R-1913 - 11/10/2020 - LIBRARY - Resolutions ITEM 6.C.1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING VILLAGE OF SAMUEL E. DEAN BOARD ROOM OAK B R� , K BUTLER GOVERNMENT CENTER nolect1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 630-368-5000 AGENDA ITEM Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of November 10, 2020 SUBJECT: Revision to the General Policy for the Oak Brook Public Library FROM: Jacob Post, Head Librarian, and the Library Commission BUDGET IMPACT: Forgoing approximately$3,000 a year in fines. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that the Village Board approve and pass Ordinance 2020 LY-R-1913, An Ordinance Adopting A Revision Of The General Policy For The Oak Brook Public Library. Backiiround/History: The Library's General Policy is reviewed and/or revised as needed by the Head Librarian and Library Commission. It was most recently reviewed at the October 19, 2020 Library Commission meeting. The Commission voted unanimously to update the policy. The revisions include grammatical changes and an update of the fines/fee structure. The update includes no longer charging overdue fines on items returned late. The General Policy was last updated on June 12, 2018. Fine-Free Circulation Model For the last couple of years the Library has been closely following the trend in libraries to have a fine-free circulation model. Then because of the current pandemic,the Library was able to test the model thanks to a change in SWAN's operations. SWAN changed their operations to support a fine-free model to promote safety and better customer service. Benefits • Fines prevent patrons from using and returning to the library. Patrons may feel embarrassed or unwilling to pay overdue fines and may cease visiting the library or simply not join the library because of this barrier. BOT AGENDA Page 1 NVG • Fines disproportionately affect families and children.Because families tend to check out many more books than adults, fines add up much more quickly. This creates a barrier to access which is counter to the library's mission of encouraging youth literacy engagement. • Contrary to popular belief,a lack of fines does not mean patrons will delay returning materials. In fact,patrons are often more comfortable returning materials when they know they will not have to deal with paying overdue fines. • Processing overdue fines and reports and managing daily money transactions takes away from valuable staff time which could be repurposed into actions to serve patrons better. • Patrons will still be held responsible for replacement costs of damaged or lost materials. Once materials are 14 days overdue,accounts will be suspended until materials are returned. If items are not returned after 42 days of being late,the patron is charged for the replacement of the material. Other Factors of Interest • Before the pandemic 24 of the 97 SWAN libraries had a fine-free model. Many more libraries are now similarly considering a permanent adoption of the model. • The Chicago Public Library is fine-free. • The Library will continue to provide revenue to the Village in non-resident library cards, printing and copy machine usage,and the fees from lost and damaged items. • Patrons have appreciated the library currently being fine-free. • Providing patrons a benefit during trying times will gain the Library and Village goodwill. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Village Board approve Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY- R-1913, An Ordinance Adopting A Revision Of The General Policy For The Oak Brook Public Library. BOT AGENDA Page 2 THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COOK AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION 2020-LY-R-1913 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing The Revision to the General Policy for the Oak Brook Public Library GOPAL G. LALMALANI, Village President CHARLOTTE K. PRUSS, Village Clerk JOHN BAAR PHILIP CUEVAS MICHAEL MANZO MOIN SAIYED EDWARD TIESENGA ASIF YUSUF Village Board Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook on this the 10th day of November, 2020 ORDINANCE 2020 LY-R-1913 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A REVISION OF THE GENERAL POLICY FOR THE OAK BROOK PUBLIC LIBRARY WHEREAS,the Village Board of the Village of Oak Brook passed Ordinance 94-LY-E1- S-778 entitled,"An Ordinance Adopting a General Policy for the Oak Brook Free Public Library" on August 9,1994;and WHEREAS,the General Policy, (hereinafter referred to as, 'Policy"), adopted in 1994, requires the Head Librarian and Library Commission to review that Policy as needed and was last modified on June 12,2018 and codified as Ordinance 2018-LY-EX1-S-1 539;and WHEREAS, the Library Commission and Head Librarian recommend revisions in the section in the Policy pertaining to Library use and user responsibilities. WHEREAS,the attached revisions have been approved by both the Oak Brook Library Commission and the Head Librarian;and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK,DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES,ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: The revision of the Policy,a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A,is hereby approved and adopted in its entirety. Section 2: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this ordinance in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Section 4: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 5: The attached revision to the Policy supersedes the General Policy adopted by this Board June 12,2018. APPROVED THIS 10th day of November,3020. Gopal G.Lalmalani Village President Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 2 of 8 PASSED THIS 101 day of November,2020. Ayes: Trustees Baar,Cuevas,Manzo,Saiyed,Tiesenga,Yusuf Nays: None Absent: None ATTEST: c e �+� Charlotte K.Pruss Village Clerk CDUNT� Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 3 of 8 