NICATl()ヽ S、1ヽ C. OAK 131く 00K EXHIBIT A “ gra´"″′#Л Zイ ‐θ,θ ′ "θ β滋″′α″う″′,2θ ′砂4 BRANIFF COMMUNiCAT10NS,lNC. 4741W 136TX ST,CRESTWOOD,ILL:NO:S 60418 VO!CE:(700)597‐3200 FAX:(700)597・ 3307 AGREEMENT NO.:PMA‐0501000BOuTD00R WARNING SiREN SYSTEM PREVENTAT:VE MAINTENANCE SERⅥCE AGREEMENT V:LLAGE OF OAK BR00K 10ノ 1/2018 □NttV tt RENEVVAL 1200 0AK BR00K ROAD ACREEMENT COVERAGE PEttOD llノ 1/2018-10/31/2019 CrrYOAK BR00K MttNTENANCEINSに 0■ONINIERVAL 図ANNUAL □OTHER □T&M tt AGREEMENT w「破 旺 CONTACTNAME I躍 梅 68-∞ 0`1臨_3685474 □NONE tt ADDENDUM A □ADDENDUM B:NSPLC:IUN REЮ RT CONTACI NAME 」:M FOX BRAN:FF COMMuN:CAT:ONS,INC:NSPECl10N RttPORT CONTACT C枷 却L JFOX@OAK‐BR00K ORG ADDRESS 4741 WEST 136TH STREET 凛ESTW∞D I「E I:翻 τ 墨 品 CE DE円 1鷲 597‐32001‰‐5973307 QTY MODEL DESCR:PT:ON AND S:TE LOCAT:ON PER UN:T EXTENDED400FEDERAL S:GNAL 2001 SERIES,AC/DC OPERATED,OUTD00R WARNING S:RENS COMPLETE W!TH ALL RELATED POLE‐MOUNTED S:REN MOTOR/RFCONTROLS AND ELECTRICAL D:STR:BUT!ON EQU!PMENT,:NCLUDING BATTERIES,AT THE FOLLOW!NC SiTE LOCAT:ONS: BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY CLUB 22NO AND ROUTE 83 1915 YORK ROAD SPRING ROAD&MADiSON $56000|$2,24000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT S2,240.00 PLEASE SEE REVERSE SiDE OF THiS DOCUMENT FOR TERMS AND CONDIT10NS OF THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CUSTOMER AGEMT / REPRESEMTATNE (PRINT MUE) SICNATυ RE DATE ‰“8‐ TER“S ANO CONDIT1011S “ ζ♀3艦 1臓 脱朧Fn t瞑 灘 譜淵よ鵠瑞『l盤 艦謡?躙 躙猥:拮 鷺れ]電 鮒曲 遭Ⅷ辟喘盤 WARNNO摘 裟雪儡纏鍔電鑑臓捨臨籠艦:冠 Tttξ ttNFF.he‐y agrees o mantain a""■∞equpmmt(the OuTD∞R9'“mOnlinc udhg the referencod andlor mached Addondum(3)begin“ngand endin9 0n lhe datos indk泊 led 勾ousToMER he‐yagces b payBMMFFい blal d a響 8謄 観器翻貯:轟 騎踊裁溜捜霊嵐嘗M、1轟 備 謝継 1報 器 飾 :蹄 慰 網 牌:翻 TSmd“Alce商 h∞S Wherel腱 ∞釘。帷門S 糀 ∥服[出 肥T:胤 聯脈:肥 鮮"° ま謂脳轟朧器鳳 認棚棚剛躙膿 署瓢 電蹴亀船∥騎留熾 CuSTOMElな 渇7躙 智評f出 腱 譜棚よ謬棚 爛酬職蹄 譜踏識臓譜職響蹴ょ辮 鵠 留棚as OminOd On Ourinspmoni…pecining 10 each silen "T“30‐e tO腱 "“―d"BRANFF hecunder鶏 1濡 柑t d Cpat懺 蹴 品‰蹴爛説肌r鷲 詔珊鰤 M鑑 棚 緯躙 l躙 鴫 総 器 n躙 鰍 jl躙 a鰤 臨 帥 m器 1譜 棚 総 躍 調 器 .