S-724 - 12/10/1991 - VARIATION - Ordinances*$Ziu*T AN ORDINANCE GRAIITING A VARIATION TROU TEE PROVISIONS OF sEqtIoN vII(r)(8)(c) or IEE zoNING oRDrlBNcE oF TEa VIIJAGE OP OAX BROON, REI,AUVE TO RE,AR YAND REQI'IRBUEITS (3O Ea}IILTOII rAnE ) I{HEREAS, an application has been fj-Ied requeEtl-ng a variation from theprovisions of Section VII(F)(8)(c) of the Oak Brook Zo;ing Ordinance, topermit the constru:tion of a singte-story room additton extendLngapproximately 6 feet into the required 3o-foot requlred rear yardJ and I{HEREAS, a public hearing on 6uch application has been conducted by theZonlng Board of Appeals of the village of oak Brook on November 5, 1991pursuant to due and appropriate legal notlcei and WHEREAS, a reco[unendation was made by the ZonLng Board of Appeala todeny the varj-ation requestedi and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities have reviewed the recornmendation andfindings made by the Zoning Board of Appeals and deem the granting of thevariation requested to be appropriate and Ln the be't interests of the pubrichealth, safety and welfare. No?t, TIISREFoRE, BE rr oRDATNED BY THE PRESTDENT AND BOARD oa rRusrEEs oF THE VITIAGE OF OAK BRooK, DU PAGE AND cooK coI,NTIEs, ILLINOIS a3 follows: section 1r That the provisions of the preamble hereinabove set forthare hereby adopted as though fully aet forth herein. section 2: That a variation is hereby granted flom the provLsions ofsection VII(F)(8)(c) of the zoning ordinance of the Village of oak Brook ao asto permit construction of an addition, extending approxLmately G feet Lnto the3o-foot required rear yard, provided that the addLtlon lE constructed l-nsubstantial conformlty with the Dlneneion Slte Sketch, a copy of rdhich lsattached hereto, Iabelled "Exhibit A", and hereby made a part hereof. Section 33 That this Ordlnance is limited and reEtricted to the Property known as 30 Hanilton Lane, Oak Brook, IL, which propelty iE legallydescribed as follows: i\ri-l/q!tqu RECORDIR DU PAGE COU,'ITY oRDINANCE s- 724 clDaC30 PH l,t5 Lot 384 in Brook Forest Unit 6, belng a subdl_vision of part ofSection 27, Township 39 North, Range 11 East of the ThirdPllllcipal Meridian, ln Dupage county, IL. permanent parceL No. <-- _ 06-27 -2O7-OOS .--.. IS 4 Ordinance S- 724 Granting a Variation to a Rear Yard 30 Hamilton Lane Page 2 Section 4: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage and approval pursuant to law. PASSED THIS 10th day of December 1991. Ayes: Trustees Krafthefer, Payovich, Skinner and Winters Nays: Trustees Bartecki and Shumate Absent: None Abstain: None APPROVED THIS 10th day of December 1991. 4altzo Village President ATTEST: h Vill age Clerk Approved as to Form: CCc L-c C,z, , Village Attorney Published Date Paper Not Published XX a:mxwh.ord DIMENSION SITE SKETCH BROOK FOREST UNIT 6, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF ;ECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST RD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF KECORDED FEBRUARY 9, 1970 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER IN DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 1f Gf 9- G0 v 385 y tt A/O. 10' s A.: , a/ / /moo• p Oc 0 STpQy/ i 5 ,, 9. Y Yto%z ;. c 39 e in ir to I•: •: S po iY b' . O / ao, N• l .h;fib, ,a C 0 fro 383 EXHIBIT "A" t