Exhibit A Library General Policy With Revisions Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 4 of 8 OAK BROOK PUBLIC LIBRARY GENERAL POLICY I. MISSION STATEMENT The Library's mission is to promote the development of independent,self-confident and literate citizens through the provision of open access to cultural,recreational,intellectual and informational resources. II. GOVERNANCE The Oak Brook Public Library is established and maintained by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook under the Village Library Act(75 ILCS 40).The Board of Trustees appoints Library Commissioners according to law(75 ILCS 40/2)and employs a professional library administrator known as the Head Librarian.The Board of Trustees approves all policies developed by the Library Commission and the Head Librarian. III. USE OF THE LIBRARY A. Hours and Holidays Under normal circumstances Oak Brook Public Library is open during the following hours: Monday through Thursday 9:30 am--9:00 pm Friday and Saturday 9:30 am--5:00 pm Sunday(between Labor Day and Memorial Day weekends)1:00 pm--5:00 pm Oak Brook Public Library is closed on holidays set by the Village of Oak Brook. B. Supervision Requirements for Children The Library is a public facility and Library staff cannot assume responsibility for the supervision,safety and entertainment of children except within the limited context of defined Library programs.This responsibility must be borne by the child's parent,guardian or designated caregiver. Children under the age of 8 must be under the direct supervision of a caretaking adult at all times. Children age 8 through 10 may not be left unattended at the Library for more than one hour.Children age 11 through 14 may not be left unattended at the Library for more than three hours. C. Unattended Children The Library is not responsible for unattended children.If a child is left without a ride at the Library's closing, Library personnel will contact the Oak Brook Police Department to provide assistance. IV. LIBRARY CARDS AND BORROWING PRIVILEGES A. Definition of a Valid Library Card An Oak Brook Public Library card is valid when it conforms to the following conditions: 1. It is registered with the holder's correct name and permanent address in the Library database; 2. The outstanding charges against the holder do not exceed$20.00; Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 5 of 8 3. There are no outstanding long overdue materials checked out; 4. The card has not expired;and 5. It is issued to the person in possession of the card. B. Library Card Application Requirements Oak Brook Public Library issues cards free of charge to: 1. Residents Anyone residing within incorporated Oak Brook.A photo ID and proof of residency is required at the time of application for a library card.Post office boxes are not acceptable as proof of residency.A parent/guardian signature is required on applications for cards for children under the age of 18.The parent/guardian must sign the registration card in person at the Library and may use his/her identification for his/her minor children.Resident cards are valid for three years.Proof of residency is required for renewal of library cards. 2. Property owners Library service shall be provided free of charge to an individual owning taxable property within Oak Brook.This privilege shall be extended to only one person(the first applicant) for each parcel of taxable property.Identification and proof of ownership is required at the time of application for a library card.These cards are valid for one year.Proof of ownership is required for renewal of the library card. 3. Local businesses The LibraFy Rtakes Library cards are available to local businesses under the following conditions: a. The business must have a physical office located within the incorporated limits of the Village of Oak Brook and may not be a post office box or virtual office. b. An authorized agent of the business must supply a copy of their lease or property tax bill.The business is responsible for any everduee item charges that accrue on the account.The card FA 1611 148 FOROMIGGI RRRua#y is valid for one year.This authorized agent must name any and all approved users for the business card. c. The library card is issued in the name of the business. 4. Village employees Village of Oak Brook employees ay register for a staff card that is valid for one year. . Non-resident cards:available for purchase to: Non-residents are defined as persons with a residence with an Oak Brook mailing address in unincorporated Oak Brook who are not served by a different public library. aearesidARt Gard The fee for this card is determined by the Village of Oak Brook Board of Trustees according to the formula set forth by the State of Illinois.This card is valid for one year. C. Borrowing Privileges Holders of valid Oak Brook Public Librarycards are granted borrowing privileges,program participation and the use of all services offered by the Library.Oak Brook card holders also receive reciprocal borrowing privileges at cooperating libraries,subject to Library and consortium policies and procedures. Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 6 of 8 If a borrower returns an Oak Brook Public Library item to another library,the borrower remains responsible for the item and any late fees accrued until it reaches the Oak Brook Public Library. D. Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges Reciprocal borrowing privileges at the Oak Brook Public Library are extended to a holder of a valid Illinois public library card whose clear record can be verified and who holds a card issued by a library that subscribes to the Reciprocal Borrowing Code.A reciprocal borrower receives the same services as a resident card holder,with the following restrictions: 4. May net plare helds; 2. Does not receive interlibrary loan services; 3. Cannot reserve the Meeting Room. V. LIBRARY MATERIALS A. Loan Periods Loan periods and renewal policies for the various item types are set forth in circulation procedures. Materials borrowed through interlibrary or direct loan are subject to the restrictions placed by the lender. Oak Brook Public Library reserves the right to limit quantities of item types.Beaks May 1919 F81419Wed OA'*AA f Rat AR held f9F 8149thAF IAAF B. Fees aad Fiaes The Library does not charge overdue fines The following it fees and shargesare established: Nonresident cards Determined annually by Illinois State Law Replacement Library card $6,005200 Returned checks Determined by the Village Finance Department Interlibrary loan transactions Determined by the lending institution R901%,POFiedFisals,CDs,kits $0.1 Q DI-19s,Videe games $1.nn The FRAXiFRUM fiAA f9F 8AY 9YBFdUS t6FA AhAll Rat AKGeed 4:2 times the da!�'G%WdWS f96.items 42 days D. Lost or Damaged Material Items that are lost or damaged will result in a fee equal to the cost of the item,plus a$5.00 processing fee. Items 42 days overdue are considered lost and are billed accordingly. E. Invalidated Library Card Cards for borrowers accruing charges of$20.00 or more are invalidated until the fwes/fees are resolved. Parents/Guardians'cards are invalidated when their child accrues$20.00 or more in outstanding fines/fees. F. Overdue Notices Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page 7 of 8 A maximum of two notices are sent to borrowers by email,phone,text or regular mail to seek return of Library materials.Items not returned within 42 days of the due date are considered lost and billed to the patron. G. Returned Checks Any Library user whose check is returned for any reason will be charged a returned check fee at the rate set by the Village Finance Department in addition to the amount of the check. VI. LIBRARY USER RESPONSIBILITIES A. Presentation and Authority of the Library Card A Library user must present his or her library card at the time of each borrowing transaction.The library card holder is responsible for all materials borrowed on his or her card. Parents/Guardians are responsible for lost,damaged or overdue materials borrowed by their children under the age of 18. B. Lost Cards Lost cards should be reported to the Library as soon as possible.Card holders are not held responsible for items borrowed on a card after the card has been reported lost. The replacement fee for a lost card is $a99`'7 00 C. Respect for Library Environment Library users are to behave in a manner suitable to a public library,a place where people come for reading and quiet study.The safety and comfort of all people in the Library is important. Library users are expected to respect all Library property and to use all furnishings, equipment and collections with care. No smoking is allowed in the Library.Eating and drinking,including alcoholic beverages,are allowed at the discretion of the Head Librarian in conformance with all applicable statutes and Village Policies and Ordinances. Running is not permitted in the Library.Proper attire which includes shoes and shirt is required at all times. To provide a generally quiet atmosphere,Library users must converse in low tones and turn off or set on vibrate cell phones while in the main area of the Library.Cell phones and other audible devices may only be used in the lobby. D. Computer Use Rules for computer use are set forth in the Computer Use Policy. E. Personal Property Library users are responsible for their personal property in the Library.Oak Brook Public Library takes no responsibility for personal property lost or stolen on the premises. Bicycles,skateboards,sleds and other sporting equipment are not allowed inside the Library building. F. Library User Behavior Ordinance 2020-LY-POLICY-R-1913 Adopting Revision to the General Policy Page a of a Patrons will behave in an appropriate manner that does not infringe upon the productive use and enjoyment of the Library by others or interferes with Library operations.Behavior prohibited may include,but is not limited to: 1. Showing disrespect or being abusive to staff; 2. Shouting or raising one's voice,throwing items or cursing or threatening anyone; 3. Refusing to follow Library policies and procedures; 4. Sleeping in the Library; 5. Having body odor that is disturbing to others;and 6. Being inappropriately dressed or having bare feet. G. Suspension of Privileges Individuals who fail to abide by these rules or other regulations of the Library may have all Library privileges suspended immediately and may be asked to leave the Library premises by the Head Librarian or the staff member in charge. The duration of the suspension of privileges will be determined and the privileges that are suspended will be specified by the Head Librarian,in accordance with 75 ILCS 5/4-7(11).Any individual with a grievance regarding suspended privileges may request that the Library Commission review the decision at its regularly scheduled meeting. VII. GIFTS A. Acceptance Criteria The Head Librarian reserves the right to accept or decline gifts of equipment,materials or money to the Library.Responsibility for appraisals and evaluation of donated materials belongs to the donor.The Oak Brook Public Library will supply an acknowledgment that a gift was accepted. Once accepted, gift equipment or materials become the sole property of the Library.The addition or disposition of gift equipment or materials shall be made according to the criteria set forth in the Collection Management Policy and Exhibits and Special Acquisitions Policy. B. Acceptance Limitations The Head Librarian reserves the right to accept or decline gifts not exceeding$2,500.Gifts in excess of $2,500 shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Manager. VIII. REVIEW OF POLICY This policy shall be reviewed,reaffirmed or revised periodically by the Library staff and the Library Commission.This policy and all subsequent revisions are subject to approval by the Village of Oak Brook and the Board of Trustees.