研 鼎 i鳳 ::漁 駕 獣 i即 驀 警 画 椰 鼎 にU∞,¨u".Ю hに ua and疏 .1嗚 nalu口 ●∞ “ Lα 口OS On σ Other 鱚 薦墓理椰鸞晨鶴輔酬i糞 :欝 椰謡鸞theFlolott pald by cuSToMER in lespect or such Ofthe EOU!PMENT rc 珊 器 器 馴 溜 n淵 譜 腎 袢 縫 R冊 無 ぼ 濯 1露 .出 路 部 犠 鷺醐 湯「編 総 託 淵 翔 孵 73鵠 1望 鋼 昭oxbnd lo any dain fordama9os ansing m Ofinlurylo peson or p●po●diCCuy and"斑 malely“lmd bylhe EOulPMENTM情 機鮒褥 椰浦傭耐1榊 辮鞣懸j祠 麟su力 I●rk stols) 3)Any i●m oru"EOUIPMENT which ls not new or uttch has n"been sublectlo a naimenance 30rVL agreemem mth BRANIFF 鶉 常 梶蹴評露器厠騨管欄麗 思騰鶯暫品FWST° MERも 嘲 ““ a“画】 "o ope日 1鴨 cond田 ¨ “ ●e expenseげ lENT to oper31Ve cond bOn,“nenェ “ 。upon“date of nouce or suchtaa 10 cusTo~嘔R thO A9mmentshal beleminatu as tO such e●ulPMENT and the char9os hecunder equ■uy“tcOd such leminalon 温晰鮮鵠ittT進 盤語耀騨」認寵鵬 諦臨鳳調柵ぉ♀uST°唯R sha"yBmttF應 “∞mue“中sけ 螺欄鶉 ξ:懺 鮮i鮮 i鼎 態躙聯還I縦 蹴瑚緊恐習雹1窯 醐鼎器鑑 鵬:鵬 冨Ъ辮躙灘糧慰椰蹴爆螂癬勇驚鞘蹴淵i榊 願]instucoons being tuttshed by CuSTOMER regarding inopettNeor maruncl。●ng condibOns ofthe EOUIPMENT and possiЫ e causes thereof 悧“Ю繰蹴晰型『冬 ミ翻1離 詣鵠熙墓機鰹臨鸞窯i脳 熙鼎癬伊黒鳥h聰 製喘 理躍鸞謂譜常甜闇臨∥脱薯乱uch hsura“o sh訓 “Ы ed b and"趙 けbythe CuSTOMER ●roug““詭響∥〕眠 躙 i継 遇冨:ど 亀ξλ躍溜躙邸ふ:だ 翼淵謡」嚇酬調蹴 げ爾留記需品讐潔 鰤 器 誌 :も 3幹 さ雁 β S“・ n above se1 0Ⅲ輌 ind vuab any cOn“ “ or amngemenヽ o輛 ch CuSTOMERに a"Ⅲo「Whiい may“ 9M"he」よ調場棉野田:歌 電よ服11乱 !ヽ 鵬鍔T訛 ∥rel°m ttde α m panぉ 。峰"han訓 "ms d the EOUPMENT upOnO leminatel o「(1)by CusToMER upOn gi■ng BRANIFF■■tten ool ce l鸞 鼎 辮欄 脚 辮[椰 鶯 齢 爵憔 翻 見憮 癬 M、II 討騨∬躙朦朧報i乳 鰹批器糠都圏肇曝量朧f服 雷∬∫珊 Ψ祓 鶉 Tems Revision l‐●2012 ADDENDUM AAGREEMENT NO PMAЮ 501080BOUTD00R WARNINC SiREN SYSTEMPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT Al PREVENTATA′E MAlNTENANCE INSPECT10N INTERVAL ANO CClvERACE All A12A13 i*iry iF."ryI9! rSP"monl includes an annrial. opsite o.ev€otaliv€ mainlemn s inspectlon vish at 6sch of the (4) weming sirsn sitesin the Villag€ of Oak Brcok. ITlE*1"]I*-'i$"1T9ry_",_jndu(hs.all applic€blo trawl tim6 sssociared wirh tr|e on-site, prevenbtiv€ maintenence inspectons.rn aoooon io ule on_$le pGvemat\c mainlonSlrca insp€clion{s), Blaniff Communicatrons. lnc. shstt p.Dviro field s6rvic6 rBpair ln fhe ewnt:lSIlTgl f tt.