20-05 Memorial Day Pre-Campaign FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5/8/2020 CONTACT: Ofc. Yager #70 This Memorial Day, Click It or Ticket Oak Brook, IL — Starting now and running through Memorial Day weekend, the Oak Brook Police Department is stepping up enforcement to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket.” “Our officers see firsthand the tragedies that occur when people do not buckle up,” said Chief Kruger “To put it simply, seat belts save lives. Please help us spread this life-saving message by encouraging your friends and family to buckle up every trip, every time.” Currently, Illinois has a 94.6% seat belt compliance rate. However, less than 50% of those who die in motor vehicle crashes were wearing a seat belt. Seat belt use typically diminishes in the evening hours from 6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. That’s why one focus of the “Click It or Ticket” campaign is nighttime enforcement. The Oak Brook Police Department will be taking a zero-tolerance approach. Whether day or night, unbuckled motorists will be ticketed and impaired drivers arrested. The “Click It or Ticket” campaign is administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation with federal highway safety funds. Released on 5/8/2020 @ 0900 Approved by JK – COP 20-05 ###