R-1986 - 01/11/2022 - POLICE DEPT. - Resolutions ITEM 6.E.8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING VILLAGE OF SAMUEL E. DEAN BOARD ROOM OAK B R921'K BUTLER GOVERNMENT CENTER 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 630-368-5000 AGENDA ITEM Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of January 11, 2022 SUBJECT: Agreement with ILACP for Interim Police Chief Services /s FROM: Greg Summers Village Manager BUDGET SOURCE/BUDGET IMPACT: 611-76700/$1,100 Per Month RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve Resolution 2022-PD-AG- INTCHF- R-1986 to approve the agreement with the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police to provide Interim Police Chief services and authorize the Village President to execute the agreement on behalf of the Village. Background/History,, The current Police Chief has submitted his resignation after ten years of service to the Village; his last day in the office was Wednesday, December 29, 2021. Since there is a current shortage of available staff to perform Interim or Acting Police Chief duties, it is recommended the Village Board approve a professional services contract with Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police to provide for an Interim Police Chief from outside the organization. The professional services fee for the Interim Police Chief placement is $1,100 (10%)per month based upon the negotiated $11,0000 monthly fee with the interim candidate. Recommendation: Staff requests the Village Board approve Resolution R-1986, and authorize the Village President to execute the attached agreement. BOT AGENDA Page 1 THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COOK AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION NUMBER 2022-PD-AG-INTCHF-R-1986 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE (INTERIM POLICE CHIEF) GOPAL G. LALMALANI, Village President CHARLOTTE K. PRUSS, Village Clerk LAURENCE HERMAN MICHAEL MANZO JAMES NAGLE A. SURESH REDDY EDWARD TIESENGA ASIF YUSUF Village Board Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook on this the 11 th day of January, 2022 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-PD-AG-INTCHF-R-1986 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK AND ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE (INTERIM POLICE CHIEF) WHEREAS, the Village of Oak Brook is a municipal corporation with authority provided for and granted pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code to exercise certain powers and perform certain functions pertaining to its local government and affairs; WHEREAS, the Village of Oak Brook (hereinafter referred to as "Village") upon approval of the corporate authorities may enter into an Agreement with another party pursuant to Illinois Statute; WHEREAS, due to the recent resignation of the Village's Police Chief the Village desires to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with a company in order to temporarily fill the position while the Village considers and interviews candidates to fill the position on a full-time basis; WHEREAS, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (hereinafter referred to as "Association") provides various types of services within the public safety sector including but not limited to the ability to provide certain support services on a temporary basis; WHEREAS, Association provides or has provided highly qualified and competent individuals for the position of Police Chief by and through its Linebacker Program for numerous police departments throughout the State of Illinois; WHEREAS, the Village is interested in contracting with Association for the purposes of providing a candidate to serve as the Village of Oak Brook Interim Police Chief; and WHEREAS, the Village of Oak Brook Corporate Authorities are of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the Village of Oak Brook to enter into an agreement with Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police for the purposes referenced herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois as follows: Section One— Recitals The Corporate Authorities hereby find that all of the recitals hereinbefore stated as contained in the preamble to this resolution are full, true and correct and do hereby, by reference, incorporate and make them part of this resolution as legislative findings. 2 Section Two—Approval of Agreement The Village hereby approves the Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof collectively as Exhibit A. Section Three—Authorization and Direction The Village President is hereby authorized to execute, and the Village Clerk is hereby authorized to attest the Agreement, substantially in the form of such agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A, with such changes therein as shall be approved by the Village Attorney and the officials of the Village executing the same,their execution thereof to constitute exclusive evidence of their approval to any and all changes or revisions therein from and after the execution and delivery of such Agreement. Section Four- Other Actions Authorized The officers, employees and/or agents of the Village shall take all actions necessary or reasonably required to carry out and give effect to the intent of this resolution and otherwise to consummate the transactions contemplated herein, and shall take all actions necessary in conformity therewith including, without limitation, the execution and delivery of all documents required to be delivered in connection with the transaction contemplated herein. Section Five - Authorization of Expenditures The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize and direct the expenditure of all costs related to the execution of the Agreement, additionally, the Village is authorized and directed to allocate and spend all necessary funds to fulfill the requirements of the Agreement and of this Resolution. Section Six—Waiver of Bidding Process To the extent that any requirement of bidding would be applicable to the transactions contemplated hereunder, the same is hereby waived. Section Seven - Acts of Village Officials That all past, present and future acts and doings of the officials of the Village that are in conformity with the purpose and intent of this resolution are hereby, in all respects, ratified, approved, authorized and confirmed. Section Eight— Effective Date This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Section Nine - Publication This resolution shall be published in book or pamphlet form as provided by the Illinois Municipal Code. 3 Section Ten —Conflict Clause All resolutions, parts of resolutions or board actions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section Eleven— Saving Clause If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this resolution is declared by a court of law to be invalid or unconstitutional, the invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the validity of any other provisions of this resolution, which are hereby declared to be separable. Section Twelve— Recording This resolution shall be entered into the minutes and upon the journals of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook. APPROVED THIS 11th day of January, 2022. Gopal G. Lalmalani Village President PASSED THIS 11th day of January, 2022. Ayes: Trustees Herman, Manzo, Reddy, Tiesenga, Yusuf Nays: None Absent: Trustee Nagle ATTEST: GE OF i 04'k \NI eg© Charlotte K. Pruss ® Village Clerk .p �O 4 Exhibit A Agreement 5