*l"l dl.*vsred durins. rcsuFr monrhty resiiis of the systom or"r,"iini",ii tii$iri'"iri,"'i;;i;;dfi&;;;l; snan Espoftl lo sucn servbe r€quosts wilhin 72 hou6. v/6ather oermitfno. These EMiE .,"q.t hw mm.t u6... r1..* *---^,sha∥EspOnd tO such sery ce requesls Mtthn 72 hou、.鴨 ather to maintan the prapaEdness ol tlE semim st6tem, jnclude ell mlmr replacqn6nl p€rls such as ${iEhes, reteys. betts, fus€6, s€誦蠍焉[器 l消 蝠l響 購1ヨ 憾警 器鞘 榔 繭 鋼 孵 螂 蜆,FM Rece ver,Tone Decoderand Tiner Preventat~e Maintenance Service Agreement No PMA‐05101080B,Addendum Vliage oF Oak Brook including t}3 mpak Cusomer Agent′Repttsen●lve Vlllage of oak Brook A14 A15 鴻)lauelγ s●rage T譜 蹴峨響乳鷺網 :′器IB・ °k麒 滉蹴 温盤 Any r€quiGd ,eplacement parts, including Eplacement b€tledes, shall b€ fumished by Braniff Communi,:atons, tnc. sl a dlscounled 'ele of15% ofl flrblish€d llst price. Any popdolary psrts thal may be lequil€d, otlEr trten rE-s€ 1_a-nufaclyl! b!/, or udized by, Federat sigmt corroraton, may b€ avaltabtefor sal6 to the end'u6er only undel such cirurmslances, fre vttage of oar tirookiL """'iJ rii"nir cd,rr-tirto*, lrr". iri"iri",rrg ";ysudr applicable pad(s) as r€quired. ln lfE 6vent of Parl unsvailabllity due to prcduct obsolescence. Branifl communlca$ons, trc. shalt ditig€nty BJrsue the plDcu.Emenl ofeqdvelenl subslitne r€turtished, or us6d parl(s) to complete waming strsn squiprnenr repairlsl. unaer-cenjiri circrmser s, 6qu;ienisl,btltul€. r.furblsh€d. or used p6rts mey not b€ evaitaOti am ,epUoime,t coiifir*ms olffiircr smrr m quoreA. A3 A4 A2 A6 ↓壼縄鵬 硝魃 憾鮒騨繭 椰堀夕躙響肥 厠“°嘲9 A31 腕18ゞ Ю mammnce mspecuO“s■1∞ "綺 _l h accomance w th.as wel as doalmonled per.BttnF nspecuOn sch“uЦ ● SlRCN SYSTEM ACT!VAT10N CONTROL&STATuS MON「ORINC STAT10NSm蜘 醸藤醸翻嶽鸞碑轡動椰熙激孵晰 SERViCE LABOR RATES 轟 蠍舗選轟蘊[選灘轍i齢 烈\鸞 |[量 鷺鱗\∥驚 PARTS′MATERttL DISCOuNT AND PR∝υREヽ 嘔NT A5 A61 A62 A63 Branitr Communicatio 10/1/2018