20-11 Holiday CampaignFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 12/9/2020 CONTACT: Ofc. Yager #70 This holiday season, stay off the naughty list: drive sober Oak Brook, IL - The Oak Brook Police Department is partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation and law enforcement throughout the state for a high-visibility enforcement campaign to crack down on impaired driving during the winter holidays. From Dec. 18 to Jan. 4, motorists will see an increase in patrols and traffic stops, along with additional messaging on the dangers of driving impaired. “During this season of caring, let’s remember to extend our goodwill to fellow motorists,” said Chief Kruger. “The best way we can do that is by making a commitment to drive sober and thereby help ensure that we all make it to our destinations safely.” The Oak Brook Police Department would like to recommend these safe alternatives to driving impaired: •Plan for a sober ride home. Designate a sober driver, take public transportation or use a ride- sharing service. •If you see an impaired driver on the road, pull over and dial 911. •If you are with a friend or family member who intends to drive impaired, take their keys away and arrange to get them home safely. •Always buckle up! It is your best defense against impaired drivers. The Illinois Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign is administered by IDOT with federal highway safety funds managed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. ### Approved by: JC - DC KY#70 20-11